Mid Sussex District Council Corporate Plan and Budget approved for 2017/18


Mid Sussex District Council approved its Corporate Plan and Budget for 2017/18 at a meeting of Full Council on Wednesday 1 March 2017.


The financial outlook facing local government continues to be challenging but Mid Sussex District Council has set a balanced budget that protects frontline services, invests in key projects and continues to support the voluntary sector.


Over the last seven years, Revenue Support Grant funding for Mid Sussex has reduced massively from £6.4 million to £845,000. This year the grant funding will reduce even further to just £128,000.


Mid Sussex District Council has bridged the financial gap by maintaining a tight control over costs and using new, cost effective ways of delivering services. The savings generated mean that the Mid Sussex District Council element of Council Tax will rise by just 1.99%, an increase of £3.05 for an average Band D property, which is less than 6p per week.


The Corporate Plan and Budget 2017/18 confirms firm support for future economic growth in Mid Sussex. Over the next 12 months the Council will be working on the creation of a new business park in Burgess Hill, the redevelopment of the station quarter in Haywards Heath, which includes the new Waitrose store, and the revitalisation of the Martlets Shopping Centre.


The Council will be supporting the local community through grants to local voluntary organisations and the Wellbeing Service will help residents to develop healthy lifestyles. Funding will be provided for new community facilities and playgrounds and plans are in place to deliver 200 new affordable homes.


“Our approach to the 2017/18 Budget and Corporate Plan has always been consistent; to protect our key services, deliver savings and invest in community facilities,” said Councillor Garry Wall, Leader of Mid Sussex District Council. “It’s a well-tested and robust method that has enabled us deliver in excess of £7 million in savings over the last decade.


“We’re a low spending authority and I’m proud that we have been able to make such significant savings whilst maintaining and improving our services.


“We always aim to keep Council Tax a low as possible for our residents and we have frozen Council Tax for the last six years. However, in order to protect our services for the future we are proposing a modest increase of 1.99% this year.


“The Chancellor has indicated in his Autumn Statement that government finances will be constrained for some time to come. It’s vitally important that we continue to be prudent, invest wisely and focus our resources on the things that matter most to local people.”

Mad March Pub Quiz

The Mad March Pub Quiz is run in over 100 pubs throughout Sussex to raise funds for the Friends of Sussex Hospices – see link – https://www.friendsofsussexhospices.org.uk/mad-march-pub-quiz

The Shepherd & Dog is running this for the 3rd successive year, primarily as an opportunity for locals from around Fulking and Poynings to get together in a good cause.. The last two years have been greatly enjoyed.

Details are: 

7pm arrival for 7:30 start. £10 per ticket, we will shout some nibbles for all the tables, and a raffle later on in the evening.

Book a table direct with the Shepherd & Dog….there are still a few tables left!


2nd March 2017                                 


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 7th March 2017 at 7pm.



  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes


  3. Matters Arising


  4. WSCC and MSDC


  5. Public Participation


  6. Expenditure for January and February


  7. Planning applications
    a) Longacres Dyke Lane Poynings BN45 7AA. Two storey side extension with single storey rear extension, and rear pitched roof dormer.
    b) SDNP/16/06388/FUL | To replace an existing residential dwelling with a new residential dwelling | Orchard Cottage Dyke Lane Poynings BN45 7AA

    SDNP/17/00426/FUL | Siting of a mobile home and occupation by agricultural workers, including the removal of a 5m of hedgerow| Poynings Grange Farm
    d) SDNP/17/00225/HOUS | Install 2no. conservation heritage Velux windows (660mmx1180mm) to main roof | Shepherds Hey The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ
    e) SDNP/17/00540/FUL | To replace existing Aluminium windows and sliding patio doors | The Rectory The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ
    f) SDNP/17/00564/HOUS | Ground floor rear extension | Arden Cottage The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ
    g) SDNP/17/00573/TCA | (T1, T2 and T3) Damsons – Coppice. (T4) Damson – Fell. (T5) Holly – Fell. | Southdown View The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ


  8. Pondtail Wood


  1. Operation Watershed


  2. MSDC Garden Party Nomination


  3. AGM – Parish Meeting


  4. Dates of Next Meeting



Clerk to the Council                            

Mr Colin Warburton

Tel: 01273 857024

Leader shocked and disappointed at increased housing target

Mid Sussex District Council Leader Garry Wall has spoken out about his concerns for the future of Mid Sussex.


Councillor Garry Wall has reacted strongly to Independent Planning Inspector Jonathan Bore’s insistence that Mid Sussex must build 1026 homes per year between now and 2034.


“My colleagues and I have the gravest worries about the Inspector’s views that this District can accommodate 1026 new homes every year for the next 17 years,” said Councillor Garry Wall, Leader of Mid Sussex District Council.


“The Council’s own work, which has been validated by senior and highly respected experts, recommends that 800 new homes could be delivered every year. The Inspector is suggesting a level of housing that developers have never delivered in the entire history of Mid Sussex.”


Mr Bore is the Government appointed Inspector who is overseeing the public examination of the Mid Sussex District Plan. The plan sets out in broad terms what, where, when and how development will take place in Mid Sussex over the next 17 years.


The District Plan has been prepared with the help of Town and Parish Councils in Mid Sussex to make sure it reflects the views of local communities. However, the plan must be found ‘sound’ by an Independent Planning Inspector before it can be adopted.


