
Author's posts

Poynings Bonfire Night

Poynings Bonfire & Fireworks The torch procession and Guy will be leaving the Royal Oak at approximately 6.25 on Sat Nov 7th. The lighting of the bonfire and amazing fireworks will follow. Please give very very generously on the gate. Hot food & Drink by Sussex Four Wheel Drive in aid of  Ye Olde Villagers …

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Events at Edburton, Newtimber, Pyecombe, Fulking

Dear all Friends of St Andrew’s Edburton  Please come and join us at our Annual Harvest Festival Service next Sunday, October 18th at 11.00am. As in previous years there will be a picnic following the service giving us all a chance to socialise in our beautiful church. This costs £6.50 and must be ordered in …

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Harvest Festival Sunday 4th October

Don’t forget it is the harvest Festival at Holy Trinity Church, Poynings tomorrow Sunday 4th October. 10 am, followed by Holy communion. Bring produce, tins, gifts, money etc. Refreshments afterwards.

Downland Churches News

The Downland Churches Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton St John the Evangelist, Newtimber The Transfiguration, Pyecombe October 2015 Sunday 4th October      Harvest/Trinity 18 10 am     Harvest Family Service     Poynings followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion 11am Family Communion               Edburton Sunday 11th October     Harvest/ Trinity 19 10 am Harvest Festival                   Newtimber   6 pm Harvest …

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  Sunday 11th October Village Hall   Apple Pressing   Pressing starts at 11.30am. Have your apples pressed at 50p per litre. Bring containers or buy 1 litre bottles – 25p   Best Apple Cake Competition   Entries 11.00am -1.00pm Village Hall (£1.00 per entry) Judging 1.00pm – 2.00 pm (followed by trophy presentation) Open …

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Poynings Church Open meeting

There is to be an open meeting in the church on Saturday, 17th October, at 10.30 am. Changes are proposed for our lovely church, mainly to make the south transept (St Mary’s chapel off to the right as you go down the church aisle) a better space for community as well as church purposes. The …

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Causeway Update

Don’t forget we need volunteers to clear the edges of the path from the Oak to Pond Bay on Sunday 27th September 3pm-5pm. (THIS SUNDAY) Meet outside the Royal Oak 3pm. We will start at the bottom and work our way to the pub. Bring a spade, or borrow mine J Shouldn’t take long if there …

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Removals and Garden Maintenance

Britshift Removals and Clearances. Friendly reliable service. Call Steven on 07711430585 or email Greenheart garden maintenance, clearance and household DIY .  07711430585.

Causeway Path Clearance

Anyone fancy volunteering to clear the edges of the path from the Oak to Pond Bay on Sunday 27th September 3pm-5pm. Meet outside the Royal Oak 3pm. We will start at the bottom and work our way to the pub. Bring a spade, or borrow mine J Shouldn’t take long if enough people (fit ones …

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Too many apples?

Breaking news Get your apples pressed in Poynings – Sunday afternoon October 11th. Enquiries – Thanks, Sheila

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