
Author's posts

Pyecombe Music & Arts Festival

Pyecombe is holding a Music & Arts Festival the first weekend in September, 2nd, 3rd & 4th to support the Pyecombe Church. The weekend will involve music, poetry, stories and art. We welcome those of you who enjoy performing: singers, instrumentalists, storytelling, poetry reading and artists who wish to display their work. Ideally a Sussex flavour …

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Pondtail Wood Update 23rd June 2016

Below is a summary of the activity relating to the site from the involved agencies:   SDNPA   The case will be discussed at the National Park Authority meeting at the South Downs Centre on Thursday 23 June 2016 at 2pm. Brighton & Hove Friends of the Earth posted on their Facebook page an item …

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Village sign missing

The village sign on the bus stop seems to have been removed/stolen. Has anyone got any ideas or seen anyone removing it?  

Poynings Country Fete is Nearly here!

Don’t forget, this Saturday 😆 , June 18th 2.00 – 4.30. The Rectory Garden. Poynings. PIMMS * Live Music * Maypole Dancing * Cream Teas * Bottle Tombola Lots of fun for all the family We are running a bottle tombola at the Fete this year and would love contributions from as many people in the village …

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Work at Greenacres

Greenacres in Poynings have started a house extension works which will take about 12 to 18 months depending on weather conditions.  Part of the works are to put in a basement.  The equipment they’re going to need for this AND in order to allow the equipment to come through the back rather than the front …

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Dodgy white Van Man

This is the note from Hurstpierpoint Hub Facebook page.   Beware folks, just found someone of Eastern European origin walking into my back garden looking for scrap metal as he said it appeared we are having work done on our house. Claimed he was going to knock on the back door…after just walking past the …

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Poynings Country Fete

Saturday June 18th 2.00 – 4.30. The Rectory Garden. Poynings. PIMMS * Live Music * Maypole Dancing * Cream Teas * Bottle Tombola Lots of fun for all the family We are running a bottle tombola at the Fete this year and would love contributions from as many people in the village as possible .. …

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Fulking Monthly Book Sale

Sunday 12th June 11.00am to 4.00pm FULKING   We have loads of new ‘Book Club’ type books – so please come and browse.   We look forward to seeing you there.

POYNINGS Public Footpath 18P – Temporary Closure Notice

The Footbridge is being replaced so this footpath will be closed for 5 days from the 20TH JUNE 2016. The closure is necessary whilst the footbridge is replaced by WSCC Volunteer Ranger team.  A copy of the Temporary Closure Notice in respect of Footpath 18P can be found on this link. Footpath FP18P, or by clicking …

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Pondtail Wood Information evening

Tuesday 7 June – 7.30pm Upstairs room at The Royal Oak, Poynings. Pondtail Wood – Poynings Many have been working to prevent the further destruction of these woods that we thought were protected by the National Park. If you want to know more about the current situation and how we hope to resolve it, join …

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