The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held online using Zoom software on Wednesday 6thJanuary 2021 at 7pm.
Please contact the clerk for Login details.


  • Apologies for absence
  • Volunteer to run the meeting in the absence of a chair
  • Minutes
  • Matters Arising
  • MSDC and WSDC
  • Public Participation
  • Expenditure for Nov and Dec
  • Planning applications
    Southdown View The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ
    Notification of intention to prune overall by 2m on 1 no. Beech tree.
    SDNP/20/04601/TCA. Decision.
  • Co-opting new councillor.
  • Zoom
  • Roundabout finger post
  • Budget 2021 – 2022
  • Devils Dyke Sewage outlet
  • Ash Dieback
  • Speed indicator device
  • Item’s for next month’s Agenda
  • Dates of Next month’s Meeting

Mr Colin Warburton
Clerk to the Council
Hideaway Cottage
6 Poynings Road
BN45 7AP

Tel: 01273 857024

Real Christmas tree recycling points open from 30th December

Mid Sussex District Council has arranged for Christmas tree recycling points to be located across the district to help residents dispose of their real Christmas trees when the festive fun is over.

The Council has arranged for 24 temporary Christmas tree drop-off points in towns and villages across the district, so there will be a place nearby where residents can recycle their real Christmas tree. Residents can take along their tree to the most convenient local site, place it in the marked area and it will be taken away to be recycled locally.
Residents with a green garden waste wheelie bin can put their tree directly into it, as long as the lid can still close firmly. Alternatively, people can take their real tree along to one of the Household Waste Recycling Sites at Fairbridge Way in Burgess Hill or Imberhorne Lane in East Grinstead.

Sites will be open between 30 December 2020 and 8 January 2021 at the following locations.

Town / village


Street / Road


Ardingly Recreation Ground

High Street

Ashurst Wood

John Pears Field

Wall Hill Road


Village Hall

The Street


Recreation Ground Car Park

The Street


Woodside Pavilion Car Park

120 Middle Village

Burgess Hill

Cyprus Road Car Park

Cyprus Road

Burgess Hill

Football Club

Maple Drive


Humphreys Field

Borers Arms Road

Crawley Down

Haven Sports Field

Hophurst Lane


Whitemans Green Recreation Ground

Whitemans Green

East Grinstead

Imberhorne Lane Car Park

Imberhorne Lane

East Grinstead

Chequer Mead Car Park

De La Warr Road


Recreation Ground Car Park

High Street


Dale Avenue Car Park

Dale Avenue

Haywards Heath

Beech Hurst Gardens Car Park

Butlers Green Road

Haywards Heath

Heath Road Car Park

Heath Road

Horsted Keynes

Recreation Ground Car Park

Lewes Road


Trinity Road Car Park

Trinity Road


Lindfield Common

West Common


Rushfield Plant Centre

Henfield Road

Sayers Common

Berrylands Farm Recreation Ground

Berrylands Farm

Scaynes Hill

Scaynes Hill Common Car Park

Church Road

Turners Hill

Recreation Ground Car Park

East Street

West Hoathly

Finches Field Car Park

Church Hill





 A casual vacancy exists in the Office of Councillor for Poynings Parish Council.

A by-election to fill the vacancy will be held if, within 14 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays) TEN electors of the electoral area give notice in writing claiming such an election to the Proper Officer.

The Proper Officer is: Tom Clark, Returning Officer,
Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands,
Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS

Email: elections@midsussex.gov.uk

If no such notice is given the Parish Council shall fill the vacancy by co-option.
Dated: 22nd November 2020       Signed: C. Warburton                                                                                                                                       Parish Clerk

Address of Parish Clerk:
Colin Warburton
Hideaway Cottage
Poynings Road
BN45 7AP

Tel: 01273 857024

Christmas bin collection dates

For those of you that have lost the label that was put on your bin last week, here are the Christmas collection dates.
Don’t forget, they are coming this Saturday.

Black    Rubbish bin collection    Saturday 19 December 2020

Blue    Recycling bin collection    Monday 28 December 2020

Black    Rubbish bin collection    Monday 04 January 2021

Blue    Recycling bin collection    Monday 11 January 2021

There will be no garden waste collections between Monday 21st December and Friday 1st January

All collections will return to normal from Monday 4th January 2021

Poynings Community 2020 – Lighting up the Christmas tree!

This year, our community Christmas tree will be on display outside Holy Trinity church for all to enjoy.

Do come to Cora’s Corner, opposite the church, from 5.45pm on Saturday 19th December for our special lighting up ceremony!

Pyecombe Choir will lead us in carols until 6pm when Rev’d Tim will light up our village Christmas tree.

Join in with the carols ~ words are here.

Please bring along your own mulled wine ~ warm mince pies will be served.

Stay safe: Face-masks advised, wear high viz if you have it and keep all children carefully supervised.

Traffic calming measures will be in place through the village.

We would once again like to express our gratitude to Rushfields, who has generously donated our tree and 3000 sparkly fairy lights!

For song sheet, CLICK HERE

Village newsletter

For those of you who have lost the village newsletter (or don’t live in the village).

Click here for a copy

From the Rectory

Well, it has certainly not been the year we were planning for. This is the year we should have been celebrating the 850th and the 650th anniversaries of our churches in Pyecombe and Poynings respectively. Instead, our churches have predominately remained closed, although more recently we have been able to open some of them for private prayer. Newtimber remains open all day, every day. Pyecombe was open during the day until the recent lockdown curtailed this for the time being. Poynings is open for private prayer on Saturdays, but sadly we have not been able to facilitate the opening of St Andrew’s at Edburton yet, at all.

