NOTICE IS hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended, the use of (and parking on) Saddlescombe Road, Newtimber from junction with Devils Dyke Road is temporarily prohibited from 11/02/22 09:30 am until 11/02/22 15:00pm.
The restriction will be in place off peak only between 09.30-15.00
This closure is necessary to allow Balfour Beatty to undertake urgent carriageway pothole repairs on behalf of WSCC
Emergency vehicle, Residential and Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times
The alternative route for traffic will be signed on site
This restriction will be effective for a maximum of 5 days from the start date given above
Any queries about the effect of the closure on traffic using the highway please contact West Sussex County Council on 01243 642105
Any queries about the works please contact Balfour Beatty on 01243 642105

SAVE THE DATE – June 2nd 2022

To Celebrate the Queens platinum jubilee, Poynings Parish Council are having a village picnic in the Village Hall.
We will be lighting a beacon (not sure if the Queen will be doing it in person), there will also be a piper and a local band to keep you entertained.

More details to follow, watch this space!

Mid Sussex District Council invites businesses to join ‘virtual’ High Street

Mid Sussex District Council, in collaboration with ShopAppy.com, is inviting local shops and traders to join the collective local shopping and business website at no cost for the first 12 months.

 High Street shops and local businesses across the UK face an uncertain future as more and more consumer spend goes to the online giants.  Mid Sussex is now fighting back with the launch of local virtual high streets making it easier for people to shop closer to home. The Council is enabling our independent shops and businesses to join the collective, local shopping and business website Shopappy.com at no cost, for the first 12 months.

ShopAppy.com traders will have a virtual presence which boosts their shops and services, making it easier for everyone to support their own local High Street from the comfort of their sofas, as well as visiting in person. To sign up just contact Jane Stewart at shoplocal@shopappy.com or call her on 07770 655 302.

Councillor Stephen Hillier, Cabinet Member for Economic Growth explained: “We are really pleased to be able to offer 12 months free to our local businesses who sign up to this innovative platform as part of our support for local Mid Sussex businesses.

“ShopAppy gives local High Streets a presence on the internet, giving traders a chance to tell everyone about their goods and services. Whether the spend is on the High Street or online, shoppers can pick up purchases or have them delivered knowing their spend will go to local businesses. The key thing is for shops and traders to get signed up as soon as they can to the online local marketplace and take full advantage. Once we have a good number signed up, we will work with ShopAppy to promote the site to residents and encourage them to support our local economy.”

Traders on the platform are also supported throughout the year to join in high profile national campaigns run by ShopAppy, such as ‘Love Local Day’. Mid Sussex District Council are supporting this year’s campaign and encourage people to nominate their favourite local business online by 12th February 2022. All local businesses can take part, not only those signed up to the site. Just visit ShopAppy.com/love-local-day-2022 for details.

The founder of ShopAppy.com, Dr Jackie Mulligan, says: 
“We’re very excited to be working across Mid Sussex and partnering with the Council on the launch of ShopAppy.com here. It could not be a more critical time for businesses to work together and make it easier for local people to spend closer to home. When we spend local, our spend stays local and it’s better for the planet – so whether you use ShopAppy to browse and go in person or to book something or shop online, you can easily help the area in which you live – because where you spend matters for local jobs, local businesses and the community.” 

This initiative is being made possible by the Government’s Welcome Back Fund with funding from the European Regional Development Fund.

Child-friendly gathering at Holy Trinity Church 10am 30th January 2022


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held on the Village Hall on Monday 31st January 2022 at 7pm.

1) Apologies for absence
2) Minutes
3) Matters Arising
4) MSDC and WSCC
5) Public Participation
6) Expenditure for October 2021 and November 2021
7) Planning applications
a. SDNP/22/00121/TCA | Notification of intention for light pruning on overhanging branches to reduce excessive shading/light obstruction on 1 no. Mature Ash (T7). | Dyke Farm House The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ
b. SDNP/21/06370/PRE | Retained employment floorspace (441sqm) divided into two units with flexible space and erection of 5 flats (4 x 2 bed and 1 x 1 bed) including a revised parking layout. Aviation House. Poynings BN45 7AQ
Note: Pre application
c. SDNP/21/06323/LDE | Commencement of underground drainage for approved extension planning ref: SDNP/20/00832/HOUS (Amended under: SDNP/20/03137/NMA) | Wilton House The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ
d. SDNP/21/05567/FUL | Erection of a barn for the storage of forestry equipment and machinery and dry storage of materials produced on site | Pondtail Wood Muddleswood Road Albourne West Sussex.
Note: Decision
8) SDNP Planning process
9) Village signs
10) Queens Jubilee 2022
11) Fibre Broadband
12) Dog walking
13) Precept 2022 – 2023
14) Items for next month’s Agenda
15) Date of next month’s Meeting

Colin Warburton
Clerk to the Parish Council

Ultrafast Community Project

Good News, the sign up for the ultrafast Broadband has now hit over 60% of the residents needed.

That means we need another 40% to commit to sign up, for one year only.

If you haven’t done so yet, is there something worrying you?

If you think your current speed is fine, you are probably right, for now!!  However, just think back how quickly things are changing. It wasn’t that long ago that dial up was fine, then 8 Mbps was fine, now 50Mbps is fine. But what about in 2025 when BT are switching off the analogue telephone network and you will have to use the digital lines (the same technology that WhatsApp, Microsoft teams, Zoom and Skype use). Will your current speed be enough then? When more games, films etc are using the network, will it be okay then?

