Cold Callers

Mid-Sussex has seen a number of reports about cold callers. These are young men reporting as being ex-offenders or looking to break free of homelessness (etc.) but in fact are just peddlers.

At this stage we don’t think they are either linked to or intending to burgle any premises, however the story told is part of a sales patter and unlikely to be true.

Our advice for all cold callers stands in that residents should not to buy or sell on the doorstep.

If any resident experiences any abuse or feels threatened then they should call the police, either 101 or 99 as appropriate to their risk.

We are interested in any sightings but are not asking for anyone to specifically ring in.



Police Inspector Pete Dommett CD520

Prevention Inspector; Crawley & Mid-Sussex | West Sussex Division |Sussex Police

Tel 01273 404535 x 535224/531377

I work Mon-Thursday (not Friday)