The “MIDSUMMER STRING OCTET” will be giving a concert at NEWTIMBER CHURCH on Sunday July 5th. 2015. at 2.30pm. The professional musicians will perform a classical music programme, lasting one and a half hours with a short interval. We will then walk or take our cars to NEWTIMBER PLACE for a STRAWBERRY TEA and Punch. We will enjoy the lovely gardens and moat, finishing about 5.30pm.

Tickets at £20 for adults, £10 for children will include refreshments, and are available from Shirley Murrell  Tel.01273 857353  or shirleymurrell@btinternet.com, with a cheque and s.a.e. to Rectory Cottage, Church Lane, Newtimber, Hassocks, BN6 9BT,

Lucy Dalrymple  Tel. 01273 832009 or lucy@arboreaters.co.uk for credit card payment, and Gill Keith Tel. 01273 835013 or  gillian.bedlam@googlemail.com  Cheques to be made out to “Newtimber PCC” please.

There will be free Parking in an adjacent field at both venues, and please bring you own folding chairs or blankets for the garden. There will probably be some seats available for those who arrive on the day.