SheepWatch UK

•         SheepWatch UK is a new initiative which is trying to help people work together to reduce the number of attacks on sheep by dogs, support responsible dog ownership and enable stress-free dog walks

•         The initiative is working closely with the Kennel Club, Farmers Unions, Police Forces, the National Sheep Association and others

•         Thousands of sheep (many of them pregnant) are killed by dogs every year – and many more are worried (which can lead to them losing lambs which they are carrying)

•         In the first two months of 2016 (before the horrendous attach at West Dean in which 116 ewes died), over 400 sheep had been killed by dogs (averaging over 50 every week) – and this figure is probably only the tip of a, largely unreported, ice-berg

•         SheepWatch UK is trying to encourage all farmers to report incidents to its website so that there is a better picture of the scale, nature and costs of the problem

•         The campaign will offer ideas and advice to farmers as well as producing a ‘Toolkit’ for local communities so that they can organise local campaigns to increase awareness and encourage responsible behaviour in the countryside

•         Communities are encouraged to obtain copies of the Toolkit (now available) and find out more about the issue via the SheepWatch UK website

•         A national conference (free of charge) is being arranged for Friday 3rd June (details via the SheepWatch UK website)

•         The initiative has already been featured on BBC Countryfile, researchers from the BBC ‘One Show’ have been in touch with us and are currently considering covering the issue, there is reference to the initiative on page 6 of the new ‘South Downs View’ and interest in using the Toolkit to organise local campaigns has already been received from over half the counties in the country.

I hope that this information may be helpful to you.  There will be no ‘quick fix’ to this issue but, hopefully, if lots of communities take an interest and help to raise awareness then changes might be seen over the years ahead …

The Queen’s birthday

Don’t forget that anyone over the age of 50 can apply for tickets to attend an afternoon tea event on June 10th at the Copthorne, Effingham Park Hotel, to celebrate the Queen’s birthday.

This is a ticket only event for Mid Sussex older people, which will be opened by a Deputy Lord-Lieutenant of West Sussex.

Tickets and more information from

Wild About Mid Sussex

Local residents will be able to come face-to-face with some fascinating animals, reptiles, insects and birds at the Wild About Mid Sussex event on Saturday 4 June 2016.

Held on the first day of Burgess Hill Summer Festival, ‘Wild About Mid Sussex’ is a free wildlife exhibition celebrating the wonderful countryside that surrounds the towns and villages of Mid Sussex. It’s a fun day out for the whole family and provides a great opportunity to discover more about local wildlife and how to protect it.

Open from 10.00 am – 4.00 pm, Wild About Mid Sussex brings a host of creatures, both native and exotic, to a huge marquee in St. John’s Park, Burgess Hill. There’s a chance to see live owls, stag beetles, bees, bats, tree frogs, pythons and lizards, including a very friendly giant rhino iguana.


The Buzz Club will be on hand to share the work it is doing to protect native wild bees in Mid Sussex and there will be opportunities to find out more about local and national conservation groups and universities.


‘Wild About Mid Sussex’ is organised by the ‘Friends of Burgess Hill Green Circle’ group, in partnership with Mid Sussex District Council.


The Friends of Burgess Hill Green Circle are a band of several hundred volunteers who work to protect the countryside around Burgess Hill. With the support of Mid Sussex District Council, West Sussex County Council and Burgess Hill Town Council, they work to connect Burgess Hill’s green spaces together using safe, traffic-free routes. This helps the local wildlife to move between areas safely and makes it easier for local people to enjoy the varied habitats and the wonderful landscape that they create.


“Wild About Mid Sussex is a fantastic family event and is the perfect way to kick-off the Burgess Hill Summer Festival 2016,” said Councillor Pru Moore, MSDC Cabinet Member for Leisure and Sustainability. “There are lots of fun activities for young children and it’s great for people of all ages to get the chance to handle local wildlife, as well as some exotic creatures from further afield.

It’s free to enter so I hope people come along to discover more about the wonderful wildlife that’s right on our doorstep.”


