Poynings Sloe Gin and Homemade Liqueur Contest
Monday 23rd February 2015, 7pm at the Royal Oak, Poynings.
Judging at 8pm. £1.50 per entry.
Poynings Sloe Gin Cup for the best 2014 Sloe Gin made by a Poynings resident.
Prize for the best homemade liqueur made by a Poynings resident (2014/2015).
Should be a great night, don’t forget it’s also the Villagers night so you can have a main course for £6 and, if you are really going for it, a starter for £3 and a pudding for £3. It doesn’t get any better than that J.
And that’s not all!
There are prizes for the best homemade liqueur or sloe gin made by a resident of Fulking, Edburton, Newtimber, Saddlescombe, Pyecombe or Woodmancote (2014/2015).
Organised by Sheila Marshall