Poynings Village Hall

Village Hall

Village Hall

Dear Downland residents,
I’m sure you’ll agree that Poynings Village Hall is a lovely asset for the downland villages, but that it could do with some attention to make it more fit-for purpose.
Poynings PC, along with the church (who owns the village hall and the old village hall currently occupied by Silver) and the VH trustees are soliciting levels of interest, thoughts and ideas from the Downland residents for a redeveloped, updated village hall.
We have begun by knocking down the dilapidated and dangerous toilet block to the rear. We will be placing a much needed storage shed – for the VH, PC and church discreetly at the back of property.
We plan to clean up the hall, the toilets, the kitchen and the grounds, to make it more appealing for events etc.
To have any success in attracting funding, we’ll need to ensure there is a genuine level of interest within the downland community – both to use and to be involved in making it happen, so please respond to questions below. Don’t forget, a covenant of the Village Hall states that it is free for the use of Poynings residents.
Click here to see drawings of what it might look like to inspire your thinking.

Kind regards
John Digby

Or contact Parish Councillors:
John Digby (Chairman), Michael Crowther (Vice Chairman), Janis Scott, Andrew Delaney, Bethany Roney.
Clerk: Colin Warburton.

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