
Author's posts

Star Count

    A velvety black sky scattered with shining stars is a sight we should all have the opportunity to see. But too often, light pollution obscures our view of stars. Just 3% of people in England experience ‘truly dark skies’, and 61% of us live in areas with severe light pollution. That’s why we …

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The census is coming.

By taking part, you can help inform decisions about services that shape your community, such as healthcare, education and transport. It’s important that you fill in your census questionnaire because it gives us the most detailed information we have about our society. Without the information you share, it’d be more difficult to understand our community’s …

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Notice about walking in the Countryside by local Farmer

People are welcome to walk in the countryside following the Countryside Code. But please do not just walk where you want! The footpaths are now increasing in width because of the footfall. A lot of people do not stick to the paths, including locals. People seem they can walk where they think they are entitled …

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Vacancy for a Councillor

Poynings Parish Council has a vacancy for a Councillor and is looking to Co-Opt shortly.If you wish to express an interest, please contact myself or a councillor ASAP.Kind regardsColin WarburtonClerk to the Council6 Poynings RoadPoyningsWest SussexBN45 7APTel: 01273

Poynings Christmas Tree

The village Christmas tree and its shining lights are staying on until February 2nd. While it is customary for Christians in some countries to remove their Christmas decorations on Twelfth Night (Epiphany Eve) those in other Christian countries historically remove them on Candlemas. This year we are adopting the longer model to add cheer and …

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Parish Council – Community Covid19 Support

    Given the current lockdown and our need to adhere to the government restrictions, at the recent PC meeting the councillors wanted to reassure the residents of Poynings that Poynings Parish Council is here to help. We’re a small community and we’ll all want to look after our neighbours, especially those who may be …

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PARISH COUNCIL MEETING The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held online using Zoom software on Wednesday 6thJanuary 2021 at 7pm.Please contact the clerk for Login details. Agenda Apologies for absence Volunteer to run the meeting in the absence of a chair Minutes Matters Arising MSDC and WSDC Public Participation Expenditure for Nov …

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Real Christmas tree recycling points open from 30th December

Mid Sussex District Council has arranged for Christmas tree recycling points to be located across the district to help residents dispose of their real Christmas trees when the festive fun is over. The Council has arranged for 24 temporary Christmas tree drop-off points in towns and villages across the district, so there will be a …

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IN THE OFFICE OF COUNCILLOR  POYNINGS PARISH COUNCIL  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT  A casual vacancy exists in the Office of Councillor for Poynings Parish Council. A by-election to fill the vacancy will be held if, within 14 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays) TEN electors of the electoral area give notice in writing …

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Christmas bin collection dates

For those of you that have lost the label that was put on your bin last week, here are the Christmas collection dates.Don’t forget, they are coming this Saturday. Black    Rubbish bin collection    Saturday 19 December 2020 Blue    Recycling bin collection    Monday 28 December 2020 Black    Rubbish bin collection    Monday 04 January 2021 Blue    Recycling bin collection    Monday 11 January 2021 There will …

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