Update on Independent shops that are delivering to Poynings

Huge list of shops delivering to Poynings at the bottom of this post!

Rushfields Food Boxes – https://www.rushfields.com

Garden Centre Orders
We are no longer able to accept orders for plants and gardening products we have 300 emails to get through, we will keep you posted as to when we are able to resume with the orders. Existing Orders – If you ordered before 23.59 on 23rd your order is in the system and we will get to you as soon as we can.

For Farm shop products it is still OK to order either for delivery or collection
1 Veg Box £15 selection of seasonal veg subject to market availability
2 Fruit Box £10 mixed fruit subject to market availability
3 Dairy Box £8 1 small loaf either Brown or White 6 Eggs 250grm Cheddar Cheese
4 Meat Box £15 500gr mince 6 Sausages 2 Chicken Breasts

Free delivery for spends of £15 or more within a 10 mile radius. You can order a more specific range of products if you are able to come and collect from the car park. Order these by emailing farmshop@rushfields.com

Truffles – https://www.facebook.com/trufflesbakery

In Poynings Car Park – Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 08.45

Wayfields – https://www.facebook.com/WayfieldParkFarmShopAndCafe/

Delivery to Poynings or collect, call 07742 082051

Adams Wholesale – www.adams-wholesale.com

Offering NEXT DAY DELIVERIES to the whole of Sussex to the general public, 6 days a week, we have supply meat, fruit, veg, dry goods, dairy, tinned, frozen food as well as non-food products cleaning materials etc. 01903 282220

Sunharvest Ltd – https://www.sunharvestltd.co.uk/shop/

Established for over 12 years. We are your local produce distributor, based in the centre of Brighton, providing excellent quality fruit, vegetables and other cooking essentials. Deliver to Poynings

The Cherry People  – 07722 647 857

The family that support our village fete selling cherries every year are now offering £15, £20 and £25 mixed veg boxes with a £2 delivery charge.  Text 07722647857 with your name, address, size of box and please say what you don’t want!

They would rather deliver on a Saturday if that’s ok with everyone that would like to order.

Fuel Coffee House – https://www.fuel-coffee-house.com/burgers


The Ginger Jungle – https://www.thegingerjungle.com/local-community

House plants

Brighton Quarantine Deliveryhttps://www.brightonquarantine.co.uk/
A massive list of Independent shops delivering during the coronavirus crisis

Help commemorate Mid Sussex Virtual VE Day


Mid Sussex District Council are calling for your help to create a memory bank of commemoration for Victory in Europe Day (8th May).

While current social distancing measures are in place it will not be possible for street parties to take place at the moment, so Mid Sussex District Council is calling for submissions for a virtual memory bank to help commemorate VE Day. Tributes and photos, memories, songs and stories of VE Day and what it means will be merged into a showreel and presented on the Council’s digital platforms. Recordings of ‘We’ll Meet Again’ can also be sent to form the soundtrack to the presentation.

Earlier in the year MSDC provided grants to commemorate VE Day; but given the current national and international situation these events won’t take place at this time. The Council will of course be honouring our grant commitments when recipients feel they are in a position to mark the many sacrifices made and to commemorate the end of WWII.

Councillor Norman Webster, Cabinet Member for Community said: “This is an important commemoration and we want to do everything we can to ensure it is marked. Somehow it is even more relevant, as we all recognise the bonds of friendship and community we are experiencing anew, that we commemorate those who gave so much at that time”.

Please send photos and poems for Mid Sussex Virtual VE Day to comms@midsussex.gov.uk or via the Council’s Facebook channel. You can upload film or songs to a special form at www.midsussex.gov.uk/VE2020

Deadline for submissions in Monday 4th May. We cannot guarantee all will be used but we will try to use as many as possible. Before submitting you must ensure you have permission for any items to be displayed publicly.

Local Pest control

Just a reminder to all Poyningians.
Pests such as Rats, mice, pet fleas, bed bugs etc aren’t complying with lockdown.
Should you have any “Little visitors” I am a fully qualified to deal with them. Discreet and cheaper than all of all the big companies. 24/7

Ring Steve on 07711 430 585

Young Children


I have been asked to put out the following post.

