Mid Sussex District Council invites businesses to join ‘virtual’ High Street

Mid Sussex District Council, in collaboration with ShopAppy.com, is inviting local shops and traders to join the collective local shopping and business website at no cost for the first 12 months.

 High Street shops and local businesses across the UK face an uncertain future as more and more consumer spend goes to the online giants.  Mid Sussex is now fighting back with the launch of local virtual high streets making it easier for people to shop closer to home. The Council is enabling our independent shops and businesses to join the collective, local shopping and business website Shopappy.com at no cost, for the first 12 months.

ShopAppy.com traders will have a virtual presence which boosts their shops and services, making it easier for everyone to support their own local High Street from the comfort of their sofas, as well as visiting in person. To sign up just contact Jane Stewart at shoplocal@shopappy.com or call her on 07770 655 302.

Councillor Stephen Hillier, Cabinet Member for Economic Growth explained: “We are really pleased to be able to offer 12 months free to our local businesses who sign up to this innovative platform as part of our support for local Mid Sussex businesses.

“ShopAppy gives local High Streets a presence on the internet, giving traders a chance to tell everyone about their goods and services. Whether the spend is on the High Street or online, shoppers can pick up purchases or have them delivered knowing their spend will go to local businesses. The key thing is for shops and traders to get signed up as soon as they can to the online local marketplace and take full advantage. Once we have a good number signed up, we will work with ShopAppy to promote the site to residents and encourage them to support our local economy.”

Traders on the platform are also supported throughout the year to join in high profile national campaigns run by ShopAppy, such as ‘Love Local Day’. Mid Sussex District Council are supporting this year’s campaign and encourage people to nominate their favourite local business online by 12th February 2022. All local businesses can take part, not only those signed up to the site. Just visit ShopAppy.com/love-local-day-2022 for details.

The founder of ShopAppy.com, Dr Jackie Mulligan, says: 
“We’re very excited to be working across Mid Sussex and partnering with the Council on the launch of ShopAppy.com here. It could not be a more critical time for businesses to work together and make it easier for local people to spend closer to home. When we spend local, our spend stays local and it’s better for the planet – so whether you use ShopAppy to browse and go in person or to book something or shop online, you can easily help the area in which you live – because where you spend matters for local jobs, local businesses and the community.” 

This initiative is being made possible by the Government’s Welcome Back Fund with funding from the European Regional Development Fund.