Downland Churches August 2015

The Downland Churches

Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe

               August 2015

Sunday 2nd August                 Trinity 9

10 am Family Service               Poynings

followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion

11am Family Communion        Edburton

Sunday 9th August                  Trinity 10

10 am Holy Communion           Newtimber

6 pm Evening Service               Pyecombe


Sunday 16th August               Trinity 11

10 am Holy Communion          Poynings
11 am   Family Communion     Edburton

Sunday 23rd August               Trinity 12

10 am Holy Communion           Pyecombe

Sunday 30th August               Trinity 13

10 am   Holy Communion        Newtimber

Morning and Evening Prayer each week

At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings

At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)

At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber

(for the over 60’s)

Monday 3rd August, 3.30 – 5pm at Manor Farm, Poynings (Carol and Maurice Revell’s home)

Thanksgiving for Birth of a Child

Sat, 1st August           Orin William Sorrell               Newtimber

Special events and dates this month

    • Verge Sale for Newtimber Church 2nd August Muddleswood
    • Hymn Choosing Mon 17th August, 2pm at The Rectory.
    • There will be a meeting to plan the autumn programme for ‘Messy Church’ on Tuesday 18th August from 12 to 2pm.

      September dates for your diary:

    • Wednesday 2nd September at 11am, Sue’s Open Garden at               Pangdean, with a light lunch – please let Ian Currie know if you can be there (01273 841670).
    • Study Groups will be starting in September, for 6 weeks from Weds 9th September. We will be using the Pilgrim Course which is based on our baptismal promises – this first series of 6 meetings is entitled ‘Turning to Christ’. Please note the dates in your diary – meetings will as before be held in both the afternoon and evening. Fliers available soon with more details. Lively discussion of some key issues is anticipated! At the Rectory.
    • A further course will run later in the Autumn for the Deanery led by Caroline to which all are welcome. This will cover different types of Christian Spirituality, and has been written by The University of Chichester with the Diocese. Look out for details, and how to book

Clergy contact details:

Tel 01273 857456
Revd Graham Jeffery (mainly Edburton) 01273 494559
Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge