Fulking Book Sale

Bric-a-Brac and Book Sale

Sat/Sun 23/24 April (this weekend)

Fulking Village Hall

10.00 to 4.00 each day.


3 in 1 cards – Press release

Note from Peter Griffiths, our County Councillor concerning the Press release below about the 3 in 1 cards.

I may have drawn your attention to this proposed decision as I am not at all convinced that it is

a. equitable or

b. necessary.

I have asked the Cabinet Member responsible that the deadline is extended . To have only 4 days notice is in my view pretty shoddy added to which the unreasonable deadline is within the current Easter Holidays!

There was a heads up news item in the February WSCC Current Issues. It included a very confusing definition of who was eligible under ‘low income families’ that took 3 officers to clarify for me but there was no mention of the online consultation nor the link.

Thank you

Peter G

News release

For Immediate Release

04 April 2016


Have your say on 3in1 cards before Friday April 8 deadline


Residents have until Friday, April 8 to have their say over the future of 3in1 travel cards in West Sussex.

West Sussex County Council is running an online public consultation on the future of the scheme.

The cards are being reviewed taking into account changes in national legislation, the priorities of the Future West Sussex plan and increasing financial pressures.

3in1 Cards are a concessionary travel scheme for young people aged from five to 19.

Pupils and students pay £50 for the card, which entitles them for savings on bus travel at any time on any day of the week.

About 6,000 students out of 116,000 who go to school or college use the scheme, which costs £1.2m a year.

The County Council has proposed three options:

•          The 3in1 Card scheme continues in its current format
•          The 3in1 Card ceases to operate
•          The 3in1 Card ceases to operate but funding for 16-19 year-olds from low income families (in full time further education) would be made available.

The questionnaire asks participants to rank their preferred option, and give their views on the scheme. 

Participants are also asked for their views on the dates for any changes to be introduced.

To participate, visit https://haveyoursay.westsussex.gov.uk/highways-and-transport/3in1card.

Church News April 2016

The Downland Benefice

Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe



April 2016


There is a united Benefice service every Sunday morning at 10 am in one of our churches.


On most Sundays, this is a service of Holy Communion.

On the first Sunday of each month, it is an all age worship service, followed at 11.15 am by a short Communion service.

Location varies according to the pattern below:

    First Sunday     (3rd April)             Poynings

    Second Sunday    (10th April)            Newtimber    

    Third Sunday     (17th April)            Poynings    

    Fourth Sunday    (24th April)            Pyecombe


There is also a Benefice Evening Service at 6pm

every second Sunday (10th April) at Pyecombe.


In addition, at Edburton Church there is:

A service of Family Communion every first and third Sunday at 11 am. (3rd and 17th April)


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

Mondays:     Edburton at 6 pm

Tuesdays:     Newtimber at 5 pm

Wednesdays:     Poynings at 9 am; Pyecombe at 6 pm


Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday, 4th April, 3.30 – 5 pm at The Paddock, Fulking

(home of Ian and Jill Malby)

Baptism, Memorial and Funeral Services


Baptism: Alfie James Victor Salter: 3rd April 2pm, Poynings.

Memorial service for John Murrell: The Meeting House at Sussex University on Weds 13th April at 2.30pm.

Funeral: Jake (Gordon) Richards: 14th April 2pm, Poynings


Special events and dates this month


  • On Saturday 2nd April at 7pm, there will be an illustrated talk on the opera ‘Carmen’ given by Jonathan Hinden, former Principal Coach at Glyndebourne, hosted by Carol and Andrew Clay in the Hall at Newtimber Place. In aid of Newtimber Church. For tickets, call 01273 832009.
  • Pyecombe PCC: 7.30pm, Monday 4th April at Pangdean.
  • Newtimber PCC: 5.30pm Tues 5th April in the Church.
  • It is also the month for our Annual Meetings or APCMs:

    – Edburton; 12 noon Sunday 3rd April in Church;

    – Pyecombe: 7.30pm Tuesday 19th April in Church;

    – Newtimber: 5.30pm Tuesday 26th April in Church;

    – Poynings: 7.00pm Weds 27th April; the Village Hall

All are welcome to learn what we have been up to in the past year. We have vacancies on PCCs – anyone willing to serve or to become involved in any way should speak first with Caroline.

