Category: Church

Poynings Village Hall Trust AGM

24th March 2025 at 6.30pm Agenda Welcome Trustees Report. Treasures Report. Election Of Trustees. Future Running of The Village Hall. (Set up a Working Party with all interested parties.) Future Events and possible hiring opportunities. Future Dates.

A Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving for All Souls

Saturday 2nd November 2023, 6.00pm Holy Trinity Church, Poynings You are warmly invited to join us for The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, a service traditionally held at All Souls time.  At this service, we remember before God those whom we love but from whom we have been separated by death, whether recently or …

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Newtimber Church Heritage

This Saturday July 13th (tomorrow) 10.30 – 12.00.Come and hear about the interesting heritage of the beautiful 13th Century Newtimber Church.   Listen to various talks about its history. Have a chance to ask questions and network with a view to taking things forward. Refreshments available from 10am.

Village Hall

As villagers, you may be aware that the Good Start Nursery School has had difficulty recruiting pupils over the last few months. Natasha ,the owner, has therefore sadly made the decision to close the school from the end of the Summer Term. Although the current nursery is only operating from Monday to Wednesday for 32 …

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Lenten Study Group

You are welcome to join the Lenten Study Group this Wednesday evening in the upper room of The Royal Oak in Poynings, from 6.30pm until no later than 8.30pm. We will be discussing the bible readings that we will hear in church on the following Sunday.  

Poynings Bat Hunt

Join us for an evening of fun finding and identifying bats.   For more information, read the post. 

Pyecombe Flower Festival 2023

Saturday 22nd July 2023 11am – 4pm and Sunday 23rd July 2023 11am – 4pm For more information click here, or go to


Firstly can we take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, healthy, hopeful and peaceful 2023. As we write the Church has been transformed into a theatre, ready for the village pantomime  ‘Snow White and some Dwarves’, it is a reminder what a great space our church is. There have been 2 funerals since our …

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Mid downland Parish Christmas Services

For details Click here or contact 

Christmas Fayre at Adastra Hall Hassocks on Saturday 26th November.

Our 4 churches are running a gorgeous Christmas Fayre at Adastra Hall Hassocks on Saturday 26th November. Do come along and do some Christmas Shopping! Also, please could you let me know if you are able to help set up or help run a stall for a couple of hours. Help needed from 9.30 Also, …

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