While it is appreciated many of us are outside relaxing or working, please remember to consider language as young children are also in their gardens a lot during this time. Thank you.

Local Food delivery update

Rushfields Food Boxeshttps://www.rushfields.com

Thank you all for your patience, we are now getting closer to keeping up with deliveries of the food boxes, we will continue to run the delivery service as long as it is required, as we have said before if you are unable to get on with the web shop ordering please continue to order your boxes by emailing farmshop@rushfields.com a reminder of what is available we are hoping to be delivering within 5 working days.

1 Veg Box £15 selection of seasonal veg subject to market availability
2 Fruit Box £10 mixed fruit subject to market availability
3 Dairy Box £8 1 small loaf either Brown or White 6 Eggs 250grm Cheddar Cheese
4 Meat Box £15 500gr mince 6 Sausages 2 Chicken Breasts

Free delivery for spends of £15 or more within a 10 mile radius. You can order a more specific range of products if you are able to come and collect from the car park. Order these by emailing farmshop@rushfields.com


In Poynings Car Park – Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 08.45

Wayfields https://www.facebook.com/WayfieldParkFarmShopAndCafe/

Delivery to Poynings or collect, call 07742 082051

Adams Wholesalewww.adams-wholesale.com

Offering NEXT DAY DELIVERIES to the whole of Sussex to the general public, 6 days a week, we have supply meat, fruit, veg, dry goods, dairy, tinned, frozen food as well as non-food products cleaning materials etc. 01903 282220

Sunharvest Ltd https://www.sunharvestltd.co.uk/shop/

Established for over 12 years. We are your local produce distributor, based in the centre of Brighton, providing excellent quality fruit, vegetables and other cooking essentials. Deliver to Poynings

The Cherry People  – 07722 647 857

The family that support our village fete selling cherries every year are now offering £15, £20 and £25 mixed veg boxes with a £2 delivery charge.  Text 07722647857 with your name, address, size of box and please say what you don’t want!

They would rather deliver on a Saturday if that’s ok with everyone that would like to order.

Fuel Coffee Househttps://www.fuel-coffee-house.com/burgers


The Ginger Jungle – https://www.thegingerjungle.com/local-community

House plants

Where can we get deliveries from?

Our local services are doing a great job supporting vulnerable residents and keeping the villages supplied with essentials.





And probably others.

Along with priority delivery slots, shopping hours etc., supermarket chains have developed a volunteer gift card scheme that allows volunteers to shop in store on behalf vulnerable residents. Alleviating the exchange of cash between volunteers and patients/customers, which a number of people have raised as an issue/questions. Please see details of what they are doing along with opening hours, links etc HERE.

The resident does still need to access the website to load the gift card with funds but could assist if they cannot get a delivery slot for a while.

Next Parish Council Meeting Update

The next Parish Council meeting is on the 5th May at 7pm as normal. The Council will be holding a virtual formal meeting, in line with new Government Regulations, as councillors aren’t currently able to meet in person.

The format used will be Zoom which you can download at https://zoom.us/ either to a PC or smartphone as an app.

If you wish to ask any questions, can you let me know by the 21st of April 2020 and if you wish to attend the virtual meeting, can you also let me know and you will be sent an invite prior to the meeting. All microphones will be on mute, and the cameras will be off to keep the call stable.

Colin Warburton

Clerk to the Council





Garden Angels

Garden Angels have started a local green bin waste collection service.. £12 bin/collection with discounts for NHS workers and OAP’s. All details at fb.me/gardenwastecollection or call 07710 485766

Licensed operator.

Truffles delivery times and dates

Truffles are in Poynings car park Wednesday and Friday at 09.00 this week.

Need a Handyman?

DIY indoor and outdoor work undertaken locally, including painting; building work and repairs, carpentry work.

Please contact John on 0774 6370 266 or johnmitchellcf@gmail.com

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