For more information about the ‘Wild About Mid Sussex’ exhibition, please visit, contact the Mid Sussex District Council Landscapes team on 01444 477439 or email

Pyecombe Plant Sale

Saturday 28th May between 2pm and 4pm

@ Pyecombe Church Yard

A beautiful selection of garden plants and bric a brac for sale 

Teas and homemade cakes also available

Pondtail Wood Update

Local people came out in force today [16 May], along with reps from Sussex Wildlife Trust and Friends of the Earth, to protest against the illegal felling of Pondtail Wood on Muddleswood Road (opposite Singing Hills Golf Club) and the illegal bringing in of hardcore to create a hard surface entrance, decimating the woodland and doing so without a felling licence or planning permission.

Pondtail Wood was bought earlier this year and since then there has been extensive felling of the planted wood.  It is a Planted Ancient Woodland Site (PAWS) and is within the South Downs National Park.  The trees that have been felled were mature and were a pine variety.

Local people raised concerns from mid-March and Mid Sussex District Council and South Downs National Park Authority were informed at that time.  A ‘Temporary Stop Notice’ was issued last week [May 10].  The notices have been removed from the gate and work on the site appears to have continued.  The South Downs National Park woodland is under threat if it cannot be protected.  Local people want to see the destruction stopped and the woodland repaired and replanted.

Listen to the BBC Sussex piece this morning:  – go to 02:41

The protest is expected to be shown on BBC South East TV tonight (note we normally get BBC South TV in this area, so do find the right channel on your Freeview/Sky/etc)

And it will be in The Argus, Mid Sussex Times and West Sussex County Times later this week.

Further updates will be issued and a campaign on Facebook and Twitter is being set up where updates can be shared with everyone who cares about this issue.  Links will be added in due course

Mike Airey is collating information for SDNPA and other authorities.

Any further activity that the authorities ought to know should be e-mailed to him at or he is contactable on 07884 165 867

 Pondtail Wood Demo 1Pondtail Wood Demo 2

Public Demonstration at Pondtail Wood

We need your help – please join a public demonstration outside Pond Tail Wood, Poynings, opposite Singing Hills Golf Club at 10am on Monday with media coming – just need you to join us for 30 minutes to show how strongly we feel about the wood being illegally felled and the owner bringing in illegal aggregates to create acres of hard standing for who knows what – in the supposedly protected South Downs National Park! Thanks.


Pondtail Wood Stop Notice

As you may be aware, the new owners of Pondtail Wood, opposite Singing Hills Golf Club, have had a temporary Stop notice placed on them by the South Downs National Park due to the felling of trees and laying of hardcore. The notice has been placed on the gates to the woodland and the landowner made aware.

Please can you refrain from entering the site to take photos etc., the SDNPA will be monitoring the site and you may be putting yourselves at risk.

If you see any activity please report this immediately to:

Mike Airey on 07884 165 867
Poynings Parish Council Chair

For felling of trees ring Dave Rogers 07768 694 263
The Forestry Commission

Thank you

Local County Councillors

Do you wish to meet you local County Councillors. You can on

Tuesday 17 May 2016 7pm

Albourne Village Hall, The Street, Albourne, Hassocks, BN6 9DJ


For more information Click Here


Poynings Parish Council Meeting


Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton
Hideaway Cottage
6 Poynings Road
BN45 7AP

01273 857024


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 10th May 2016 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
    Football pitch Mowing
    Roundabout letterbox
  4. Expenditure for March and April
  5. Insurance
    1. Operation Watershed
    2. 2015 election costs
    3. Queens Birthday
    4. Pondtail Wood
  6. Dates of Next Meetings

This meeting will be followed at 7.30pm by the AGM

Poynings Parish Council AGM


Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton
Hideaway Cottage
Poynings Road
BN45 7AP
Tel: 01273 857024


Dear Parishioner

Annual Parish Meeting 10th May 2016 – 7.30pm – in the Village Hall.
This follows the Parish Council meeting which starts at 7pm

I am writing to invite you to our Annual Parish Meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 10th May at 7.30pm.

We will have a presentation by Tony Steer, Chair of Bolney Parish Council, who will advise us on the works that Bolney have carried out with footpath safety and flooding, as well as representatives from District and County Council and National Trust to answer any questions you may have about local issues.

I hope that you will join us, and also encourage your neighbours to come along.

The Council will serve refreshments after the formal part of the evening, so please join us for a glass of wine

Yours sincerely

Mike Airey

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