
Author's posts

What foods can you freeze if you can’t get out

I pinched this from Marks and Spencer’s! There are lots of foods that you can put straight in the freezer instead of the fridge. This includes meat and poultry, ready prepared meals, fresh pasta, bread – and did you know you can even freeze butter and cheese? Here’s some examples: Milk: All milk can be stored …

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Downland Churches

The decision has been made that public worship will be suspended for the time being.  The four Benefice churches will remain open for private prayer during normal opening hours. Weddings, baptisms and funerals will still be able to take place but with as few people as possible in attendance.   We hope we will be …

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Fulking Toddlers Group

I think it is wise to follow government policy & close the Toddlers in Fulking until it is safe to reopen! We will reopen when it is safe! Thanks Tricia

Community Help

The Parish Council have been looking at practical ways we can support the community, especially the vulnerable members of our village. We’re putting together a list of support services we hope to provide and will distribute this as soon as we can. We have been talking to West Sussex to see what assistance is available …

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Cybercriminals exploit the spread of coronavirus

You have probably read about this, but in case you haven’t. Since February 2020, the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) has identified 21 reports of fraud where coronavirus was mentioned, with victim losses totalling over £800k. It’s expected that reporting numbers will rise as the virus continues to spread across the world. What are the …

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Community WhatsApp group

If anyone wants to join the community skills swap WhatsApp group they can through this link It’s a group of people who are offering help or who would like help with anything, anything at all. You won’t have previous messages in the group but there are tools for loan, for instance.  Thanks,  Rob Delacour 

Village thefts

It would appear that there have been more sightings of dodgy characters being seen in the village (I haven’t been out much so not me) The garage has had stuff stolen so make sure you lock up your outbuildings and sheds.

How to object to the Mayfield Development

Many people want to object to the Mayfield development, but the Horsham DC website isn’t that helpful. “Lambs”, who are the pressure group giving information on the development, have created a useful guide and video showing how you can object. You do not have to live in the area to do so. Go to …

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Walking for Charity

Try Walking for Charity in the picturesque Mid Sussex countryside and support The Royal Marsden.

Saddlescombe Farm Open Days

Don’t forget Saddlescombe lambing Open Days 28,29 March and 4,5 April.

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