Author's posts
Jul 26
Lambs Update
Mayfields have objected to Horsham Council’s District Plan which proposes to build 13,000 houses over 20 years. Mayfields say thousands more homes are needed on top of the planned 13,000 and suggest the figure should be closer to 24,000. This would mean a huge increase in building throughout the area in addition to the new town itself. …
Jul 26
Evergreens News
Jul 17
Dear friends, Thank you very much indeed for signing my petition “STOP TWO LORDS FROM BUILDING 10,000 HOUSES ON RURAL SUSSEX LAND” – this issue means a great deal to all of us and I really appreciate your support. We have over 1,696 signatures so far! The more people who sign the petition, the more chance …
Jul 17
Lambs Update
To All Our Supporters Thank you for your amazing generosity, we are more than half way towards meeting our target to fund our Barrister, planning consultant, and associated experts to represent us at the Horsham District Planning Hearing. We have received many donations from residents throughout the area, mostly from the local villages, but also …
Jul 01
Downland Churches News
The Downland Churches Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton St John the Evangelist, Newtimber The Transfiguration, Pyecombe July 2014 Sunday 6th July Trinity 3 10 am Family Service Poynings followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion 11am Family Communion Edburton Sunday 13th July Trinity 4 10 am Holy Communion Newtimber 6 pm Evening Service Pyecombe …
Jul 01
Poynings Parish Council Meeting
The Poynings Parish Council Meeting has been moved from this evening to next Tuesday.
Jun 27
As the warm weather continues and we get further into summer, raves are more likely to take place. Sussex Police have already stopped several raves and will continue to do so when possible. Landowners and residents in rural areas can help by being vigilant in their area. We ask you to let us know immediately if …
Jun 25
Lambs Development
Dear LAMBS supporters Thank you all for an incredible turnout at Friday’s meeting. If you missed the action then please see our website for the story, pictures and full copies of LAMBS and Hands Off Henfield speeches and recordings. The message was clear – no one wants Mayfield Market Towns! However, these developers will not …
Jun 25
Open Garden – Dyke Farm House
The Street, Poynings BN45 7AQ Sunday 29 June 2014 2 pm-5.00pm Admission by donation Refreshments Click here to see -> open garden poster Parking at Manor Farm, BN45 7AB (will be signposted – 5 minute walk from the garden)
Jun 25
Mayfields Update
Packed meeting condemns Mayfields For those who did not get to the Public Meeting about the proposed new Market Town to be built in this area, you can find out what was said and listen to speeches online on the LAMBS (Locals Against Mayfield Building Sprawl) website. Nick Herbert spoke strongly against the development and …