
Author's posts

Poynings Character Appraisal and Management Plan and Pondtail Wood

The application for Pondtail Wood has been withdrawn so this frees up some time at the Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 9th Sept on Zoom at 7pm.Under “Any other Business” the above appraisal will be discussed,  any comments have to be in by 23rd September and all your comments will be welcome. If you would …

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A27 Dyke Road Overbridge – Expansion Joint Replacement

    I am writing to advise that A-one+, on behalf of Highways England will be carrying out works to replace the expansion joint to the northside of the A27 Overbridge between Dyke Road Avenue and Devils’ Dyke Road.   In order to carry out these works as efficiently and safely as possible, work will …

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The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held online using Zoom software on Wednesday 9th Sept 2020 at 7pm. Please contact the clerk for login details. Agenda Apologies for absence Minutes Matters Arising MSDC and WSDC Public Participation Expenditure for June 2020 and July 2020 Planning applicationsa. Pondtail Wood Muddleswood Road.Planning application …

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WSCC Covid-19 Update

The number of cases across the county has been increasing over the past few weeks. In the 14 day period of 10 to 23 August 88 people across the county tested positive, compared to 51 people in the period 4 to 17 August. The overall rate per 100,000 population across the county remains below the England rate. Over …

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Mid Sussex leisure centres will reopen on Tuesday 1 September.

A special Council meeting took place on Wednesday 19 August to formally approve the new operating arrangements to ensure the leisure centres could re-open as soon as possible.

Keep West Sussex Safe

Testing – We still need everyone to play their part in preventing the spread of COVID-19. One of the key elements to understanding where the virus is in the county, is to make sure that if you develop any symptoms you get tested. Testing is FREE and simple to organise. Visit NHS Coronavirus (COVID-19) or call …

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Special Recognition Volunteer Award

The High Sheriff of West Sussex has launched a unique award to celebrate residents who have shown exceptional acts of kindness during the coronavirus pandemic. The Special Recognition Volunteer Award is aimed at any resident in West Sussex who has acted in a voluntary capacity throughout lockdown and beyond. Nominations can come from those who …

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Poynings Character Appraisal and Management Plan

The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) has prepared a new Character Appraisal and Management Plan for Poynings Conservation Area. These documents periodically review the continued need and purpose of conservation area designation, are recommended in Government guidance and have proved useful tools for effective development management. Poynings Conservation Area has been designated since 1984 and has …

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Planning Application – Punnyngs Folly

The following application will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting on the 9th September 2020, please contact the Parish Council if you have any comments or wish to join the meeting on Zoom. Location: Punnyngs Folly. The Street. Poynings BN45 7AQ Proposal: Side Dormers and Conversion Ref: SDNP/20/03125/HOUS Where comments can be …

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Planning Application – Pondtail Wood

For those of you that saw the attempt to build on Pondtail Wood a few years back may be interested to know that an application has gone in for an Agricultural building in the wood. As this is in the Parish of Poynings, but the Postal address is Albourne (Hassocks), it does not show up …

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