  • Messy Church meets this month on Friday 15th April, from 4.30 pm – 6 pm at Fulking Village Hall. Do come along!
  • Newtimber Place Gardens opening 17 April, 2.30pm
  • Edburton bric-a-brac sale 23/24 April; Fulking Village Hall
  • Confirmation preparation starts this month: please contact Caroline if you are interested to learn more.
  • Please collect unwanted items and pass them to Lucy Dalrymple for her Verge Sale in aid of Newtimber Church funds –happy to collect: tel 01273 832009


Clergy contact details:

Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456         c.currer@btinternet.com

Revd Graham Jeffery (Edburton)     01273 494559

Bus Changes

Compass Travel 16 Worthing – Lyons Farm (Sundays & Bank Holidays)

This service is withdrawn on Sundays & Bank Holidays, the Monday to Saturday service continues unchanged.


Compass Travel 17 Horsham – Brighton (Sundays & Bank Holidays)

Frequency increased from two hourly to every hour.


Compass Travel 23 Horsham – Worthing (Sundays & Bank Holidays)

This service is withdrawn and replaced by Metrobus 23, see below.


Metrobus 23 Crawley – Horsham (Sundays & Bank Holidays)

Sunday & Bank Holiday service extended from Horsham to Worthing replacing Compass Travel service 23.


Metrobus 27 Forge Wood – Crawley (Daily)

New service linking the Forge Wood development with Crawley town centre.


Brighton & Hove N40 Brighton – Haywards Heath (1 night journey on Saturdays)

This service is withdrawn.


Metrobus 40X Haywards Heath – Brighton

Service withdrawn and replaced by new service 272, see below.


Metrobus 82 Crawley – Haywards Heath

Service renumbered 272 and extended to Brighton on Mondays to Fridays, see below.


Metrobus 271 Crawley – Burgess Hill – Brighton

Revised to operate via Haywards Heath and to the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton. Sunday diversion via Ditchling removed.


Metrobus 272 Crawley – Haywards Heath (extended to Brighton on Mondays to Fridays)

New service operating about every two hours replacing Metrobus services 82 and 40X.

Vulnerable people

The Surrey Law Centre is a registered Charity which was established in 2001 and which has been helping disadvantaged and vulnerable people gain access to justice.

They currently have 15 free legal advice clinics running across Surrey and they are pleased to advise that they will be launching a free legal advice clinic in Crawley on 5th April 2016. 

Although they are in Surrey you can visit them from anywhere.





The Surrey Law Centre is a registered Charity which was established in 2001 and which has been helping the disadvantaged and vulnerable people of Surrey gain access to justice.


We aim to offer you a warm welcome, quickly identify your needs and provide a non discriminatory service to you. We will quickly signpost you to another appropriate service if it is an issue which we are unable to assist with. Our service is completely free. However, we are grateful for any donations.


Our main office is based in Epsom, Surrey however we are presently able to offer outreach clinics in Epsom, Dorking, Oxted, Walton on Thames, Reigate, Guildford, Godalming, Woking, Camberley, Sutton and Crawley covering Family, Employment, Civil and Immigration law (other areas of law available at our Guildford clinic) where we can offer a free 20 minute appointment.

We also hold dedicated Domestic Abuse clinics on a monthly basis in Epsom, Reigate, Godalming and Guildford where we can offer a free 30 minute appointment. All our clinics are staffed by experienced and expert Solicitors and Barristers and are held in confidential and safe environments. All of the venues we use also have wheelchair access. We are also able to offer a telephone service for those unable to access our clinics due to exceptional circumstances.


We work in partnership with many local Solicitors and can provide referrals in the areas of Housing, Wills, Probate, Trusts and Powers of Attorney where 30 minutes of free legal advice will be offered.

In addition we are happy to assist with referrals to the Bar Pro Bono Unit, Free Representation Unit and the Surrey Disabled People’s Partnership (SDPP).

