Fulking Fair is still on!

You might have to bring wellies and a brolly!

Fulking Fair and RSPCA fun dog show are on this Sunday in the North Town Field from 12 till 5pm.

Free entrance and parking.

Bric-a-brac and books, Shepherd & Dog bar, Clive’s BBQ, Rushfields pies, Teas, coffees, and homemade cakes. Ice cream including a doggie one! lots more stalls. and children’s games.

Give yourselves and the pooch a fun afternoon, possibly in the rain, be there.



Mr John Digby.  Chair of the Council                                       

6th August 2021


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council  is to be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 11th August 2021 at 7pm.


SDNP/21/03709/HOUS | Replacement extension to the eastern elevation with external alterations | Shepherds Hey The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ https://planningpublicaccess.southdowns.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=QW6ANUTUJW300&activeTab=summary


Food Bank

If you can, please support this local charity – there’s a box at the back of the church for donations. Many thanks !

Don’t forget Fulking fair this Sunday

Fulking Fair and RSPCA fun dog show are on this Sunday in the North Town Field from 12 till 5pm.

Free entrance and parking.

Shepherd & Dog bar, Clive’s BBQ, Rushfields pies, Teas, coffees, and homemade cakes. Ice cream including a doggie one! lots more stalls. and children’s games.

Give yourselves and the pooch a fun afternoon.

Church Lane Road Closure

New funding boost for Mid Sussex retailers

Mid Sussex District Council has secured £80,000 of funding to support local retailers as they bounce back from the pandemic.

With high street businesses continuing to face challenges, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Council has joined with local authorities across West Sussex to use part of the funding to develop a virtual learning hub for independent retailers.

The West Sussex Retail Hub launches on Monday 12 July and will be completely free for local business owners to use. The Hub has been developed in partnership with local business consultancy Digital Islands and consists of a series of pre-recorded learning sessions and live events with industry experts.

All live Q&A events will take place virtually via Zoom and are scheduled to last no more than one hour. The sessions, which run throughout July, August and September, will help local retailers strengthen their skills and improve their business knowledge. Experts will provide information on a range of topics including marketing, customer insight, business modelling and social media promotions.

The West Sussex Retail Hub is part of a broader programme of support including grant funding which will launch later in the year. A requirement of the grant funding is that businesses have engaged with the training element of the programme.

Councillor Stephen Hillier, Mid Sussex District Council Cabinet Member for Economic Growth said:

“The Covid-19 pandemic has made life extremely difficult for many of our local businesses and it’s absolutely vital that we support them through these tough times.

“The recovery of our local economy is the number one priority for Mid Sussex District Council and that’s why we’re providing this free support for our independent retailers.

“Local businesses will be able to connect with industry experts through the West Sussex Retail Hub and the knowledge they gain will help them to grow their businesses and create additional jobs, which will be vital to the future prosperity of our area as we recover from Covid-19.

“If you run a small business in Mid Sussex then please take advantage of the training and support on offer by visiting www.westsussexretailhub.co.uk.”

Fulking Fair

Here is a reminder that Fulking Fair and RSPCA fun dog show is in the North Town Field on Sunday 25 July from 12 to, 5pm.

Admission and parking free!!

Shepherd & Dog bar, Live Tenderhooks music, Hot and cold food, Ice cream, Kids games, many demonstrations, Homemade cakes, teas and coffees, Many stalls etc.

This will be the best Fulking village event of 2021.

Don’t miss it.

Mid Downland Parish Walk is on Saturday

3rd July 2021 – 11am

For more details, Click here.

1. Go down the lane from Edburton Church, turn L and follow the road east for approx 25m.

2. Turn left up track/drive. (bridleway sign)

3 After 900m turn R onto footpath across field.

4. Go through two overgrown hedges/gates/bridges and, at the corner of the wood, fork left onto path across the field (long grass) go through another overgrown hedge and follow path.

5. Cross two tracks and follow the path to Clappers lane

6. Turn R onto the road (CARE)

7. Follow the road for approx 150m. Turn L over style onto path across field.

8. Follow path across fields, (ignore path on R) past sewage treatment plant and along Mill Lane.

9. Just before the end of Mill Lane turn R onto path behind cottages

10. After about 50m a path joins from the left – turn right

11. As you reach the open area fork left on the grass path rather than the concrete one.

12. At the road turn left to Poynings Church.

13. Leave the Church and turn R up the road for approx. 20m.

14. Turn into the farmyard, take path to the left through the plant hire and across the field.

15. At the roundabout take the path directly opposite across the fields.

16. Turn L onto Newtimber lane to the Church.

17. Take the path out the back of the churchyard.

18. At the road turn right and join the cycle path along the side of the A23.

(ALTERNATIVE ROUTE – cross under the A23 and turn right just before the quarry onto the concrete road by New Barn. Take the path on the L just after New Barn (very steep). At the top take the sharp right path (down) to Pyecombe. Rejoin main route at 21.

19. Cross the road by the garage and continue to follow the cycle path towards Brighton.

20. At the top of the hill cross the A23 by the footbridge.

21. At the end of the footbridge turn R along the road (alternative route rejoins)

22. Follow the road for approx. 500m and turn L up road signed London, Henfield Newtimber.

23. Take the path (old road) on the left after approx. 30m to Pyecombe Church.

Brighton Festival Chorus




Brighton Festival Chorus is one of the UK’s leading symphony choruses, with an annual varied programme of concerts in Sussex and London.



We’re looking for singers across all voice parts but could be particularly interested if you are a tenor!

  • Do you have a love of choral music and have previously sung in a choir or played an instrument?
  • Are you able to commit to the Chorus rehearsals and performances?
  • Perhaps you now have time to sing again?

Come to a Guest Rehearsal on Mon 21 June or Mon 5 July at All Saints Church, Hove.  All socially-distanced Covid-secure.  Meet some of the Chorus members, enjoy an evening’s rehearsal and see if you would be interested in joining us.  You can even do our straightforward audition on the same night if you wish. 


Go to BFC.ORG.UK/JOIN to sign up and we’ll reserve a place and some music for you.  We’ll look forward to meeting you!


Please feel free to forward this to your singing friends!..





Message from South Downs National Park Authority

Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation – opportunity to comment on draft SPD

The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) is consulting on a draft Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

We would like to hear your views on this document. Further details of how to respond to the consultation are given below.

The aim of the Design Guide SPD is to raise design standards in the National Park and to provide best practice guidance regarding the design of new development. The Design Guide SPD applies to both residential and non-residential development and will be a material consideration in the determination of relevant planning applications once adopted.

Responding to the Consultation

The Design Guide SPD and related documents are available to view on the SDNPA website.

The consultation will run for a period of ten weeks, starting on Monday 28 June 2021.

All comments must be received by 11.59pm on Monday 6 September 2021.

If you have no means of access to the internet, please contact the SDNPA on 01730 814810 to arrange an appointment to view the consultation documents at the South Downs Centre.  Please note that this service requires officer time to come into the South Downs Centre and is strictly for those who have no other means of accessing the documents.

Please respond by email to planningpolicy@southdowns.gov.uk or in writing to Planning Policy, South Downs National Park Authority, South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH.

After the end of the consultation period, any comments received will be considered in reviewing the amended draft SPD prior to adoption.

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