
Author's posts

Kerbside collection service for small electrical items

MSDC, in partnership with our contractors Serco and the ‘Recycle your Electricals’ campaign, will be launching a new kerbside collection service for small electrical items and household batteries from week commencing 23 November. This service will reduce the need for Mid Sussex residents to transport their small electricals to another location and reduce the likelihood …

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650 Soup day

Unfortunately, due to the lockdown the soup day has had to be cancelled for tomorrow.

Bringing Christmas Home’ to Mid Sussex

  Christmas will be very different this year and Mid Sussex District Council’s ‘Bringing Christmas Home’ campaign aims to support local traders and has a strong community focus.   The new ‘Bringing Christmas Home’ campaign celebrates our communities and our local businesses, with a clear message that it can still be a magical experience. Despite …

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The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held online using Zoom software on Wednesday 11th Nov 2020 at 7pm. Contact the clerk for login details prior to the meeting. Agenda Apologies for absence Minutes Matters Arising MSDC and WSDC Public Participation Expenditure for Aug 2020 and Sept 2020 Planning applications a. The Gatehouse. …

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Free School Meals

(and support if you are struggling to make ends meet) In my capacity as one of your district councillors, I wrote to the Leader of Mid Sussex District Council asking the District Council to support the County Council in the provision of free school meals during the school holidays. In his reply to me, Cllr …

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IN THE OFFICE OF COUNCILLOR  POYNINGS PARISH COUNCIL  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT  A casual vacancy exists in the Office of Councillor for Poynings Parish Council. A by-election to fill the vacancy will be held if, within 14 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays) TEN electors of the electoral area give notice in writing …

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 14th October 2020 PARISH COUNCIL EXTRAORDINARY MEETING A meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held virtually via Zoom on Monday 19th October 2020 at 7pm. Please contact the clerk for joining instructions Agenda Apologies for Absence Minutes Planninga. Location: Downmere , Poynings Road, Poynings, BN45 7AGProposal: Variation of Condition: Conditions 2 and 4 …

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Calling on all dog walkers

to help with a survey on dog walking behaviour in the heathlands of the South Downs National Park. The survey on dog walking behaviour is aimed at those who walk dogs in the South Downs National Park including dog owners, as well as those who walk dogs for others, such as dog walking professionals.   …

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New recycling scheme

There’s a great recycling scheme organised by Terracycle in Henfield which recycles many items which the council doesn’t. See below the shops which accept the different items. For those who don’t or can’t make it to Henfield, Fulking and Poynings will have a wheelie bin in their respective bus stops where you can drop off …

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Poynings Harvest Festival

Our Harvest Festival will be a socially distanced affair this year. Sunday 11 October – 10.30 a.m. or by Zoom. You are invited to contribute tins and dried produce, which will be donated to Sussex Family Support Work and St Peter & St James Hospice. On Sunday, we will also be dedicating the beautiful new porch gates, in memory of …

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