Downland Calendar

If you missed the successful calender launch in the Royal Oak, you can now buy one on line.

A great Christmas present!!

In conjunction with local sponsors, Holy Trinity has produced a 2020 calendar to celebrate its landmark 650th year.

Showing the beauty of our local surroundings through the seasons, the funds raised from sales will go towards maintaining this wonderful ancient monument.
The calendar was launched at the Royal Oak, Poynings and is now available to buy on line.
Only £7.50 plus £2.50 postage and packing.

Just go to and you can get it delivered straight to your door.

Calendars are also available locally at The Royal Oak, Rushfields and Bob’s Café.

Please follow us on FacebookHoly Trinity Poynings for more updates about all the village wide events planned in 2020.

WSCC Road safety Facebook Page

My name is Julie Finn and I am a Road Safety Officer for WSCC.

We, here in the Road Safety team have recently set up a Facebook page, enabling us to get unlimited Road Safety related messages out into the public domain. As you will already be aware, Facebook is such an easy and effective way to do this and doesn’t cost anything! By using this medium, we are able to support our partner’s Road Safety campaigns happening throughout the country, write specifically about seasonally related topics, provide advice to support all modes of transport and much more – essentially delivering a whole wealth of important and much needed Road Safety information.

You can see us here


Fulking winter Open House

We are delighted to invite you to our annual Winter Open House and Macmillan event.
We have lots of fabulous gifts as well as a Macmillan raffle. Please share with anyone you think would enjoy it.
We look forward to welcoming you !



Poynings Parish Council Meeting


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 12th November 2019 at 7pm.



  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. MSDC and WSDC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for Aug and Sept
  7. c) PRE PLANNING Aviation House The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ. Demolish existing factory. Erection of 6 homes (4 x 4 bed houses and 2 x 2 affordable flats)

  8. Traffic group update
  9. Footpath Group update
  10. Bob’s café update
  11. Fireworks Night
  12. Chairman and Vice Chairman
    1. Item’s for next month’s Agenda
  13. Dates of Next Year’s Meetings


Mr Colin Warburton

Clerk to the Council

Film Night Postponed

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the film night for this weekend has been postponed.

Next date to be announced soon…

Fireworks this Saturday

There is going to be a large Fireworks display in Poynings this Saturday (not the village one), so if you have any animals it might be worth keeping them inside.

Poynings Bonfire & Fireworks 2019

The torch procession and Guy will leave the Royal Oak at approximately 6.25 on Sat Nov 9th. The lighting of the bonfire and fireworks will follow.

Please give very generously on the gate to allow this event to continue.

You can take material to the bonfire 9am-5pm
from now.

Please take to the bonfire site, do not leave on the forecourt

Clean burning material only – No tyres, plastic metal etc

Food available on the night…

Friday’s film Night

Further to my last message, don’t turn up to the Film night this week as it has been postponed as it clashes with the Downland 2020 calendar launch with complimentary bubbles!

So, go to the Oak instead and buy the calendar



Poynings Film Night

Lars and the Real Girl (2007)

8:00pm on Friday 25th October in Poynings Village Hall
Admission £1.00, raffle and refreshments available.

Downland 2020 calendar launch with complimentary bubbles!

Friday 25th October at Royal Oak 

In conjunction with local sponsors, Holy Trinity has produced a 2020 calendar to celebrate its landmark 650th year.
Showing the beauty of our local surroundings through the seasons, the funds raised from sales will go towards maintaining this wonderful ancient monument.
We are launching the calendars on Friday 25th October at the Royal Oak, Poynings.
Calendars are £7.50 and on this Friday only, each purchase will come with a complimentary glass of bubbles!
Calendars will then be available at local outlets including The Royal Oak, Rushfields, Bob’s Cafe and online (details for this will follow).

Please follow us on FacebookHoly Trinity Poynings‘ for more updates about all the village wide events planned in 2020. 

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