Jen Green’s linocuts are now available from the online shop Etsy. This year has been hard for artists, with almost all exhibitions cancelled, but the signs are that that online art will prove popular in the run-up to Christmas…


My linocuts include South Downs landscapes including Fulking and Poynings, and also seascapes and wildlife. If you order through Etsy and live locally, I can hand deliver and refund you the postage, or alternatively I may well be able to supply a mount for the print.


Check me out on: https://www.etsy.com/shop/jengreenartstudio/


You can email me direct: jengreenuk@yahoo.co.uk. You can also find me on instagram, https://www.instagram.com/jengreen56/




Applications now open for the Micro Business Grant Scheme 2020/21


Sussex District Council is offering grants to micro businesses in the district to fund projects that will support their growth. The scheme has proven successful in previous years, with over 40 businesses supported through the scheme in 2019/20.

The Micro Business Grant Scheme boosts the local economy by encouraging sustainable business growth and supporting micro businesses in the District.

The scheme is open to any Mid Sussex business with less than 10 employees and that has an idea for a project that will support their business growth. In addition to funding for growth projects, a further £1,500 is also available for any micro business looking to hire an apprentice.

“Mid Sussex is one of the strongest and most resilient local economies in the country and we are committed as a Council to support businesses and economic growth,” said Councillor Stephen Hillier, Cabinet Member for Economic Growth

“Mid Sussex District Council has set aside £72,000 for The Micro Business Grants Scheme. We aim to encourage and support local businesses to grow within the current business climate and develop new ways of working in the future. We are committed to ensuring small businesses owners have every available opportunity to grow, thrive, and develop their business.”

The Micro Business Grant Scheme is available to businesses looking to:
–    Reach new customers

–    Increase the number of employees

–    Introduce new products and services

–    Improve business premises

–    Improve business productivity.

For more information on eligibility criteria, the application process or to apply online, visit www.midsussex.gov.uk/licensing-business/micro-business-grants/

It is important to note that the Micro Business Grant Scheme is not connected to the financial support currently on offer to businesses that are struggling due to COVID-19.

The Government is currently offering grants to businesses that are legally required to close because of lockdown measures. To apply visit www.grantapproval.co.uk.

Mid Sussex is also awarding £300,000 in grants to local businesses, community groups and voluntary organisations affected by the coronavirus pandemic. To apply visit www.midsussex.gov.uk/licensing-business/corporate-grants/

Pyecombe’s Virtual Christmas Shop

Opens 16th November – 13 December
Christmas gifts etc


Portraits, Paintings, Prints

Village discount for Christmas

Please email: duncanallanart@gmail.com

Or visit www.duncanallan.net


Kerbside collection service for small electrical items

MSDC, in partnership with our contractors Serco and the ‘Recycle your Electricals’ campaign, will be launching a new kerbside collection service for small electrical items and household batteries from week commencing 23 November.

This service will reduce the need for Mid Sussex residents to transport their small electricals to another location and reduce the likelihood of them entering the residual waste stream via household rubbish bins. To support the service, our current collection vehicles have been modified with the installation of a small cage (on the near side) to keep these items separate on the collection vehicle.

Our current lockdown means we will be proceeding with a softer launch to avoid overwhelming our collection crews with small electrical items as more people stay at home over the coming month. The collection service is not currently available to residents with communal rubbish collections.

Communications for the service will be delivered as follows:

  • 9 November- 20 November- bin hangers advertising the service placed onto black wheelie bins
  • 9 November onwards- small scale social media advertising, focusing on a ‘little and often’ message; website made live
  • 23 November- Advertising panels installed on vehicle fleet

A leaflet that will be available on MSDC website from 9 November onwards. The dedicated page on our website will also outline the service for residents, including a collection checklist and answers to frequently asked questions.

Any questions please email wastematters@midsussex.gov.uk

Kind regards,

Emma Dawson

Waste & Recycling Communications & Project Officer

650 Soup day

Unfortunately, due to the lockdown the soup day has had to be cancelled for tomorrow.

Bringing Christmas Home’ to Mid Sussex


Christmas will be very different this year and Mid Sussex District Council’s ‘Bringing Christmas Home’ campaign aims to support local traders and has a strong community focus.


The new ‘Bringing Christmas Home’ campaign celebrates our communities and our local businesses, with a clear message that it can still be a magical experience. Despite the changes we hope it will bring a renewed focus on our communities, home-based Christmas traditions, simple pleasures, a slower pace and time well spent.


