Poynings Parish Council Meeting

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Date(s) - 10/03/2015
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Poynings Village Hall


Poynings Parish Council

Poynings Parish Council - Village Hall

Poynings Parish Council – Village Hall

Mr Mark Lee (Chairman)

Ms Sheila Marshall (Vice Chairman)

Mr Mike Airey

Mr Colin Warburton

Mrs Nicki Cutress
(Clerk to the Council)

West End Cottage
Tel: 01273 857221

Next Meeting – Village hall, Tuesday March 10th – 7.00 pm

Poynings Parish Council Meetings

Got something to say? Why not either drop a line to or ring the Parish Clerk, Nicki Cutress, on 857221 , or better still, come to the meeting…

Poynings Parish Council dates for 2015:

March 10th
May 12th
July 7th
September 1st
November 10th

All at 7.00 pm in the Village hall