Saddlescombe Lambing

Lambing Open Days – 12th & 13th April 2014


Why not come along to one of our lambing open days at Saddlescombe Farm in West Sussex to meet our sheep flock . . . and if you are lucky, see a lamb being born!

There will be lots to see and do, from newborn lambs, learning about sheep production, to straw bale climbing and delicious local refreshments.

Time – 10am – 3pm
Cost – Adults £6, Children £3, Family (2 adults, 2 children under 16) £15 – Cash only please
Where – Saddlescombe Farm, Saddlescombe Road, Brighton, BN45 7DB
Booking – No need to book, just turn up!

Wear your wellies

Pregnant women are advised not to visit the lambing barn and yards.
No dogs please. Please note, the National Trust farm buildings will not be open for viewing.

If you would like to order some lamb or a sheepskin rug to collect on the day please contact us or visit our online shop

We look forward to welcoming you.