Ash tree disease impacts West Sussex

Ash dieback (ADB) is a devastating disease that has the potential to kill over 95% of West Sussex ash trees over the next 10 – 20 years. As nearly 21% of all broadleaved trees in West Sussex are ash, this would have a major impact on the county’s landscape, wildlife and habitats.

Although there is no treatment, a small percentage of ash may be resistant to, or tolerant of, the infection. Survivors can be used for breeding tolerant ash trees for the future.

The County Council is working with district and borough councils, other organisations, and land owners to take a coordinated approach to mitigate potential health and safety risks. There is likely to be further selective felling of ash trees and reactive work this summer. Phase 2 of the highway survey for ash trees is also underway. This will help to prioritise inspections.

For more information visit the West Sussex County Council website


If you own woodland which contains ash you should be aware that:

  • Markets for lower grade timber are available which may help reduce the cost of felling; and,

For further information on managing your woodland please contact your local Forestry Commission Woodland Officer:

Julian Williams (Chichester, Arun, Worthing, Adur, Horsham, Crawley) or Matthew Smith (Mid Sussex)

Please be aware that under the Forestry Act 1967, a licence is required to fell most trees. Details of how to apply for a licence and any exemptions which may apply are outlined in the Tree Felling – Getting Permission document.

Finally, please do not panic! Whilst the safety of trees is always the responsibility of the landowner, the requirement under health and safety legislation is to have a suitable and sufficient risk assessment, and to apply measures that are reasonable and practicable.

More on this and the duty of care is in Common Sense Risk Management of Trees, from the National Tree Safety Group. Also see Forest Research  for further advice on the identification of ADB and how to report it, and the Arboricultural Association for directories of registered consultants and approved contractors.