Author's posts
Oct 08
POYNINGS ROAD, POYNINGS NOTICE IS hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended, the use of Poynings Road, Poynings from junction with The Street to junction with Mill Close is temporarily prohibited from 08/10/2020 The restriction will be in place 24hrs This emergency …
Oct 07
Urgent Ask your MP to act
We’ve just heard that MPs will be debating the government’s damaging proposals to deregulate planning on Thursday 8 October – tomorrow. The debate relates to the proposals set out by the government in its recent ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper and ‘Changes to the current …
Oct 05
Gatwick Airport to introduce charges for vehicles using its forecourts next year
Revenue will be used to help the airport recover and preserve jobs from the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis Traffic congestion and emissions at Gatwick and surrounding areas also likely to reduce Gatwick plans to look at solutions for those who regularly drop off and pick up at the South Terminal …
Oct 01
MSDC ‘extremely concerned’ by proposed changes to the current planning system
Mid Sussex District Council has written to Central Government to raise serious concerns about proposed changes to the current national planning system. The Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government is currently consulting on ‘Changes to the current planning system’ and Mid Sussex District Council has responded to strongly object to some concerning …
Sep 30
Poynings Pumpkin Patch opening – Saturday 3rd October 2020
Open 10am to 4pm Come along to #poyningspumpkinpatch pick your pumpkin Have some local treats from the catering van COVID SAFE We have a large site and are allowing people to turn up no booking required We ask the you respect social distancing, and the steps we have in place to ensure everyone has a …
Sep 29
Housebuilding by Algorithm: A Major Threat to Sussex’s Countryside and Communities
Will you object to your MP? The threat of the Government’s proposals You are probably aware of the highly contentious planning reforms that the government has published for consultation for changes to the current planning system and planning for the future. Developers are failing to build the 300,000 homes a year the …
Sep 25
Poynings 650 – My favourite view
As a thank you and celebration of our Poynings 650 year, please come to celebrate and enjoy some photos of our village and surroundings. Refreshments of hot tea, coffee and biscuits available from 2pm-4pm. Exhibition open in Holy Trinity Church from 9am – 4pm on Saturday 26th September. We have safety measures in place. We …
Sep 10
A change ahead for concessionary travel in West Sussex
From the end of October, West Sussex County Council will no longer include a free Senior Railcard as an alternative to the Older Person’s Bus Pass. People have until 31 October 2020 to apply for the free Senior Railcard option instead of the bus pass. A county council spokesperson said: “If you currently hold a …
Sep 10
Consultation on Dog Control Public Space Protection Orders
Mid Sussex District Council is running a six-week public consultation from 10 September to find out what local people think about dog control measures in Mid Sussex. Mid Sussex has four Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) relating to dog control. The measures are in place to protect the local environment and deter irresponsible dog …
Sep 08
Vacancy for Councillors
Poynings Parish Council has a vacancy for Councillors and is looking to Co-Opt ASAP.If you wish to express an interest, please contact me ASAP.Kind regardsColin WarburtonClerk to the Council6 Poynings RoadPoyningsWest SussexBN45 7APTel: 01273