Residents urged to “Keep West Sussex Safe”

Residents are being reminded to keep West Sussex safe as restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are eased.  

As businesses begin to reopen, public health leaders are reminding people that the virus is still active and are urging the public to continue to follow guidelines on social distancing and hand hygiene and take other preventative measures.  

Amanda Jupp, Cabinet Member for Adults and Health, said: “It is tempting to feel that we are back to some semblance of normality and to relax into old routines. However, as we have seen elsewhere in the country, life is not back to normal.

“For us to keep our county safe, open for business and working well, we all need to take responsibility for how we act and how we live and work.

“Let’s do everything we can to keep West Sussex safe.”

People are advised to follow four key steps:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap or hand sanitiser.
  • Keep a good distance from people not in your household – two metres if possible.
  • Wear a face covering on public transport, in hospitals and when you are going to confined spaces where it’s not possible to keep a safe social distance, including shops and supermarkets.
  • If you have symptoms (a new persistent cough, high temperature, changes in your sense of smell or taste), please get tested. Visit or call 119. If you or your household are asked to self-isolate, then please do so.

Last month West Sussex County Council published its plans for how West Sussex will respond to any local outbreak of COVID-19.

Anna Raleigh, Director of Public Health for West Sussex said: “We are keeping an extremely close eye on the data for West Sussex and we have detailed plans in place in the event of a significant increase in cases.

“As things stand, there is no need for any additional restriction measures in West Sussex and by following the public health advice, we will put ourselves in the best position possible to keep it that way.”

The Keep West Sussex Safe campaign will run throughout the summer.

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