Author's posts
Aug 23
Starting School – September 2017
Was your child born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013? If so then he or she is eligible to start school in September 2017. The application process for children due to start school in September 2017 will begin on Monday 3 October 2016. West Sussex County Council no longer sends individual letters to …
Aug 23
Raising Funds for Holy Trinity Church. Poynings
There is a simple way to raise funds for our local church at no cost to you! Shop online via and retailers (from John Lewis to Thomson Holidays) give a donation to your charity of choice, and Holy Trinity Church Poynings is listed on the website as a cause to support. It’s easy: Go to , …
Aug 20
Nothing to do after the Olympics? Then come along to Poynings Fun day on Bank holiday Monday. Are you as good as the Olympic runners or table tennis players, time to find out! There is a table tennis table to find out, or you can be a number one runner. POYNINGS FUN DAY Mon 29 August …
Aug 19
Pondtail Wood Weekly Update Bulletin – 19 August 2016
SDNPA A ‘For Sale by Auction’ sign went up adjacent to the entrance gate on Wednesday 17 August. The agent is Barnard Marcus. Their website states the next auction will be on Monday 12 September, at Grand Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5DA and details of the sale will be available …
Aug 17
Ping Pong Funds
So far, £390 has been raised so that the youngsters (and the not so young) can have a permanent all weather Ping Pong table in the village. Many thanks to all those who have donated J Keep going though so that we can raise the £3,000 needed for a base that will conform to all …
Aug 17
Produce sale for Church
Don’t forget to donate produce for the sale at the top of Mill Close. Don’t waste your excess plants, fruit or vegetables. Just leave them on the stall. Of course, you may not have any, in which case, get down there and buy some J £30 has been raised for the Church so far.
Aug 16
Shed Break in
Old School House in Church Lane, Newtimber had the shed broken into on Sunday 14th August, they levered open the lock. There was nothing much in it so nothing was stolen but probably best to make sure your sheds are secure and keep a look out for anything suspicious.
Aug 12
Fulking Book Sale
Monthly Book Sale in the Chapel in Fulking Sunday – 11.00 – 4.00 Come and browse Loads of holiday reading
Aug 12
Pondtail Wood Weekly Update Bulletin – 29 July 2016
SDNPA Confirmed there was no change to previous condition nor any activity. Key dates Stop Notice was served on the 13th June 2016 and took effect immediately. The Enforcement Notice was served on the 13 June and should have taken effect on 12th July 2016. This effective date is suspended due to …
Aug 11
Vivace concert at Newtimber church
St. John the Evangelist church, Church Lane, NEWTIMBER BN6 9BT. Invites you to come to a concert by the VIVACE ! CHOIR, on Saturday OCTOBER 8th.2016 at 7.30pm. They gave a fine concert of varied music last year and we are very glad that they are now returning. Light refreshments and a drink will be …