
Author's posts

National Park Local Plan

Messsage from South Downs National Park Following my email on 24/02/2014 I am writing with details of the National Park Local Plan Options Consultation Document and the Preliminary Draft Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule.  These two consultation documents will be out for public comment from Friday 28th February till Wednesday 30th April (23:59 hours).  …

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Volunteers Needed

  Sussex Resilience Forum, Sussex Police, East and West Sussex Fire and Rescue services, South East Coast Ambulance, Local Authorities and other agencies are preparing an exercise to test the responding agencies to an incident in Sussex this year.  This will be a large exercise and we require a number of volunteers to help the emergency services, local …

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Happy Hookers

Just to remind you – Happy Hookers will be meeting again at the Royal Oak Poynings, this Thursday, 27th Feb from 8pm!  Whether experienced or beginners, come along and join us for a relaxed, chatty, crafty evening. I will have some extra hooks and spare wool if you would like to give it a try. If …

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Mayfields Market Town update

Read about the potential flood threat from Mayfields ‘Market Town’ on the LAMBS website: THOUSANDS OF HOMES COULD BE ‘WIPED OUT’ BY NEW DEVELOPMENT

Better Connected Broadband Website

Please be advised that there is now a new website to help promote the benefits of better, faster broadband and therefore giving people information about what is happening and where. A key feature is the interactive map which details activity by exchange area. As the network is being developed,  we will update the map to …

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Sussex police Neighbourhood Watch

Burgess Hill Neighbourhood Policing Team Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin Where are your officers this week? For your local officer’s contact details, information about local events and meetings and actions being taken regarding your priorities click on your ward below: Keep even more up to date with what’s happening in your local area here: Crime Update If …

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Film Night

To be shown in Poynings Village Hall Friday 21 February 2014 8pm Free Admission A new film – released on 7 December 2013 ‘The Truth behind the Dash for Gas’ This is a documentary concerning oil and gas exploration which may have an impact on this area     Presented by Mike Airey

Mayfield Market Town

PLANNING BLIGHT IS ‘A FACT OF LIFE’ according to Lee Newlyn, one of the directors of Mayfields Market Town.  Please do buy the local papers this week to read the latest press – articles appear in The Mid Sussex Times, The County Times (South Downs Edition) and the West Sussex Gazette. The website is being continually …

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New Web Site

I have changed Poynings website as I was getting bored with the other one and it was difficult keeping it up to date. Some of the older stuff has gone but hopefully it will be better. Any posts will automatically go out on an email so I should be able to send out requests a …

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Poynings Cricket Club Quiz night

Poynings Quiz Night, click on image to read.

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