Poynings Table Tennis

Dear all,

Five of us representing Fulking had great fun and some brilliant games on the outdoor table at Poynings on a warm, sunny evening on 8 June. But where were you folks from Poynings?  I’m afraid in your absence Fulking chalked up a victory, but it’s not too late to save your honour. We have two new games dates in the diary, on Fridays 29 June and 20 July.


If the weather is fine we will meet in the playing field at Poynings — the outdoor table is great, though the surface takes a bit of getting used to! We felt the base was perfectly safe, but as before, everyone will take part at their own risk. NB If the weather is bad on 29 June we will meet in Fulking village hall. On 20 July if the weather is poor we will meet in POYNINGS village hall, as Fulking hall is already booked. I think Mike has volunteered to get the key. But hopefully the sun will shine and both these summer dates can be enjoyed outdoors. Bring other outdoor games if you like!


Ring Jen 552 or email jengreenuk@yahoo.co.uk with any queries e.g. about the weather on the day.