If we cannot assist you, we will strive to refer you to a service we believe may be of benefit to you.

To make an appointment please call 0330 002 0099 (Mon–Fri 10 am – 3 pm)

Or e-mail us at reception@surreylawcentre.org

Or visit our website www.surreylawcentre.org

Have your say about local policing

The election for the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) takes place on Thursday 5th May, and Mid Sussex residents are urged to take part.


On Thursday 5 May 2016 voters in Mid Sussex will go to the polls to elect a Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Sussex. Since November 2012, the Police and Crime Commissioners have been responsible for overseeing the running of local police forces, including appointing the Chief Constable, setting the local police budget and deciding what the priorities should be for the police in their area.
Local electors are eligible to stand as candidates in the Police and Crime Commissioner election, provided they have not been convicted of an imprisonable offence and are not employed in certain jobs, including being a police officer.
Nominations to stand as a candidate in the 2016 Police and Crime Commissioner election must be submitted by 4pm on 7 April. Candidates will be required to have the backing of 100 local electors and provide a £5,000 deposit. If you are thinking of standing, please contact the Returning Officer for the Sussex Police area at paro@wealden.gov.uk for further nomination details.
“Your local authority manages the local register of electors, which is known as the Electoral Roll,” said Charles Lant, Returning Officer for this year’s Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Elections. “They send out polling cards to registered electors before upcoming elections so you know which polling station to attend. You can still vote if you do not have a polling card, but you must be on the local Electoral Register.”

The deadline to register to vote in the PCC election is Monday 18 April 2016. Whilst there is still time, it’s running out quickly. The good news is that it only takes a few minutes to register online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.

Hassocks Station

Did you that the ticket office at Hassocks station is threatened with closure or shorter opening hours?

This will make it really difficult for people who go to the station to buy tickets and need help finding the best deals.

You have until March 13th to register your opinion.

Please collect a leaflet from the station or send an email to GTR_Consultation@transportfocus.org.uk

More details on the Hassocks amenity website  http://www.hassocksamenity.org.uk/rail-group.html 

Poynings Parish Council Agenda 8th March 2016


Clerk to the Council  Mr Colin Warburton

Hideaway Cottage. 6 Poynings Road. Poynings. BN45 7AP. Tel: 01273 857024


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 8th March 2016 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. WSCC and MSDC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for Jan and February
  7. Planning applications
    Dyke View The Street – Rear single storey extension. Etc SDNP decision
  8.  Reports on safe pathway/traffic calming
  9. Reports on Operation Watershed
  10. Letterbox at Roundabout
  11. MSDC Garden Party nomination
  12. AGM and Parish Meeting
  13. Bank authority change
  14. Cemetery charges
  15. Dates of Next Meetings

Church News March 2016

The Downland Benefice

Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe



March 2016


There is a united Benefice service every Sunday morning at 10 am in one of our churches.

On most Sundays, this is a service of Holy Communion.

On the first Sunday of each month, it is an all age worship service, followed at 11.15 am by a short Communion service.


Location varies according to the pattern below:

First Sunday
(6th March: Mothering Sunday) Poynings

Second Sunday    (13th March)        Newtimber

Third Sunday
(20th March Palm Sunday)    Poynings

Fourth Sunday    (27th March Easter)    Pyecombe

Services also on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday – see separate fliers


There is also a Benefice Evening Service at 6pm

every second Sunday (13th March) at Pyecombe.


In addition, at Edburton Church there is:

A service of Family Communion every first and third Sunday at 11 am. (6th March and 20th March)

In addition, this month there will be an extra service at Edburton on Easter Day (27th March) at 11am


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

Mondays:     Edburton at 6 pm

Tuesdays:     Newtimber at 5 pm

Wednesdays: Poynings at 9 am; Pyecombe at 6 pm


Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday, 7th March, 3.30 – 5 pm at Fulking Farmhouse

(home of Joanna and Stuart Cairns)


