Author's posts
Feb 17
Poynings Parish Council meeting
The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council has been moved from Wednesday March 8th 2023 to Monday March 6th 2023. Agenda to follow nearer the time. Kind regards Colin WarburtonClerk
Jan 16
New NHS certified digital weight management service available free to people in West Sussex
A new digital weight management service is being offered by West Sussex County Council free to access for people who live or work in the county. The programme aims to support people to lose weight and maintain their health. People will be given help to sustain healthy habits and achieve self-selected goals through access to …
Jan 10
Look after yourself
If you’d like to make positive changes to your physical health this year, check out West Sussex Wellbeing for help and information on a range of topics and to find out what support is available near you including: Book a health MOT: If you’re aged 40 – 74 you could be eligible for a free …
Jan 09
Firstly can we take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, healthy, hopeful and peaceful 2023. As we write the Church has been transformed into a theatre, ready for the village pantomime ‘Snow White and some Dwarves’, it is a reminder what a great space our church is. There have been 2 funerals since our …
Jan 05
Why not take part in Big Garden Birdwatch 2023?
The Big Garden Birdwatch is getting closer. Our countdown clock is ticking towards the start of the UK’s biggest citizen science wildlife survey on January 27-29, but there’s still plenty of time to sign up now and get your free guide. Everyone who takes part plays an important role in helping us track how our birds …
Jan 05
The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held on the Village Hall on Wednesday 11th January 2023 at 7pm. Agenda Apologies for absence Minutes Matters Arising MSDC and WSCC Public Participation Expenditure for October 2022 and November 2022 Planning applicationsSDNP/22/05774/HOUS | Two-storey infill extension and associated roof alterations | Rushfield Paddock Henfield …
Jan 03
Reminder: apply for primary school places before 15 January
Families have until 15 January 2023 to submit their children’s primary school application on time to have the best chance of being offered one of their preferred schools.Parents and carers of children currently in Year 2 at infant school should also apply for a place at junior school before midnight on Sunday, 15 January. Children …
Dec 31
Snow White and some Dwarfs
Yes, Poynings Pantomime is back, grab you diary and enter these dates. January 20th, 21st and 22nd. Then head over to and get some tickets before they sell out! You know you want to. Oh yes you do!!!
Dec 31
Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)
Update. Poynings, Fulking and part of Newtimber. You will be pleased to know that at long last this is progressing. I haven’t been told where it is starting but Road Closure orders have been applied for and some people may have it installed by the end of January. Hopefully more news will follow. Colin
Dec 17
MSDC district Plan – Sayers Common and Albourne
As you maybe aware, MSDC had produced a plan to build over 2,000 houses in Sayers Common and Albourne. Population wise, this is larger than Steyning. This will undoubtedly have an impact on Poynings and the surrounding villages. Transport, air pollution, the destruction of the countryside and loss of Farmland are just a few areas …