Sundays on Zoom

Church services for all four parishes have been conducted on Zoom since March, initially from the Rectory study but for the past several weeks, it has been lovely to be able to host them from within Holy Trinity, Poynings where we have also welcomed a small congregation to be present in the church. During the recent lockdown we have continued to Zoom from Holy Trinity, but without a congregation present in church. This has enabled us to continue to worship together and has, I think, strengthened our sense of being a single community.

Mid Downland Parish

Hopefully our greater sense of community will make our transition from four distinct ecclesiastical parishes to one all the more natural. We will become the single ecclesiastical parish of Poynings with Edburton, Newtimber and Pyecombe on 1st January, 2021. That’s a bit of a mouthful, so our working name will be the Mid Downland Parish. This formalising of the informal union that has been in place for some time will make for easier administration and will safeguard us against the possibility of being unable to recruit churchwardens and other parochial officers in all four communities. It will also enable us to gain some financial benefit from managing a single relationship with utility and service providers.

There will be a single Parochial Church Council (PCC), with representatives from each parish church. All four of our churches will maintain their status as parish churches and there will, of course, remain a need for a group of volunteers with a particular interest in each of the churches. The first Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) of the Mid Downland Parish will take place in January, when churchwardens, Deanery Synod representatives and PCC members will be elected. Full details of the meeting will be published in due course.

Currently each church is financially independent but they already share common costs. The biggest is our Parish Share – the contribution we make to the diocese – which is simply divided between the four. Apart from that the main costs are utilities, insurance premiums, and day to day running costs. These are met through the regular subscriptions of individuals and through the wonderful fundraising efforts of each of our communities. The income and expenditure is remarkably similar in each of the four churches so bringing them under a common account will not in any way result in funds being diverted away from the community in which they we raised, and they will remain absolutely essential.

The union of our parishes does have some potential benefits to all our parishioners; for example, anyone who could have been married or baptised in any one of our churches could now be married or baptised in any of the four.

Christmas services

Our planning for Christmas is necessarily a bit speculative, but our hope and intention is to hold our Carol Service at Pyecombe at 6.00 p.m. on Sunday 13 December, when the Pyecombe Choir will be singing outside the church before we go in. It will be a simpler service than usual, with restricted seating and no public singing. On Christmas Eve, at 4.00 p.m. we will Zoom a Nativity service, with children in mind, and at 9.30 p.m. we will Zoom a Bethlehem Midnight Mass (Bethlehem is two hours ahead of us).

On Christmas Day, at 10.30 a.m. a communion service will be Zoomed from within St John the Evangelist, Newtimber, when we hope we will also be able to host a small congregation so that those without access to Zoom can still join in.

I very much hope that you will be able to join us for one or more of these occasions.

If you would like to be added to the invitation to our Zoomed services, please let me have your email address and I will ensure that you receive them.

With every blessing for a joyful Christmas and looking forward with you, in hope, to the New Year.

Revd Tim.

Census 2021 will provide a snapshot of modern society

Households across Mid Sussex will soon be asked to take part in Census 2021.

The census is a once-in-a-decade survey that gives us the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941.

It will be the first run predominantly online, with households receiving a letter with a unique access code, allowing them to complete the questionnaire on their computers, phones or tablets.

“A successful census will ensure everyone from local government to charities can put services and funding in the places where they are most needed,” Iain Bell, deputy national statistician at the Office for National Statistics, said.

“This could mean things like doctors’ surgeries, schools and new transport routes. That’s why it is so important everyone takes part and we have made it easier for people to do so online on any device, with help and paper questionnaires for those that need them.”

Census day will be on March 21, but households across the country will receive letters with online codes allowing them to take part from early March.

The census will include questions about your sex, age, work, health, education, household size and ethnicity. And, for the first time, there will be a question asking people whether they have served in the armed forces, as well as voluntary questions for those aged 16 and over on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Results will be available within 12 months, although personal records will be locked away for 100 years, kept safe for future generations.

For more information, visit census.gov.uk

Christmas cards

Christmas cards by Poynings artist Duncan 🎄

Please email duncanallanart@gmail.com if you’d like to order and state which design 😀
Packs of each design are £12 for 10, £20 for 20

Festive Rubbish and Recycling Collections

As you know, each year Mid Sussex District Council alter rubbish and recycling collection dates to accommodate the Festive Bank Holidays and provide some additional services to help people best manage their rubbish at this time of year.


Please find below, two leaflets providing more information on our Christmas rubbish and recycling collections for Mid Sussex residents.


  1. Christmas Collections Leaflet

Our Christmas Leaflet sets out changes to residential bin collections over the Festive period.

Click here for useful information on the leaflet regarding recycling over the Christmas period.


  1. Christmas Tree Recycling Leaflet

We will be providing a number of temporary drop-off locations around the District for residents to dispose of their real Christmas trees.

Click here for details for each drop off location and the opening times of the sites.


Additional information (including what can be put into each bin and further information on the Household Waste Recycling Sites) can be found online at www.midsussex.gov.uk/waste-recycling   


If you could please share these leaflets as widely as possible that would be greatly appreciated and if you, or any of our residents, have any questions please direct these to wastematters@midsussex.gov.uk.

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