
Author's posts

Road Closure

West Sussex County Council (Newtimber and Poynings) (Saddlescombe Road and Devils Dyke Road) (Temporary Night Time Closure) Order 2014 NOTICE is hereby given that within not less than 21 days West Sussex County Council intends to make an Order under Section 16A and 16B of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended), the effect …

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Poynings Village Fete

THANK YOU to everyone from the village and beyond who helped to make the garden fete last Saturday such a happy event. We raised about £1800 for the church – a terrific result which will help to pay the bills. But the main thing was that it seemed to be a relaxed afternoon, with lots …

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Lambs – Meeting about Mayfield

Dear All. Tomorrow’s meeting about Mayfield.   20th June, 7.30pm,  at St Paul’s School, Burgess Hill is our chance to voice our opposition for Mayfields’ plans for a new town which could be anywhere between Hurstpierpoint and Henfield.  The speakers are Anthony Watts Williams (chair of LAMBS), Kenneth McIntosh (Hands Off Henfield) and both our MPs, Nick …

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Poynings Village Fete

Saturday 14th June is POYNINGS VILLAGE FETE. Don’t miss it! 2pm – 5pm Please join us at the traditional Poynings Village Fete in the rectory garden, which helps fund the general upkeep of our beautiful Norman Church. There are games and stalls for all ages, Sally’s cream teas and cakes as well as Maypole dancing, a puppet show and …

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Chilli Competition

It’s time again for the… Poynings Annual Chilli Competition for the Poynings, Saddlescombe and Newtimber Children’s Christmas Party Saturday June 14th At The Royal Oak, Poynings 4pm All entries to be received by 1pm on the day Entry fee £5 per Chilli Medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place with trophy for the winner. Please …

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Church News June 2014

The Downland Churches Holy Trinity Poynings,  St Andrew’s, Edburton St John the Evangelist, Newtimber The Transfiguration, Pyecombe  June 2014  Sunday 1st June         Sunday after Ascension 10 am  Family Service              Poynings followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion 11am   Family Communion      Edburton  Sunday 8th June                               Pentecost   10 am   Holy Communion        Newtimber …

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Mayfield Development

There have been several reports from residents who have been asked to participate in a housing opinion telephone poll.  Participants have raised concerns about the wording of the questions which they feel are extremely misleading. It has been confirmed that this poll has been commissioned by a company called Meeting Place Communications which has members of …

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Mayfields Development

The next meeting about the Mayfields Development has been confirmed for Friday, 20th June at 7.30 pm and please find all the details here: LAMBS Public Meeting Fri 20th June. The meeting will be held at St Paul’s Catholic College where there is plenty of parking available.  Anthony Watts Williams, chairman of LAMBS and the two …

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Fulking Garage Sale

Reminder Great Garage Sale The Dean FULKING   Monday 26th May 2014   11.00am to 4.00pm   In aid of St Andrew’s Church.

Poynings Parish Council AGM

Annual Parish Meeting 13th May 2014. 7.30pm in the Village hall. There is a presentation by Camilla and Roly, new resident of Saddlescombe Farm and representatives from the District and County Council and the National Trust. Refreshments after!

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