Author's posts
Mar 23
Lent Lunch 2021
You are warmly invited to a Lent Lunch This is a simple meal of soup and a bread roll delivered to your home Date: 1 April Time: lunchtime Venue : your own home Normally during Lent we try and give up something but this year we have all given up so much already …
Mar 22
Council to introduce more meadow areas
MSDC to introduce more meadow areas Mid Sussex District Council plans to create more meadows areas in local parks and open spaces this summer to encourage native insects, wildlife and grassland species to thrive. Areas of open space in nearly 30 locations across Mid Sussex will be set aside and left to grow throughout the …
Mar 21
Don’t forget to fill in your Census
Census reminders will start to arrive next week and the field officers will begin their work on Tuesday, following up with households that have not returned their questionnaire. We would like to clarify our guidance on what a member of the public should do if they are concerned that the person on their doorstep is …
Mar 17
Download delight!
More than 80,000 downloads from the West Sussex eLibrary in February West Sussex residents are making the most of their West Sussex eLibrary service with an incredible 80,000 downloads in February 2021 – double the number of downloads in the same month last year! The figures show that residents have welcomed the increased eLibrary …
Mar 14
Possible stray cat
Is this anyone’s cat? It has spent a lot of time in Mill Close in the last few months looking for food.If it’s yours can you let me know, so I can pass it on that it is fine, just likes lots of food . I have to say, it doesn’t look very happy with …
Mar 11
TEMPORARY TRAFFIC REGULATION POYNINGS ROAD, POYNINGS NOTICE IS hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended, the use of (and parking on) Poynings Road, Poynings from its junctions with The Street and Saddlescombe Road is temporarily prohibited from 29/03/2021 The restriction will be …
Mar 10
Symptom-free Covid-19 community testing now available in West Sussex
Adults in West Sussex who have to leave home for work or caring responsibilities can now book a symptom-free Covid-19 test. As efforts to combat the spread of the virus continue, more local testing is being rolled to help identify as many people as possible who have Covid-19 but not the symptoms. The pan-Sussex Community …
Mar 02
New food businesses encouraged to register
Mid Sussex District Council is reminding new food businesses that they need to register with their local authority. During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic many have turned to the kitchen during lockdown. With more people cooking and baking from home, some have started to sell to their local community or online as a source of revenue …
Feb 28
Annual Star count
Thank you for taking part in the annual star count! This year we had a record number of citizen scientists in Sussex taking part in the Star Count, so thank you if you took part! We are currently updating our Night Blight map and will use this information, plus the results …
Feb 28
The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held online using Zoom software on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 at 7pm. Please contact the clerk on for Login details. Agenda Apologies for absence Volunteer to run the meeting in the absence of a chair Minutes Matters Arising MSDC and WSDC Public Participation Expenditure for …