For those that remember, back in the 70’s when the new gas line was being laid to Brighton (it goes just to the West of Poynings), locals were asked if they wanted to have gas to the village, for a fee. Not enough people said yes, so we have not had gas since. Will the same thing happen now? Possibly. It is unlikely that if this fails that Openreach will try again here for a long time as the grant might not be available again and it is very expensive to install.

Ultrafast Full Fibre broadband will service your needs for decades to come. As fibre optic technology evolves, you’ll already have everything that your need in your property to get the benefits – upgrade or downgrade your speed without ever needing an engineer to visit your home.

Remember, you only have to commit for one year, no one knows what the costs will be when the project is complete but even if is £10 a month more (unlikely) that is only going to cost you £120 for the year and then you can switch back. However, at a later date, you will have the option to upgrade again if required.

House prices. As you are probably aware, with more people working from home, Rightmove now put estimated broadband speeds on the sales details when selling properties. A high speed can put £1,000’s on the price of a house.

So, what are you waiting for, pledge now, at Connect my community (openreach.com) , the window will be closing soon!

Kind Regards,

Colin Warburton
Clerk to Poynings Parish Council

Poynings Parish Council Meeting

Due to Covid restrictions and venue difficulties, the meeting for next week has been postponed until Monday 31st January, venue and agenda to be published nearer the time.

Kind Regards,

Colin Warburton
Clerk to Poynings Parish Council

Counting down to the RSPB Birdwatch!

Happy New Year!

It’s the time for resolutions, so if you haven’t signed up already, why not resolve to take part in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch? It could become the wildlife highlight of your year. There’s still time to register before the big weekend (28-30 January).

Remember, it’s free to take part and really easy. Simply:
Register for Big Garden Birdwatch using our online form
Get to know your garden birds
Sit back, relax and watch your local birds for an hour between 28-30 January

Now’s a fantastic time to get to know your garden birds. It’s a bit of a favour to future you, as then you’ll have time to enjoy their antics without having to identify them ‘on the fly’. Visit our website for loads of advice: www.rspb.org.uk/birds-to-spot.

The best way to ensure you have the best Birdwatch ever is to start putting food out for your garden visitors now. That way, the birds will have plenty of time to learn that yours is the place to come to for a tasty snack. Last year’s top four birds were the house sparrow, blue tit, blackbird and starling.

Do you know what foods they like to eat? Visit www.rspb.org.uk/feedthebirds to find out. Remember that it’s really important to keep your feeders and birdbaths clean, to help garden birds stay healthy – you’ll find lots of useful advice at www.rspb.org.uk/keep-your-bird-table-healthy.

As an extra treat on the weekend, you can also take part in Birdwatch LIVE through YouTube or on our social media channels. We’d also love you to share your Big Garden Birdwatch hints, top tips and sightings using #BigGardenBirdWatch.

As a charity, it’s the support from people like you that makes a difference to birds and other wildlife. If you enjoy taking part in Big Garden Birdwatch, please remember to make a donation.

But above all, enjoy your Birdwatch! What will you see?

Sign up today
Big Garden Birdwatch | The RSPB 

Get extra support with Dry January in 2022

The Mid Sussex District Council Wellbeing team is offering extra support to people who want to give up drinking alcohol this January.

Going alcohol-free for a month during Dry January can be a great start to the New Year, providing a range of health benefits like better sleep, brighter skin, improved concentration and higher energy levels.

People who do Dry January with support are twice as likely to stay dry for the whole month, so the Wellbeing team is offering a free confidential advice service to anyone who would like to reduce their drinking.

Research published by the British Medical Council in 2018 found that one month without drinking alcohol lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of developing diabetes, lowers cholesterol and reduces levels of cancer-related proteins in the blood.

The real magic happens when Dry January is over, with the majority of participants reporting that it helped them to drink more healthily year-round. Research conducted by the University of Sussex has found that more than 70% of people who take on the month with Alcohol Change UK’s Try Day app or coaching emails are still drinking more healthily.

Councillor Norman Webster, MSDC Cabinet Member for Community said:

“Take control of your life and join the millions of people that take on the Dry January challenge.

“Prevention is better than cure and getting on top of your alcohol consumption can help you to lose weight, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve your mental health and of course, leave you with more money in the bank.

“It only takes 3 weeks to break a habit and take control of your drinking. Anyone can get involved and it’s easy to sign up and get started on your journey”.

The Mid Sussex Wellbeing Team offers a range of support to help people make important lifestyle changes that lead to happier, healthier lives. You can contact them directly by calling 01444 477191 or emailing wellbeing@midsussex.gov.uk

Church Services

• On Christmas Eve – Friday 24th December – there will be a Crib Service at Poynings at 4.00pm – This will be a very child friendly occasion, so do come and encourage those with children and the young in heart to do so.

• Later on Christmas Eve, at 9.30pm there will be a service of Holy Communion with Carols at St Andrew’s Edburton, our (Bethlehem) Midnight Mass.

• Our Christmas morning Parish Communion will take place at St John the Evangelist, Newtimber at 10.00am.

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