Parish Council Meeting

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Poynings Parish Council Meeting has been moved from the 2nd July to the 9th July.

The Agenda will be posted nearer the time.

Kind Regards,

Colin Warburton
Clerk to Poynings Parish Council

01273 857 024
07941 460 582

Grant available for silver Sunday 2019

Mid Sussex District Council is offering grants of £250 to help local groups host fun events for older people as part of Silver Sunday 2019.

Silver Sunday is a national celebration of older people and their contribution to communities. This year Silver Sunday is on 6 October and Mid Sussex District Council is encouraging local people to show their support by organising an enjoyable activity for people over the age of 65.
The Council is offering grants of £250 to any group that would like to organise a Silver Sunday event. The offer is available to all, from large charities right through to small community groups who would like to show their appreciation for their older neighbours.

Silver Sunday is a special day in the national calendar when everyone can come together to celebrate older people: a day where older people feel valued and are given new opportunities to get out, keep their minds and bodies active, learn new skills, make new friends and connect with the communities and generations around them.
The opportunities for Silver Sunday activities are endless. Dance lessons, a theatre trip, museum tour or simply a coffee morning, a Silver Sunday event really can be anything as long as it brings older residents together.

To apply for a grant simply complete an online application form at and submit it by Saturday 3 August June 2019.
For further information contact Regina Choudhury, MSDC Community Development Officer on 01444 477495 or email

Pyecombe Fayre and Flower Festival

Pycombe Festival

Revised Café opening times

New café opening times are

Fridays 11am -5pm

Saturdays 1pm -7pm

So not open this Wednesday 26th June.

Many thanks Sheila

Poynings Church Fete

Thanks to a fantastic turn out from Poynings villagers and beyond and despite the awful weather, and also thanks to all those hardy folk who helped set up and run the Annual Village Fete, we raised a stonking £2186.81, which will go towards the upkeep of Holy Trinity Church.

Added to which, we would like to add our thanks to the local businesses who donated to the raffle –



Saddlescombe Farm

Grains of Gold, Brighton

Grange Farm


Shards of Glass, Fulking

The Royal Oak

Sue & Mark Lee

The Shepherd and Dog

Silver – stained glass

Sayers Common Community Shop

Many thanks

Duplicated emails

Hi all

Sorry about the last email, I forgot to stop the software and it went out automatically!!


Parish Council Vacancies

We have had some interest in the two Poynings Parish Council Vacancies.

So that we don’t miss anyone, let me know if you wish to be considered, before the 4th July.
Shortly after this date, everyone who has put their name forward will be interviewed and a decision made at the next meeting.

If you have any questions about the role let me know, or contact one of the Councillors.

Kind Regards,

Colin Warburton
Clerk to Poynings Parish Council

01273 857 024
07941 460 582

Poynings Village Fete

Calling all Villagers


We are seeking help at the tea room – selling ice creams – on the till – collecting cups and saucers –


Please contact Nigs at 01273 857298 or if you can spare a couple of hours on Saturday.

Don’t forget it’s the village Fete this Saturday!

Also, please support the Village fete by donating a bottle for the Tombola (from Shampoo to Champagne) plus home made cakes, chutney, plants and books. There will be a doorstep collection on Saturday 8th June from 10am onwards for bottles for the bottle tombola. Plants and cake donations can be taken to the Rectory gardens on the day from 8.30am.

Poynings Parish Councillor Vacancy

Poynings Parish Council has a vacancy for two Councillors and is looking to Co-Opt shortly.

If you wish to express an interest, please contact me ASAP.

Kind regards

Colin Warburton
Clerk to the Council

6 Poynings Road
West Sussex
BN45 7AP
Tel: 01273 857024

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