Village thefts

It would appear that there have been more sightings of dodgy characters being seen in the village (I haven’t been out much so not me) The garage has had stuff stolen so make sure you lock up your outbuildings and sheds.

How to object to the Mayfield Development

Many people want to object to the Mayfield development, but the Horsham DC website isn’t that helpful.

“Lambs”, who are the pressure group giving information on the development, have created a useful guide and video showing how you can object. You do not have to live in the area to do so.

Go to

In order to object to Mayfield Market Town, you must respond to the draft Horsham District Local Plan by 30th March 2020.

Don’t forget there is also the meeting in Henfield Village Hall on Friday March 13th 2020 at 7pm

Walking for Charity

Try Walking for Charity in the picturesque Mid Sussex countryside and support The Royal Marsden.

Saddlescombe Farm Open Days

Don’t forget Saddlescombe lambing Open Days 28,29 March and 4,5 April.

St Patrick’s Day at the Royal Oak

Spend St. Patrick’s Day on Friday 13th March at the Royal Oak, from 8pm.

Royal Oak St Patricks Day

Fulking Book Sale


Our next Book Sale is on Sunday in Fulking from 11.00 to 4.00.

Loads and loads if books to choose from.

We look forward to seeing you all.

In aid of Edburton Church


Many thanks


Parish Councillor Vacancy

Poynings Parish Council still has a vacancy for a Councillor and is looking to Co-Opt shortly.

If you wish to express an interest, please contact me ASAP.

Kind regards

Colin Warburton
Clerk to the Council

6 Poynings Road
West Sussex
BN45 7AP
Tel: 01273 857024

Cold Callers

Mid-Sussex has seen a number of reports about cold callers. These are young men reporting as being ex-offenders or looking to break free of homelessness (etc.) but in fact are just peddlers.

At this stage we don’t think they are either linked to or intending to burgle any premises, however the story told is part of a sales patter and unlikely to be true.

Our advice for all cold callers stands in that residents should not to buy or sell on the doorstep.

If any resident experiences any abuse or feels threatened then they should call the police, either 101 or 99 as appropriate to their risk.

We are interested in any sightings but are not asking for anyone to specifically ring in.



Police Inspector Pete Dommett CD520

Prevention Inspector; Crawley & Mid-Sussex | West Sussex Division |Sussex Police

Tel 01273 404535 x 535224/531377

I work Mon-Thursday (not Friday)

Come and plant trees in Poynings

Put the 5th April in your Diary, and dig out your wellies and spade! Another 650 Event.



There is a planning meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 11th March 2020 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Planning
    New planning application

Location: Wilton House The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ
Proposal: Erection of a side and rear extension to Wilton House, including a balcony to rear roof slope, and replacement of existing garage.


Mr Nigel Evans
Chair of the Council    

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