Special events and dates this month


  • This is a special month as we travel through Holy Week and on towards Easter Sunday together – do make sure you are aware of service times and venues, and do join us.
  • Our Lent Study course ‘Opening Doors’ continues on Wednesdays. Please note the evening session for 9th March is now Monday 7th March. See separate flier
  • Joint PCCs meet on Thursday 3rd March at 7.30pm at Pangdean Farm, with thanks to Ian Currie
  • Friday 4th March is the Women’s World Day of Prayer. Local service will be 11 am at St Peter’s Henfield, followed by a shared lunch. Focus this year on Cuba.
  • Mothering Sunday is on 6th March and will be celebrated at Poynings and Edburton during our regular services.
  • On Tuesday 8th March our parishes are being prayed for at the Cathedral. A group will be attending Evensong – please let Caroline know if you wish to come.
  • Friday 11th March, 7pm at Newtimber Church, a talk by The Revd Peter Owen-Jones on Sussex walks. Tickets £10 from Gill on 01273 835013 or Lucy 01273 832009
  • On Thursday 17th March, there will be a fund raising supper for Malagiri village in Nepal at 7pm at Pangdean Farm. Contact Jill Munday for tickets: 01273 566276.
  • Messy Church meets this month on Friday 18th March, from 4.30 pm – 6 pm at Fulking Village Hall.
  • Please collect unwanted items and pass them to Lucy Dalrymple for her Verge Sale in aid of Newtimber Church funds –happy to collect: tel 01273 832009


Clergy contact details:

Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456         c.currer@btinternet.com

Revd Graham Jeffery (Edburton)     01273 494559


Church News Feb 2016

The Downland Benefice

Holy Trinity Poynings,

St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe



February 2016


There is a united Benefice service every Sunday morning at 10 am in one of our churches.

On most Sundays, this is a service of Holy Communion.

On the first Sunday of each month, it is an all age worship service, followed at 11.15 am by a short Communion service.


Location varies according to the pattern below:

    First Sunday      (7th February)        Poynings

    Second Sunday    (14th February)    Newtimber    

    Third Sunday    (21st February)        Poynings    

    Fourth Sunday    (28th February)    Pyecombe

    Fifth Sunday N/A this month        Newtimber


There is also a Benefice Evening Service at 6pm every second Sunday (14th February) at Pyecombe.


In addition, at Edburton Church there is:

A service of Family Communion every first and third Sunday at 11 am.

(7th and 21st February 2016)


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

Mondays:     Edburton at 6 pm

    Tuesdays:     Newtimber at 5 pm

Wednesdays:     Poynings at 9 am; Pyecombe at 6 pm


Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday, 1st February, 3.30 – 5 pm at

The Royal Oak, Poynings


Special events and dates this month

•    There will be a Benefice service of Hoy Communion on Ash Wednesday (10th February) at 7.30 pm at Newtimber. This will include the imposition of ashes (optional).

•    Our Lent Study course starts on Wednesday 17th February, with both afternoon and evening sessions. Afternoon sessions (2.30 to 4 pm) will be either in Fulking or at Pangdean, Pyecombe, and evening sessions (7.30 pm to 9 pm) will be at The Rectory, Poynings. Our theme this year will be ‘Opening Doors’, using the material specially written for this Year of Mercy by a team from the Diocese. See separate fliers.

•    Leaflets will be available during Lent for those wishing to follow the Christian Aid programme to ‘Count your Blessings’ – please ask Caroline if you would like one.

•    Edburton PCC will meet on the evening of Thursday 18th February at Revd Graham Jeffery’s house in Small Dole.

•    Messy Church meets this months on Friday 19th February, from 4.30 pm – 6 pm at Fulking Village Hall.

•    Please collect unwanted items and pass them to Lucy Dalrymple for her Verge Sale in aid of Newtimber Church funds – sale date to be advised when the weather improves. Lucy is happy to collect: tel 01273 832009


Advance notice of two March events:

•    Friday 4th March, 11 am at St Peter’s Henfield: Women’s World Day of Prayer united service: focus on Cuba.

•    Friday 11th March, 7pm at Newtimber Church, a talk by The Revd Peter Owen-Jones on Sussex walks. See fliers.


Clergy contact details:

Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456             c.currer@btinternet.com

Revd Graham Jeffery (Edburton)     01273 494559

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