The first strand of the campaign will support our local traders. Until the shops re-open we want to help residents find inspiration among the unique and amazing companies we have here on our own doorstep by promoting the online, ‘click and collect’ and home delivery options of our local businesses. Businesses can add their details to our brand new www.midsussex.gov.uk/bringingchristmashome webpage and then shoppers can search for special local goodies and support traders and their staff by buying local.

“With the recent news of further lockdown it is an understandably worrying time for residents and local businesses,” said Councillor Stephen Hillier, Mid Sussex District Council Cabinet Member for Economic Growth. “We ​have been doing all we ​reasonably can to ​support our local economy and details of grants and funding are on our website.”

To further support local traders we are pulling together online information highlighting the fantastic range of products and services available on our doorstep in Mid Sussex. I’d urge traders to add their details and shoppers to visit the site to help support our local shops and their workers.”

The second strand of the campaign emphasises the ‘home’ element. Lockdown has also seen many of us baking, crafting and generally “making”. The campaign is encouraging residents to share stories and Christmas traditions, whether that’s trimming the tree, cooking, baking, making decorations or frosty walks in the countryside; how will you be ‘Bringing Christmas Home’? You can share your stories on Twitter at #bringingchristmashome


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held online using Zoom software on Wednesday 11th Nov 2020 at 7pm.
Contact the clerk for login details prior to the meeting.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. MSDC and WSDC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for Aug 2020 and Sept 2020
  7. Planning applications
    a. The Gatehouse. Ref. No: SDNP/20/04130/DCOND
    DISCHARGE OF CONDITIONS – Condition 3, 4, 7 and 9 of Planning Consent
    b. Pondtail Wood Muddleswood Road. SDNP/20/01731/FUL
    Planning application for the erection of an agricultural building.
    Application withdrawn
    c. Downmere Farm Mill Lane Poynings- (Pre Planning) SDNP/20/03099/PRE
    To become an Equine Assisted Learning Centre for Sussex
    c. Punnyngs Folly. The Street Poynings SDNP/20/03125/HOUS
    Side Dormers and Conversion
    d. Wilton House (Non-Material Amendment) SDNP/20/03137/NMA

    Removal of the 300x300mm corner column to the patio doors

    e. Shepherds Hey The Street Poynings SDNP/20/03346/TCA
    Portuguese Laurel – Fell
    The Royal Oak Inn, The Street, Poynings
    33% reduction on 1 no. Norwegian Maple (T1) and reduce the height by 1.8m on T2 (Ash and Sycamore), T3 (Norwegian Maple) and T4 (Sycamores).
    g. Southdown View The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ
    Notification of intention to prune overall by 2m on 1 no. Beech tree.

  8. Community fibre project update
  9. Covid help update
  10. Co-opt New councillor
  11. Item’s for next month’ s Agenda
  12. Dates of Next year’s Meetings

Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton
6 Poynings Road
BN45 7AP

01273 857024

Free School Meals

(and support if you are struggling to make ends meet)

In my capacity as one of your district councillors, I wrote to the Leader of Mid Sussex District Council asking the District Council to support the County Council in the provision of free school meals during the school holidays.

In his reply to me, Cllr Ash Edwards has asked me to share the details of the West Sussex Community Hub.

Any family who is struggling for food should contact the Community Hub for support. It is open 7 days a week from 8am-8pm either by phoning 0330 0222 7980 or via www.westsussex.gov.uk/covid19communityhub

The Hub is not just for those with children or those who receive Free School Meals, but for anyone who is struggling right now.

I can be contacted on alison.bennett@midsussex.gov.uk and will do what I can to help.

Alison Bennett





 A casual vacancy exists in the Office of Councillor for Poynings Parish Council.

A by-election to fill the vacancy will be held if, within 14 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays) TEN electors of the electoral area give notice in writing claiming such an election to the Proper Officer.

The Proper Officer is: Tom Clark, Returning Officer,
Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands,
Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS

Email: elections@midsussex.gov.uk

If no such notice is given the Parish Council shall fill the vacancy by co-option.
Dated: 20th October 2020       Signed: C. Warburton                                                                                                                                       Parish Clerk

Address of Parish Clerk:
Colin Warburton
Hideaway Cottage
Poynings Road
BN45 7AP

Tel: 01273 857024

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