The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held on the Village Hall on Wednesday 30th June 2021 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. MSDC and WSDC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for May 2021 and June 2021
  7. Planning applications
    a) Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of single replacement 3 bed dwelling. Replacement of existing detached garages and workshop and consolidation into a single garage and home office building | Orchard Cottage Dyke Lane Poynings BN45 7AA
    b) SDNP/21/01631/TCA | Common Ash tree REF: 09MN – Section fell down to close to ground level. Tree canopy appears to be at least 50% dead. Ivy removal from around stem base revealed bark coming away with ease. | Holy Trinity Church Poynings Road Poynings West Sussex
  8. Financial Report – Clerk
    a. Annual Governance Statement
    b. Accounting Statement
  9. Church Wall and Bank
  10. Cora’s Corner
  11. Finger post
  12. Passing place
  13. Winter plan
  14. Defibrillator training
  15. Item’s for next month’s Agenda
  16. Dates of Next month’s Meeting

Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton