Poynings Pantomime

Hi Folks.

It’s that time of year when Poynings starts to prepare for the world famous Pantomime again!

So, if you want to get involved, in any capacity, now is the time to say so, there will be a meeting in the Royal Oak next Friday the 12th September at 8pm for anyone interested.

As you know, the pantomime is to raise money for our lovely Church which would struggle without the support of the village.

It isn’t just people to “act” that are needed. If you have any skills that you think might be useful it would be great to have you on board. Things like, making costumes, choreography, make up etc. Just come along even if you are not sure.

There will then be a casting in the Oak on the 25th September and initial rehearsals will take place every Thursday in the Oak and more and more often the nearer it gets!

The Pantomime is Aladdin and will take place on the 9th 10th and 11th of January 2015.

Hope to see you there, don’t be shy, you know you want to J.

Church News

The Downland Churches.

September 2014.


Sunday 7th September         Trinity 12

    10 am    Family Service        Poynings

    followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion

11am Family Communion     Edburton


Sunday 14th September         Trinity 13

    10 am Holy Communion        Newtimber

Newtimber Parish Picnic will follow the service

     6 pm Dedication Service    Pyecombe

A special service to dedicate the new extension


Sunday 21st September         St Matthew

10 am    Holy Communion        Poynings
am Family Communion    Edburton


Sunday 28th September         Trinity 15

    10 am    Holy Communion        Pyecombe


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings

At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)

At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber

Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday 1st September, 3.30 – 5pm
at Dyke Farmhouse, Poynings (John and Nigs Digby’s home)


Tues, 2nd Sept Chris Sitford and Keeley Tucker Poynings

Sat, 13th Sept     Liam Black and Tina Young    Newtimber

Memorial Services

Weds 3rd Sept, 1.30pm Alison Buck        Newtimber

Sun, 7th Sept, 11.30am Daniela Coles     St Peter’s, Firle

Tues, 9th Sept, 2.30pm Christopher Hill     Clayton Wood

Special events and dates this month

  • Pyecombe PCC meet on Weds 3rd Sept at 7pm at in the Church at Pyecombe.
  • Saturday 6th September, 10.30- 12.30 there will be a coffee morning at Nestledown Cottage, Pyecombe Street, for church and social group funds.
  • On Friday 12th September at 7.30pm there will be a show in Pyecombe Church, in aid of the Building Fund. Entitled ‘Lilibet’ it is by Timespan who will give us an illustrated and fond look at the life of Queen Elizabeth II Tickets from Wendy on 01273 846150.
  • Do come to the Celebration of our work at Pyecombe on 14th September, when our service of dedication will be led by Bishop Michael Turnbull.
  • STUDY Groups and courses will be starting as follows: -Tuesday evenings for 7 weeks starting 16 Sept at St Francis Church, Hassocks, a Diocesan Course on Responding to other faiths, led by Caroline and Alan; – Wednesdays for 5 weeks at The Rectory, either afternoon (2.30pm-4pm) or evening (8-9.30pm) starting 17th Sept, a local course – topic to be announced. Flier to come.
  • Sunday 28th Sept, evening, Pimms and Hymns, Edburton


Clergy contact details:

Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456 c.currer@btinternet.com

Revd Graham Jeffery (mainly Edburton) 01273 494559

Parish Council Meeting

There is a Poynings Parish Council Meeting today in the Village Hall.

Tuesday 2nd September 2014 at 7pm.

Hope to see you.

West Sussex County Council – Survey


If you want to have an influence on where your money goes then do this Survey!


West Sussex County Council’s – What matters to you? Survey

As you may be aware, in February 2015 West Sussex County Council will set its budget for the forthcoming year.

Over the next seven weeks the council will be embarking on a county wide consultation asking people what matters to them when it comes to what council services are most important to them and how much council tax they are willing to pay to fund them.

Over the past four years we’ve seen a 28% reduction in the money we get from central government – a similar story for many of our district and borough colleagues I know. We have had to make some big changes to protect our key services, while we reduce our running and management costs. We’ve managed to save £120 million in those four years and we’ve done it without increasing our share of council tax. We are trying very hard to maintain or improve upon this next year.

