Events at Edburton, Newtimber, Pyecombe, Fulking

Dear all Friends of St Andrew’s Edburton

  •  Please come and join us at our Annual Harvest Festival Service next Sunday, October 18th at 11.00am. As in previous years there will be a picnic following the service giving us all a chance to socialise in our beautiful church. This costs £6.50 and must be ordered in advance – all further details are in the attachment, and we hope you will be able to come. Click on this link for details.  Edburton Harvest Festival
  • Traditional Songs of the Sussex Downs and Coast is the title of a concert at Newtimber Church next Saturday – further details of this are on the benefice website
  •  On OCTOBER 29th,  at 2.30pm in the Village Hall, there is a talk by Leonard Holder on Selina of Sussex who lived at Perching Manor Farm at the turn of the last century. Please read the attachment for more details of what promises to be a fascinating talk. Admission is free and donations are invited towards the Village Hall Fund.  Click on this link for details.  Selina of Sussex 1818-1886
  •  There is another Downland Celebration on November 14th in Pyecombe Church when therre will be talks, music and refreshments. Click on this link for details.Pyecombe Downland Celebration
  • Our Annual Quiz will be held on November 27th at Preston Nomads’ Pavilion Fulking. There will be more details about this later – but tables of four, at £7.50 per person, are already being booked, so if you would like to join us email or phone 07812-465-559


  • Our ‘Thought for the Month’ Calendar for 2016 – please see attachment for more details. This features some of Graham’s lovely drawings so if you haven’t yet bought a calendar for next year please consider buying ours. If you want more details, or would like to buy directly from us, email or phone as above. They are also for sale at church services throughout the benefice. Click on this link for details. calendar description

We hope to see you at some of our happenings and events – if you want to come for the Harvest Picnic please could you let us know by Thursday night – Friday is shopping day.

With all good wishes from the PCC at Edburton
