The Downland Churches
Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton
St John the Evangelist, Newtimber
The Transfiguration, Pyecombe
May 2015
Sunday 3rd May Easter 5
10 am Family Service Poynings
11 am Family Communion Edburton
Sunday 10th May Easter 6
10 am Holy Communion Newtimber
6 pm Evening Service Pyecombe
Thursday 14th May Ascension Day
7.30 pm Holy Communion Newtimber
Sunday 17th May Easter 7
10 am Holy Communion Poynings
11am Family Communion Edburton
Sunday 24th May Pentecost
10am Holy Communion Pyecombe
Sunday 31st May Trinity Sunday
10am Holy Communion Newtimber
Morning and Evening Prayer each week
At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings
At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)
At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber
Evergreens (for the over 60’s)
Monday 11th May, 3.30 – 5pm at Downside, Fulking
(home of Charmayne and Harry Diamond)
Saturday 23rd May David Roberts and Marilyn Simon
Friday 29th May Marie Hollywood and Harry Morgan
Saturday 16th May Annabelle Florence Dinham Poynings
Saturday 30th May Alice May Lamb Pyecombe
Other special events and dates this month
- The Family Service at Poynings on 3rd May will NOT be followed by Holy Communion as it usually is – please go down to Edburton for 11am if you wish to receive communion in the Benefice on that day.
- Plant Sale at Pyecombe on EITHER Saturday 9th May, if the weather is fine, when it will be held in the churchyard OR Sunday 10th May in the church if Saturday is wet. 2-4pm either day.
- Deanery Synod will be held on Weds 13th May at St Francis Church Hassocks at 8pm.
- On Friday 15th May we will be launching Downland Messy Church in the Hall at Fulking from 4.30-6pm. Come and join in the fun, and bring the family.
- Sunday 24th May is Pentecost Sunday. Apart from our own service, all are invited to St Edwards Church. Burgess Hill for a special praise service at 6pm.
- Newtimber PCC on Tuesday 26th May at 7.30pm at Rectory Cottage.
- Puppet show and workshop at Newtimber Church on Weds 27th May (during half term) from 2.30-4.30pm.
- ‘Pimms and Hymns’ is on Sunday 31st May at Edburton Church at 6pm – come and enjoy your favourite hymns!