Fete Raffle

There is an unclaimed raffle prize of smoked salmon, and no-one knows who won it!

They were told to collect it from the fridge but never did. As they were there for the draw, no-one took a name!

If it’s yours, don’t leave it too long, come and get it!!!!!

Don’t forget the Poynings Country Fete tomorrow!

Poynings Parish Council Meeting

There is an extraordinary meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 7pm.



1)     Apologies for Absence
2)       Minutes
3)       Planning a) SDNP/17/02486/FUL | Retrospective application for minor change in roof design to application SDNP/17/00250/DEVMON | Arden Cottage The Street BN45 7AQ b) SDNP/17/02297/FUL | The application site is currently unworkable with modern farming equipment (safety and operating requirements) due to the severity of the slopes created by the construction of the A27. The site is also experiencing progressive problems associated with drainage and soil erosion. The proposal is to remodel the large man-made depression using imported inert soils, so that 7.65 Ha of land can be brought back into arable production. | Golf Farm Devil’s Dyke Road Brighton BN1 8YJ c) SDNP/17/02674/FUL | Extension of existing farm shop | Garden Centre Henfield Road Poynings BN45 7AY

4)    Vote Parish Council Rep for SDNP
5)    Roundabout


Mr Mike Airey
Chair of the Council

Poynings Village Fete

Just a reminder that tomorrow,  Tuesday 6th after 6pm,  a few members of the Fete committee will be collecting your donation for the bottle tombola for the Village Fete on Saturday. If you think you may be out, please leave it on your doorstep or at the Rectory.


Bottle donations can include shampoo, hand wash, cider, coke, passata, orange cordial, wine, fairy liquid, nail varnish remover, whiskey, room spray, vinegar, tomato sauce, beer ~ the list is endless… Thank you!


Also wanted: cakes, plans or books which can be dropped off on the day from 8am.

Off the Fence

Thank you to everyone in Poynings who donated and helped by Brian…




Church News June 2017

The Downland Benefice

Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe



June 2017


There is a united Benefice service every Sunday morning at 10 am in one of our churches.

On most Sundays, this is a service of Holy Communion.

On the first Sunday of each month, it is an all age worship service, followed at 11.15 am by a short Communion service.


Location varies according to the pattern below:

    First Sunday (4th June)              Poynings

    Second Sunday (11th June)             Newtimber

    Third Sunday (18th June)             Poynings

    Fourth Sunday (25th June)             Pyecombe

There is also a Benefice Evening Service at 6pm every second Sunday (11th June) at Pyecombe.


In addition, at Edburton Church there is:

A service of Family Communion every first and third Sunday at 11 am. (4th June and 18th June)


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

Mondays: Edburton at 6 pm Tuesdays: Newtimber at 5pm

Wednesdays: Poynings at 9 am; Pyecombe at 6 pm


Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday, 12th June, 3.30 – 5 pm at Rectory Cottage, Newtimber

(home of Shirley Murrell)


Sunday 4th June    Poppy Valder-Davis Poynings


Renewal of Wedding Vows

Sunday 4th June at 4 pm            Newtimber


Other special events and dates this month

•    STUDY GROUPS run 31st May to 5th July Wednesdays afternoon or evening at The Rectory.

Topic: The Creeds.


1st June, 4 – 7pm in ‘Sue’s Garden in aid of the school in Malagiri, Nepal


8th June 7pm at Newtimber Place

•    POYNINGS VILLAGE FETE 10th June, 2pm

to 4.30pm in the Rectory garden, Poynings


16TH June 4.30pm to 6pm Fulking Village Hall


and in early July:


Flower Festival 1-2nd July Theme: New Beginnings


STRAWBERRY TEA: 1st July 2-pm at Newtimber


For more information on all events, email : downlandbenefice@icloud.com


Clergy contact details:

Revd. Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456         c.currer@btinternet.com

Revd Graham Jeffery (Edburton)     01273 494559

Drone in Poynings

A drone in Poynings has been found, equipped with a camera and memory card. If you have lost it and can give a make/description you can be re-united.

Poynings Country Fete June 10th

Garden Party in aid of the Malagiri School, Nepal

Thursday 1st June. 4pm – 7pm.
Sue’s Garden, Pangdean Farm. BN45 7FJ

Music, refreshments, raffle, jewellery sale, croquet
and garden games, information about the school –
after the earthquake and future needs.

£12.50 adults
£7 Children
(afternoon tea and drink included)

Available from:

Jill Munday (01273 566 276)
Karen Lewis (01273 857 013)
Lorraine Harrison l.harrison@brighton.ac.uk

Easy Parking on site: If wet, will be held in Pangdean Barn

Poynings Volunteers Group

Further to my appeal in the November Newsletter (hard copy), we now have a small group of volunteers.

Part of the plan is to create a ‘Small Charitable Organisation’, complete with trustees and a bank account in order to receive any grants that we may need to apply for to improve the village.

We still need people of all ages, with various abilities, skills and contacts, with the intention of establishing a suitable communications network.

If you are interested please email Sheila – sheilamarshall500@gmail.com .



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