Category: Church

Don’t forget your Downland calendar

It’s not too late to get your Downland Calendar as a Christmas present for the person who has everything!  In conjunction with local sponsors, Holy Trinity has produced a 2020 calendar to celebrate its landmark 650th year. Showing the beauty of our local surroundings through the seasons, the funds raised from sales will go towards …

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2020 – the year of Poynings Celebrations

Have you still got that leaflet that was dropped through your door a couple of weeks ago.. The purpose was to announce the importance of 2020 to the church which turns 650 years and that celebrations though the village are planned to mark this auspicious year… Don’t forget to join us to discuss plans and …

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Next Year’s celebrations

We hope you found the leaflet dropped through your door a couple of weeks ago.. The purpose was to announce the importance of 2020 to the church which turns 650 years and that celebrations though the village are planned to mark this auspicious year… Do join us to discuss plans and events. We are hoping …

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Downland Calendar

If you missed the successful calender launch in the Royal Oak, you can now buy one on line. A great Christmas present!! In conjunction with local sponsors, Holy Trinity has produced a 2020 calendar to celebrate its landmark 650th year. Showing the beauty of our local surroundings through the seasons, the funds raised from sales …

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Downland 2020 calendar launch with complimentary bubbles!

Friday 25th October at Royal Oak  In conjunction with local sponsors, Holy Trinity has produced a 2020 calendar to celebrate its landmark 650th year. Showing the beauty of our local surroundings through the seasons, the funds raised from sales will go towards maintaining this wonderful ancient monument. We are launching the calendars on Friday 25th …

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Harvest festival

it’s harvest this Sunday and all donations welcome …

Poynings Village Anniversary Meeting

You are all invited to a meeting in the village hall on Tuesday 13th at 7pm to discuss and plan events for 2020 throughout the village to celebrate our history and 650th anniversary of Holy Trinity.

Downlands 2020 Calendar

There’s still time to post your photos for the 2020 calendar, judging will take place on Sunday.   Prints if possible please, as they will be used in an exhibition at the church during 2020.   Prints can be ordered at Park Cameras, Burgess Hill, 65p each for a 6×8.   Please deliver to Orchard …

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Downlands Calendar

Photographers of Poynings (and surrounding villages) In 2020, Holy Trinity Church is celebrating 650 years of worship in our beautiful village, and we are kicking off the year with a Downlands calendar. We are inviting you to submit photographs of the surrounding area to use in the calendar. Here are the requirements for entry ~ …

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Poynings will be 900 years old

Celebrate in 2020 Throughout 2020 there will be anniversary events that include the 650th anniversary of Holy Trinity Church Share your ideas on how we can all join in. The Parish Council and the church would like to hear your suggestions for special events. Some events such as the Fete and Fireworks could have a …

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