With the ever increasing demand for services and the reduction in grants from government the gap between what we need to provide and the cost to pay for it is widening and we anticipate we’ll need to make a further saving of £120m over the next four years.

To make sure that we align our budgets with services that are most needed and requested by residents we are running our ‘What matters to you?’ survey and we’d like to reach as many residents and partners as possible. I am hoping that you will be able to support our survey by completing it and encouraging those people you work with and who live in your areas to do the same.

We will use the results to help ensure that we set a budget that reflects what our partners, communities and residents tell us is most important to them.

The survey is available online at www.westsussex.gov.uk/whatmatters or paper copies can be picked up from our libraries and children and family centres. If you are happy to carry the link on your websites or hold some paper copies in your council offices we would be very grateful and can supply them.

Please feel free to contact me or one of the team for further details on 03302 222416.


Louise Goldsmith.

Leader West Sussex County Council

Chichester West Division.

Poynings Fun Day

Well, it did rain a bit on Monday for Poynings Fun Day didn’t it.

Still the hardy amongst us still made it and braved the elements.

The kids had a great time racing in the hall.

Thanks Sheila for organising it all, well done.

Here are some pictures of the brave from Mike Airey.

South Team Ready and willing.

North Team Ready (Just give us a minute until it stops raining!).

The winners!!!!!! (and it was uphill).

However, on inspecting the photos I see that there is not a line on the
ground which the mark on the rope has to cross for there to be a winner!

So, must be a draw then 😉

But, there are penalties for showing stomachs, so North win!!

Good try lads!

Poynings Fun Day

I expect you have been looking at the weather forecast and have seen that it is not looking too good for Monday! 🙁

Well, don’t despair all will be well!! Trust me, I’m a “Fill in the space” 😈

The bar and children’s games may be moved into the Village Hall and the tables put into marquees.

And come on girls, admit it, you want the see the guys slithering about the mud for the Tug of War!!!!

So, unless you hear from me again it is still going ahead. See you there. 😎

Lambs fundraising

Yellow Ribbon Ball
October 11 2014le

If you are interested in stopping
the development then see the flyer
on the site.

Click here –> Yellow Ribbon Ball

Poynings Fun Day


POYNINGS FUN DAY – Mon 25th August 2014

Bank Holiday

10.30 Poynings Races & Fun Runs in the Blacksmith’s Field.

(See details below).

2.00 Presentation of Fun Run awards at the Village Hall.

2.30 ‘Tug of War’
North v South – village competition.

3.00 Children’s traditional races (Egg & Spoon etc.) – Prizes!

Calling of Raffle. Other attractions include: 

Music, Beer Tent courtesy of The Royal Oak, Stalls.

Bring your own picnic.


*Helpers and raffle prizes needed – Sheila 857482

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POYNINGS RACES – Blacksmith’s field,from 10:30am

Have you seen this event? It really is fun and suitable for all ages

      ‘A Fun Event’, do come.


ENTER ON THE DAY. £1 per race. Race, jog or come and cheer

1 lap = 0.7 mile        3 laps = 2 miles


Junior Fun Run – Under 12 years – 1 lap – Medals for all

Junior Sprint – Under 12 years – 60m – Medals for all

Cycle Race –
1 lap (BMX or Mountain Bike) Under 12 years or Adult

Fun Run / Race – 3 laps of the field. Crystal Trophies for winners

* Practice/Training – 4pm each Sunday – Meet at Royal Oak Car Park

Stag do in Poynings

We have got a family “Stag Do” this weekend, 9/10 August, in one of our fields at the end of Mill Lane in Poynings.


So, any sightings of vans or tents, or sounds of music, it is not travellers or an illegal rave it is just a group of men, hopefully having a good time, with our permission.


Sue Lee

Shepherd and Dog

Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you all know that this Friday 8th August  (today) is our 80’s night from 8pm at the Shepherd and Dog.

Canapes, cocktails, music, games and fancy dress competitions.

Would love to see you all here!


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