Public consultation on Dog Control Orders


Mid Sussex District Council is running a six week public consultation from Monday 3 July 2017 to find out what local people think about dog control measures in Mid Sussex.


Mid Sussex has a number of Dog Control Orders in place to protect the local environment and deter irresponsible dog ownership. However, the current Orders expire later this year and Mid Sussex District Council will be replacing them with Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) in October.


The Council is proposing a simple transfer of all existing powers under the Dog Control Orders over to the new PSPOs. The only proposed change is to extend the Maximum Number of Dogs (6) Order to all Council owned nature reserves, adjoining land and some of the larger recreation grounds.


“With the legal transfer of Dog Control Orders taking place in October, this is the perfect time to talk to us about dog control,” said Councillor Norman Webster, Cabinet Member for Health and Community. “We’re keen to hear from everyone, so please use this consultation as an opportunity to let us know if you like the current arrangements or if there’s anything you would like to change.”


The majority of dog owners in Mid Sussex are responsible, pick up their dogs’ mess and keep them under proper control. However, there is a small minority who don’t and this can create problems. The Public Space Protection Orders enable fixed penalty notices to be issued by an authorised officer when they see an offence occur. These are set at £75 or £50 if paid within 10 days.


The proposed Public Space Protection Orders will cover:


•    Fouling of Land by Dogs

In order to reduce the amount of dog fouling in Mid Sussex, owners are required to clean up their dogs’ mess. This order is applied to any land which is open to the air and to which the public have access.

•    Dog Exclusion

To prevent people or the dogs themselves being injured as a result of sharing activity space, dogs should be excluded from all fenced children’s play areas and fenced recreational areas such as tennis courts, bowling greens and multi activity areas owned by Mid Sussex District Council.

•    Dogs on Lead by Direction

In order to stop a loose dog disrupting sporting or community events or disturbing local wildlife, dogs must be placed on a lead if requested to do so by an authorised officer. This order applies to Mid Sussex District Council owned land on which formal sports and community events regularly take place, and all designated nature reserves.

•    Dogs Specified Maximum Amount (6)

The number of dogs one person can take onto Council nature reserves or selected large parks should be restricted to six.


The consultation will be available to view at the Mid Sussex District Council Reception or on the Council’s website for six weeks starting on Monday 3 July 2017.

Party Time!

For those who spotted the deliberate mistake, it is tomorrow, Saturday the 1st July.

It’s Paula Seager’s 50th (yes really!!!) and Jackie Crowther’s (much younger) birthday too – so what better excuse for Poynings locals to have a party?!

Open house in the Royal Oak marquee from 8pm with a live act and 80s music – we will be drinking and dancing – come along if you can!

Thanks, Paula

Church News July 2017

The Downland Benefice
Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton
St John the Evangelist, Newtimber
The Transfiguration, Pyecombe

July 2017

There is a united Benefice service every Sunday morning at 10 am in one of our churches.
On most Sundays, this is a service of Holy Communion.
On the first Sunday of each month, it is an all age worship service, followed at 11.15 am by a short Communion service.

Location varies according to the pattern below:
First Sunday (2nd July) Poynings
Second Sunday (9th July) Newtimber
Third Sunday (16th July) Poynings
Fourth Sunday (23rd July) Pyecombe
Fifth Sunday (30th July) Newtimber
There is also a Benefice Evening Service at 6pm
every second Sunday (9th July) at Pyecombe.

In addition, at Edburton Church there is:
A service of Family Communion every first and third Sunday at 11 am. (2nd July and 16th July)

Morning and Evening Prayer each week
Mondays: Edburton at 6 pm Tuesdays: Newtimber at 5pm
Wednesdays: Poynings at 9 am; Pyecombe at 6 pm

Evergreens (for the over 60’s)
Monday, 3rd July, 3.30 – 5 pm at Rushfields Farm Shop
(Colin and Cathy Langridge)


Sunday 2nd July    Tilly Ware            Poynings

Sunday 16th July  Dora Worsley       Edburton

Saturday 22nd July Tristan Burton    Pyecombe



Saturday 29th July          Adam Keen and Amy Blackford


Other special events and dates this month

  • Pyecombe Village weekend and Flower Festival 1-2nd July Theme: New Beginnings. Songs of Praise service to round off the weekend – 6pm on 2nd July
  • Midsummer Concert and Strawberry Tea at Newtimber Church in the grounds of Newtimber Place: 1st July 2-30 pm
  • Benefice Council: 7.30pm, 3rd July The Rectory.
  • Confirmation service is on Thursday 20th July at 8pm at St Andrew’s Church, Burgess Hill. Do come and support our 3 candidates.
  • Messy Church Friday 21st July Fulking Hall.
  • Sunday 23 July 10.30 – 4.30pm is Newtimber’s Country and Village Fayre; Church Lane, Newtimber. Activities and fun for all the family
  • On Sunday 23rd July, Pyecombe Church will be serving tea and cakes from 2.30-4.30pm.
  • Sunday 30th July is Fulking Fair – see boards.


