The Downland Churches
Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton
St John the Evangelist, Newtimber
The Transfiguration, Pyecombe
April 2014
Sunday 6th April Passion Sunday/ Lent 5
10 am Family Service Poynings
followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion
11am Family Communion Edburton
Sunday 13th April Palm Sunday
10 am Holy Communion Newtimber
6 pm Evening Service Pyecombe
Thursday 17th April Maundy Thursday
7.30 pm Holy Communion Poynings
Friday 18th April Good Friday
12 noon Reflection Pyecombe
Sunday 20th April Easter Day
8 am Holy Communion Newtimber
10 am Holy Communion Poynings 11 am Family Communion Edburton
11.30 am Easter egg hunt with
12 noon Children’s service Pyecombe
Sunday 27th April Easter 2
10am Holy Communion Pyecombe
Morning and Evening Prayer each week
At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings
At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)
At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber
Evergreens (for the over 60’s)
Monday 7th April, 3.30 – 5pm
The Paddock, Fulking (home of Ian and Jill Malby)
Special events and dates this month
- Monday 7th April, 21 Mill Close, Poynings, 7pm for 7.30pm – a meeting to plan the Poynings Fete
- Tuesday 8th April, 2-4pm Hymn choosing meeting at The Rectory.
In April, we have three services of dedication:
- Friday 4th April North Town Field, Fulking, we will dedicate a bench to the memory of Lucie Robinson;
- Sunday 6th April, at Poynings after the morning service, we will dedicate a bench in the churchyard to the memory of Mike Peters, former warden;
- Sunday 27th April at 2.30pm at Newtimber, a service of blessing and dedication of the new facilities.
It is also the month for Church Annual Meetings:
- Poynings 31st March 7pm, Village Hall Poynings
- Pyecombe 14th April 7.30pm, in Pyecombe Church
- Edburton 16th April 7pm, Village Hall Fulking
- Newtimber 30th April 7pm, in Newtimber Church
All welcome to elect church-wardens and PCC members.
A special thank you to all who are standing down this year after years of service.
Lent Study groups : ‘Encountered’
continue on Wednesdays 2nd and 9th April. Afternoons (2.30 – 4pm) at The Paddock, Fulking (with thanks to Jill and Ian Malby). Evenings 8 – 9.30pm at The Rectory. All welcome.
Clergy contact details:
Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge
Tel 01273 857456
Revd Graham Jeffery (mainly Edburton) 01273 494559