
Dear All,

“Jeremy Hodgkinson, author of a book on iron firebacks, is trying to track down this rare and unusual fireback that was illustrated in The Connoisseur magazine in 1915. It  was reported to have been found ‘in a brook at Poynings’, and he would be  very interested to know if it is still in the neighbourhood, in the hope that he  might get to take a closer look at it.

Another similar fireback recently came to light in Herefordshire. If anyone has any information, would they please contact Jeremy at jshodgkinson@hodgers.com.” 

I have attached a copy of the picture that appeared in The Connoisseur, which I will readily admit is not very clear, but I hope it might yield a result.

Kind regards

Jeremy Hodgkinson



There have been a few break-ins in the Village recently. Stuff taken from garages. Please ensure things are kept locked.

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