Pot Holes

Velocity by name, fast, low-carbon response by nature in fight against potholes

Innovation continues to be explored by West Sussex County Council in its fight against an age-old issue: potholes. The Velocity road patching system is being deployed proactively to treat areas of carriageways even before routine inspections have highlighted issues.

Results half-way through a six-month trial with Velocity have been impressive, with:

  • More than 1,100 separate repairs in three months
  • A total of approximately 5,500 square metres of patching, or just under five square metres per repair.

How Velocity works:

  1. High-velocity air is used to remove all dust and debris and open-up cracks at the bottom of the pothole to ensure a solid, stable repair
  2. A cold bitumen emulsion is forced into every crack and crevice under pressure, sealing it and making it water-tight
  3. The operator switches on the aggregate mix, which is fired at high velocity through a nozzle, evenly coating the granules with bitumen emulsion and building up the waterproof seal, with no joints
  4. If required, the aggregate mix is compacted with a “wacker plate” and the repair is traffic ready – far faster than by traditional methods, reducing the time needed for traffic management.

Velocity managing director Dominic Gardner said: “There’s no excavation, no waste, often no need for road closures, and repairs are ready to drive on in minutes. The repairs cost a third of the price of traditional techniques, and because there’s no heat involved, it’s also exceptionally low on carbon emissions.”

Joy Dennis, County Council Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, witnessed the Velocity patcher in action and commented: “It was impressive and can be used both proactively and reactively. Officers are continually looking at innovation in the fight against potholes and, working with our contractors, exploring lower-carbon methods in maintaining the highway.”

Peter Walsh, Area Director for Balfour Beatty, said: “As the provider of highway maintenance services for West Sussex County Council, it’s rewarding to see our collective teams investing in better ways to deal with the challenge of potholes ahead of inspections and with the aim of improving the experience for all road users.”

Fixing potholes is important, but the County Council also has an ongoing, £17million programme of investment in  roads and footways across West Sussex. It represents one of the biggest investments in the county’s highway infrastructure in the last decade and includes a significant number of road resurfacing schemes: resurfacing a road produces a smoother surface, reducing road noise and increasing resilience to potholes – a longer-term solution to pothole issues.

Free Defibrillator Training – Poynings Village Hall

TUESDAY 5 October 7pm     

Free defibrillator and CPR training.

Henfield Area Response Team provided our defibrillator in 2017.

It is time have or renew our training.

To book a free place please go to:


BOOK NOW! (so we have an idea of numbers)

You can donate to their funds at the training, or any time at:


St Andrew’s Harvest festival

 Our next service at St Andrew’s Edburton is the HARVEST FESTIVAL  October 3rd at 10am

Following the service we will be providing a  ‘Bacon Butty Brunch’  to eat in the pews after the service (donations welcome)

Please come and join us for our Harvest celebration which is always a happy social occasion

We will also be holding our famous Harvest Raffle (cash payment)

 Phone 07812-465-559 or email StAndrewsEdburton@yahoo.co.uk

to order your Bacon Butty and buy Raffle Tickets

For more details click here



Book sale – Village Hall Sunday

The Book Nook is open on Sunday 12th September from 11am-4pm.
Always an everchanging selection of bargain books.
Supporting St. Andrew’s Church, Edburton

Mid Downland Parish Church Walk

Each year Sussex Historic Churches Trust invites people to visit our county’s historic churches, on foot or by bicycle, and to raise sponsorship to enable them to make grants towards their care. In 2009 we received an award of £20,000 towards the restoration of the east window of Holy Trinity.

On Saturday 11th September, some of us are walking from The Transfiguration, Pyecombe to St Andrew’s Edburton, calling in at Newtimber and Poynings on the way. You would be welcome to join in; we will be departing from Pyecombe church 8.30 a.m.

