The Downland Churches
Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton
St John the Evangelist, Newtimber
The Transfiguration, Pyecombe
August 2014
Sunday 3rd August Trinity 7
10 am Family Service Poynings
followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion
11am Family Communion Edburton
Sunday 10th August Trinity 8
10 am Holy Communion Newtimber
6 pm Evening Service Pyecombe
Sunday 17th August Trinity 9
10 am Holy Communion Poynings 11 am Family Communion Edburton
Sunday 24th August St Bartholomew
10 am Holy Communion Pyecombe
Sunday 31st August Trinity 11
10 am Holy Communion Newtimber
Morning and Evening Prayer each week
At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings
At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)
At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber
Evergreens (for the over 60’s)
Monday 4th August, 3.30 – 5pm
at Manor Farm, Poynings (Carol and Maurice Revell’s home)
Sat, 2nd August John Cairns and Larissa Lopes Edburton
Special events and dates this month
On Sunday, 3rd August at 2.30pm there will be a Harp Recital with Pimms and a Strawberry Tea in the gardens of Newtimber Place. Proceeds to the Church. Tickets £12 for adults, £5 for children from Shirley Murrell or Lucy Dalrymple tel 01273 832009. Please buy tickets in good time to help us to assess demand and numbers.
Friday 12th Sept, ‘Timespan’ event, Pyecombe, 7.30pm;
Sunday 14th Sept, Pyecombe dedication service, 6pm
Sunday 28th Sept, evening, Pimms and Hymns, Edburton
Clergy contact details:
Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge
Tel 01273 857456
Revd Graham Jeffery (mainly Edburton) 01273 494559