For more information on all events, email :


Clergy contact details:

Revd. Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456         

Revd Graham Jeffery (Edburton)       01273 494559

Poynings Parish Council Meeting




The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 4th July 2017 at 7pm.


1) Apologies for absence
2) Minutes
3) Matters Arising
4) Expenditure for May and June
5) Planning applications
a) SDNP/17/01803/HOUS | Demolition of existing side and rear extensions. Replacement extensions to the side and rear elevation of the existing property. Replacement porch to front elevation. Allowance for internal alterations. | Wickham House Mill Lane Poynings BN45 7AE
b) SDNP/17/01947/TCA | Notification of intension to fell 1No Ash Tree | Dyke Farm House The Street Poynings Brighton West Sussex BN45 7AQ
6) 2016 – 2017 Accounts
7) Table tennis table
8) Winter Plan
9) Roundabout
10) Dates of Next Meetings


Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton

It’s Party time in Poynings!

It’s Paula Seager’s 50th (yes really!!!) and Jackie Crowther’s (much younger) birthday too – so what better excuse for Poynings locals to have a party?!


Open house in the Royal Oak marquee from 8pm with a live act and 80s music – we will be drinking and dancing – come along if you can!


Thanks, Paula

Open Garden Poynings

Tomorrow, Sunday 18th June. 2pm – 5pm Dyke Farm house. the Street Poynings. BN45 7AQ.  Feature of the Garden include:-  formal beds and lawn. A cottage garden.  Wild flower areas. A productive kitchen garden. Small pond.  Several borders full of flowers for the house. Woodland walk. Secret courtyard.

Positioned at the foot of the Downs, the 2 acre garden has far reaching views of the weald, and is overlooked by Devils Dyke and Newtimber Hill.. Tea, coffee and lots of cake!!.

Admission by donation – In aid of Martlets and Brighton Festival Chorus. For more information Click Here

Parking at Manor Farm, BN45 7AB

(will be signposted)

A 5 minute walk from the garden.

Wheelchair access with some limitations and disabled parking/drop off.

Off road parking too Please park considerately in this small village

Fete Raffle

There is an unclaimed raffle prize of smoked salmon, and no-one knows who won it!

They were told to collect it from the fridge but never did. As they were there for the draw, no-one took a name!

If it’s yours, don’t leave it too long, come and get it!!!!!

Don’t forget the Poynings Country Fete tomorrow!

Poynings Parish Council Meeting

There is an extraordinary meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 7pm.



1)     Apologies for Absence
2)       Minutes
3)       Planning a) SDNP/17/02486/FUL | Retrospective application for minor change in roof design to application SDNP/17/00250/DEVMON | Arden Cottage The Street BN45 7AQ b) SDNP/17/02297/FUL | The application site is currently unworkable with modern farming equipment (safety and operating requirements) due to the severity of the slopes created by the construction of the A27. The site is also experiencing progressive problems associated with drainage and soil erosion. The proposal is to remodel the large man-made depression using imported inert soils, so that 7.65 Ha of land can be brought back into arable production. | Golf Farm Devil’s Dyke Road Brighton BN1 8YJ c) SDNP/17/02674/FUL | Extension of existing farm shop | Garden Centre Henfield Road Poynings BN45 7AY

4)    Vote Parish Council Rep for SDNP
5)    Roundabout


Mr Mike Airey
Chair of the Council

Poynings Village Fete

Just a reminder that tomorrow,  Tuesday 6th after 6pm,  a few members of the Fete committee will be collecting your donation for the bottle tombola for the Village Fete on Saturday. If you think you may be out, please leave it on your doorstep or at the Rectory.


Bottle donations can include shampoo, hand wash, cider, coke, passata, orange cordial, wine, fairy liquid, nail varnish remover, whiskey, room spray, vinegar, tomato sauce, beer ~ the list is endless… Thank you!


Also wanted: cakes, plans or books which can be dropped off on the day from 8am.

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