For more information Click here

Poynings Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held on the Village Hall on Tuesday 14th Sept 2021 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. MSDC and WSCC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for June 2021 and July 2021
  7. Planning applications
    Glebe Cottage. The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ
    Exterior Oil Boiler as replacement for internal oil cooker/boiler.
    b. Aviation House. The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ
    Part demolition of light industrial building etc
    c. Dyke Golf Club Devils Dyke Road Poynings BN1 8YJ
    Installation of 2no additional water tanks, concrete bases and fencing around the tanks.
  8. Fireworks night
  9. HGV sign
  10. Bins left out
  11. Passing place
  12. Cemetery trees removal
  13. Defibrillator training
  14. Items for next month’s Agenda
  15. Date of Next month’s Meeting

    Clerk to the Council
    Mr Colin Warburton
    Tel: 01273 857024

Stoolball at the Cricket Club

A select village team will take on the cricket club at a game of mixed stoolball on Sunday 12th starting at 1pm.
Drinks and BBQ will be available, all welcome.         

Stoolball dates back to at least the 15th century, originated in Sussex. Possibly as far back as the 11th century. It is said that milkmaids invented the game and used milking stools as the wickets, hence the name stoolball.


Due to unforeseen circumstance. The Poynings Parish Council meeting has been postponed to Tuesday 14th September 2021.    
The Agenda will be posted later this week.    
Mr Colin Warburton.    
Clerk to the Council

Poynings Picnic

Monday 30th August 2021 from 2-4.

Poynings Church


Devil’s Dyke quiet crafters raise the climate stakes with creative ‘gentle protest’

Sunday 29th August 2021. 3.30pm to 5.30pm.

When most people think about taking part in a climate change protest they might think of going on a march, youth strike or even sitting on a busy road. A group of locals from Fulking in the South Downs have taken a more unusual approach by using their handicraft skills to share their concern about climate change with the community and send a warning message to local MP Andrew Griffith that the Government needs to do more and faster to protect our home from global warming.

Laurence Teillet from Fulking and group members have used their sewing skills to create a small handmade yellow canary each to gift to Andrew Griffith to urge him to use his position to push for stronger and faster action to tackle climate change locally, nationally and encourage our Government to act as bold hosts of this year’s UN climate change summit, known as COP26, taking place in Glasgow in November. This crucial meeting of world leaders will be an opportunity for the UK to be seen as leading the way in creating a cleaner and greener future for all.

The ‘Canary Craftivists’ as they’re known, even donned yellow canary outfits and spent time quietly creating their handmade canaries in public at the top of Devil’s Dyke in the South Downs.

The group have taken inspiration from yellow canaries because they are small and sensitive little birds yet in the past they quietly helped warn miners of dangerous pollution such as carbon monoxide with miners treating them as valuable colleagues not unkind enemies. In the same way the Craftivists hope that their little canaries and images of them sitting quietly in small ‘flocks’ in the local area will gently warn and help remind their MP and the Government about the urgent dangers of global warming and encourage them to take more and faster action to tackle this pressing issue.

The Craftivists believe climate campaigning doesn’t have to always be big, loud and disruptive to have impact and suggest that gentle and quiet craftivism (craft + activism) can play it’s part to show the widespread concern about climate change from diverse audiences including introverts, shy people and people who love to craft.

Laurence Teillet, the Craftivist Coordinator of this ‘flock’ happening on Devil’s Dyke said:

“ I have been visiting the South Downs for many years and I am now lucky to live in this beautiful part of the country which I love so much. This action is to gently remind people that our National Park is fragile like the rest of the planet. We need to tackle air pollution and global heating together now so we can boost our own well being, and leave a safer, cleaner and greener place for the future generations”.

The ‘Canary Craftivists’ campaign is part of a nationwide initiative run by the Craftivist Collective, who use handicrafts as a tool to do a form of quiet, kind and attractive activism that they call ‘gentle protest’.

This year the UK has a particularly important role to play to address climate change as it’s hosting the COP26 UN climate summit in November. This meeting, hosted and overseen by Boris Johnson and the UK Government, will be a key moment where world leaders negotiate how they will reduce emissions to protect the environment and stabilise the climate.

As the first country in the world to industrialise, the UK has pioneered and shaped the world as well as contributing to the creation of climate change. This year the UK Government has an important role in bringing world leaders together to agree a way forward that will help, not harm, the world.


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