We are really worried about this issue in the County, the latest group now being groomed are middle class rural children as they are seemed to be naïve to the issue along with their parents! Be aware…
Dec 05
No gritting for us this winter…
In case residents are not aware, West Sussex County Council has decided to stop gritting the Poynings/Edburton Road from now on.
So it’s important that we all take extra care driving when temperatures are around freezing, as they are at the moment.
This decision, driven by a desire to cut costs, has been taken without consultation with the Parish Council. While we are working hard to get this decision reversed, this looks increasingly unlikely.
What would really help would be for individuals to email our local (West Sussex) councillor Joy Dennis – link here. Also, in the unlikely event that a parliamentary candidate appears on your doorstep – this would be a good topic to raise.
Candidate contact details here.
Fulking Parish Council
Information on gritting and gritting routes
Dec 05
Don’t forget your Downland calendar
It’s not too late to get your Downland Calendar as a Christmas present for the person who has everything!
In conjunction with local sponsors, Holy Trinity has produced a 2020 calendar to celebrate its landmark 650th year.
Showing the beauty of our local surroundings through the seasons, the funds raised from sales will go towards maintaining this wonderful ancient monument.
The calendar was launched at the Royal Oak, Poynings and is now available to buy on line.
Only £7.50 plus £2.50 postage and packing.
Just go to http://poynings.net/ and you can get it delivered straight to your door.
Calendars are also available locally at The Royal Oak, Rushfields and Bob’s Café.
Please follow us on Facebook ‘Holy Trinity Poynings‘ https://www.facebook.com/Holy-Trinity-Poynings-114264126629982/ for more updates about all the village wide events planned in 2020.
Dec 02
Household Rubbish
Nov 27
Road Repair – at last!
NOTICE IS hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended, the use of (and parking on) Poynings Road, Poynings is temporarily prohibited from 16/12/19 at 08:00 until 18/12/19 at 18:00. Road Closed signs will be in place either side of the closure at the nearest appropriate junctions.
The restriction will be in place 24hrs a day.
This closure is necessary to allow South East Water to rectify a carriageway reinstatement defect.
Emergency vehicle, Residential and Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times
The alternative route for traffic will be signed on site
This restriction will be effective for a maximum of 5 days from the start date given above
Any queries about the effect of the closure on traffic using the highway please contact West Sussex County Council on 01243 642105
Any queries about the works please contact Clancy Docwra on 01634 276512.
Dated 27 November 2019
Nov 26
2020 – the year of Poynings Celebrations
Have you still got that leaflet that was dropped through your door a couple of weeks ago..
The purpose was to announce the importance of 2020 to the church which turns 650 years and that celebrations though the village are planned to mark this auspicious year…
Don’t forget to join us to discuss plans and events. The meeting is at Poynings village hall on Wednesday 27th November at 7pm.
All Welcome !
And, if you are still struggling for Christmas presents, the world famous 2020 calendars will be on sale for £7.50, either correct cash or a card can be taken
Nov 26
New Year’s Resolutions for Fulking, Edburton and Poynings on Climate Change
Join an inter-village consultation on what we can each do individually and together locally to make a practical difference towards reducing our impact on the environment. Any ideas?
We’ll watch a couple of short David Attenborough videos together on Climate Change, to get the ball rolling. We’ll then open the floor to consultation on what we can do, on the basis of which we will make new resolutions for 2020 and beyond. Bring pencil and paper and practical ideas.
It’ll be pot-luck snacks.
7pm, Fulking Village Hall, Saturday 11 January.
Any ideas or questions please contact: Samantha_habitat@yahoo.com
Nov 26
Fulking Annual Quiz
There are still a couple of spaces left for our quiz next Friday – if you are free please come and join us.
Friday 29th Nov, Preston Nomads Cricket ground.
Nov 26
Helpful neighbours
Some Fulking and Poynings folk have been talking about setting up an informal network, through which villagers from both villages could offer and receive help. The kinds of things we have thought about are: dog walking, lifts to the GP, grass cutting, shopping, loan of tools or resources, simple computer help, sitting with someone so a carer can get a break. Or you might be that you would like someone to check in on you, if there is a an emergency, such as a power cut.
If you have some time and feel you could offer some help. Please contact Chris on gilder6646@aol.com, or 07891062956, describing possible assistance you could offer . That would be great.
If, on the other hand you can think of some help you need, or know of others who might, please contact me on the above email or telephone number.
We think and hope that creating this network would strengthen community ties improve quality of life for everyone involved. Volunteers would enjoy helping out and being helpful, and people receivi. Of course there is no reason you could not be both a helper and someone who receives help!
Anyway, if you are interested, get in touch and we can have a chat. We can then move forward on this idea. We can’t do it without you!
Chris Gildersleeve and Samantha Leader
Nov 20
Pyecombe Winter Fayre
Adastra Hall. Hassocks.
11.00 – 15.00 23rd November 2019.
Gifts, arts and crafts etc., great Christmas gifts.