“Local people understand the need to increase the level of housing and we believe that 800 new homes a year is a sensible and sustainable amount,” continued Councillor Wall. “Therefore we were shocked and hugely disappointed to read that the Inspector thinks that 1026 new homes could be built every year across our District.


“We have presented extensive evidence detailing the constraints in our District; local people are well aware of them. Our roads and railways are seriously congested and many key services are absolutely at capacity. In addition we enjoy a wonderful environmental heritage that we must endeavour to protect
at all times. So we are very concerned and bewildered that these constraints appear not to have been properly understood by the Inspector.”


The Council is carefully considering the range of options available, in the light of the Inspector’s interim findings.


“I fully appreciate that many residents will be justifiably concerned about the long-term implications of the Inspector’s findings,” added Councillor Wall. “However, the Council is still in the Examination process, so there are limits to what I can say publicly. I believe that how the Council now responds is crucial and requires extremely careful deliberation.”

Church News March 2017

The Downland Benefice

Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe



March 2017


There is a united Benefice service every Sunday morning at 10 am in one of our churches.

On most Sundays, this is a service of Holy Communion.

On the first Sunday of each month, it is an all age worship service, followed at 11.15 am by a short Communion service.


Location varies according to the pattern below:

    First Sunday
(5th March)              Poynings

    Second Sunday
(12th March)             Newtimber

    Third Sunday
(19th March)             Poynings

    Fourth Sunday
(26th March: Mothering Sunday) Pyecombe


There is also a Benefice Evening Service at 6pm

every second Sunday (12th March) at Pyecombe.


In addition, at Edburton Church there is:

A service of Family Communion every first and third Sunday at 11 am. (5th March and 19th March)


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

Mondays: Edburton at 6 pm Tuesdays: Newtimber at 5pm

Wednesdays: Poynings at 9 am; Pyecombe at 6 pm


Lent Study Group

Wednesdays from 8th March

Either 2.30-4pm or 7.30- 9pm


Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday, 6th March, 3.30 – 5 pm at Fulking Farmhouse

(home of Joanna and Stuart Cairns)



Sunday 5th March    Ruben John Lambe     Pyecombe



Saturday 25th March              Poynings

Anthony Smith and Becky Rowland


Other special events and dates this month

  • Lent starts this month on Ash Wednesday (1st March), when there will be a special service at 7.30pm at Newtimber Church.
  • The Women’s World Day of Prayer is Friday 3rd March – our local service is at Woodmancote Church at 2.30pm. This year the service has been written by women from the Philippines: ‘Am I being fair to you?”
  • Our Lent Study course ‘Hear the Word of the Lord’ focuses on the Bible. Weekly from 8th March either afternoon or evening. Afternoons usually at Rectory Cottage, Newtimber, and evenings at The Rectory, but watch for changes and see separate flier.
  • Hymn choosing meeting will be 7th March, 2.30-4pm at The Rectory. All welcome.
  • Pyecombe evening service on 12th March will have a special focus on Meditation. This is the first of our community gatherings – do come along.
  • The Benefice Council meets on Monday 13th March Thursday 3rd March at 7.30pm at Pangdean Farm, with thanks to Ian Currie.
  • Messy Church meets on Friday 17th March, at 4.30pm


Clergy contact details:

Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456         c.currer@btinternet.com

Revd Graham Jeffery (Edburton)     01273 494559



Monday 6 February

Royal Oak Poynings (Village Night)

*Table reservations advisable

Entries in by 8pm (a jam jar will do)

£1.50 per entry (2016/2017 fruit only)

Poynings -Sloe Gin Cup and prize for best liqueur


Neighbouring villages – Newtimber, Fulking,

Woodmancote, Pyecombe.



14th Jan 2017


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the Village Hal on Tuesday 17th Jan 2017 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. WSCC and MSDC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for November to December
  7. Precept for 2017/2018
  8. Planning applications
    a) Longacres Dyke Lane Poynings BN45 7AA. Two storey side extension with single storey rear extension, and rear pitched roof dormer, and additional roof lights to front elevation.
    b) Construction of detached dwelling to replace recently demolished bungalow (resubmission of SDNP/15/04812/HOUS) (Amended Plans received 26.08.2016) – Rose Cottage Mill Lane Poynings Brighton West Sussex BN45 7AE
  9. Defibulator
  10. Old Folks Christmas Party
  11. Co-Opt Councillor
  12. Dates of Next Meetings

Mr Colin Warburton
Clerk to the Council
Tel: 01273 857024

Beauty and the Beast – It’s nearly time

Have your got your Pantomime ticket yet? I hope so as they are selling out fast and we would hate to see you at the door looking glum listening to all the laughter inside.

Sunday is already sold out, and the performance you want may well have sold out by now. Get to the Royal Oak quick and buy some. You know you want to.

Poynings Parish Council Meeting cancelled.

Unfortunately, Poynings Parish Council Meeting has had to be postponed until Tuesday 17th January 2017.

Help needed – Poynings Pantomime

Is anyone able to spare some time next week and next weekend. We need someone to operate the lighting.

No experience needed, it’s not technical J but great fun.

You would need to be at the rehearsals for practice and for the performances.

Monday 9th January 6.30 – 8.00
Tuesday 10th January 6.30 – 8.00
Thursday 11th January 6.30 – 8.00

(plus any other time if you wanted to practice)


Friday 13th January 8pm
Saturday 14th January 3pm
Saturday 14th January 8pm
Sunday 15th January 3pm

Call or text (I don’t get a signal in the Church) on 07941 460 582 or email colin@poynings.net

Many thanks

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