Thought you might like a few pictures of Evergreens at Rushfields cafe on 7th July. Staff were lovely and am sure the ladies had a good time.
Colette (one of the helpers)
Jul 26
Thought you might like a few pictures of Evergreens at Rushfields cafe on 7th July. Staff were lovely and am sure the ladies had a good time.
Colette (one of the helpers)
Jul 17
Dear friends,
Thank you very much indeed for signing my petition “STOP TWO LORDS FROM BUILDING 10,000 HOUSES ON RURAL SUSSEX LAND” – this issue means a great deal to all of us and I really appreciate your support. We have over 1,696 signatures so far!
The more people who sign the petition, the more chance we have of winning this important issue to save our wildlife. I’m emailing you to ask if you can go one step further and share the petition with your friends and family:
Posting the campaign on Facebook or Twitter only takes a second, but it will mean that hundreds of people see the petition and can join our movement. If you can email the link around as well, all the better – that will allow us to spread the word to people who don’t use social media too. OR
Please help to STOP the building of a new town in Sussex for 10,000 homes, over 30,000 people. There simply isn’t the infrastructure to sustain such an invasion.
-Hospitals are already unable to cope with present numbers and there are NO plans to build a new one grossly inconveniencing the local population.
-There is not enough fresh water to supply and sustain this huge development so there will be water shortages and will impact on the already overstretched sewerage treatment works.
-Vast areas of countryside – greenfield and greenbelt land, where many Red Listed and Schedule 1 Protected birds live, including Osprey, Lapwing & Barn Owls, as well as other protected species of wildlife such as Bats and Badgers will be concreted over, destroying their habitat and ruining the countryside forever.
– All amenities would be overstretched, terrible traffic congestion on already full roads and this will open the door to other large developments. – Rural Sussex will turn into an urban concrete sprawl with strategic gaps closed.
– Council will be unable to sustain usual road repairs, flooding, fire and ambulance services, police, doctors or schools with such a huge population moving into the area.
– The proposed area is a floodplain.
– Sussex villages are being ruined and countryside eroded, wildlife destroyed. These houses would be better built north of London within the HS2 proposed railway line.
There needs to be more balanced house building and development plans spread evenly across the country not predominantly in the South East, where vast areas of land have already been built upon and green-belt and green-field land criminally ignored.
Thank you very much for standing with me on this issue to help preserve our wildlife and greenbelt land.
Jul 17
To All Our Supporters
Thank you for your amazing generosity, we are more than half way towards meeting our target to fund our Barrister, planning consultant, and associated experts to represent us at the Horsham District Planning Hearing.
We have received many donations from residents throughout the area, mostly from the local villages, but also from as far afield as Lewes and Haywards Heath. Henfield tops the list for the largest number of donations, showing that villagers there are acutely aware of the detrimental effect Mayfields would have on their thriving community. Twineham has currently raised the most money; but we are so grateful to every single donor, both large and small, and are aiming to write to you all individually.
A special thank you to the pivotal land owners at the centre of the proposed new town site who have not only resisted Mayfields’ seduction but are actively supporting our campaign both monetarily and practically. The warning from those on the front line is that the spin currently being used by Mayfields is, ‘you are the last ones left’, which we all know not to be the case. Remember these people will say and do anything to try and get their way!
Please, please do try and donate what you can – we are confident that with the right representation, we will be able to make a very sound case in front of the planning inspector. Even if he feels Horsham District needs to produce more houses than the 13,500 in their proposed district plan through to 2031, he will be left in no doubt that the Mayfields scheme is the least sustainable, least deliverable option available and should not be encouraged under any circumstances.
Peter Freeman, only this week, criticised LAMBS for ‘not looking at the issues in light of the housing crisis which is in the papers every day and is a local concern not just a national one.’ We are sure you will agree that both our District Councils and Parish Councils are working hard at delivering sustainable and appropriate housing for our areas. We do not need four individuals who have no association whatsoever with Mid Sussex or Horsham districts to add another 10,000 houses to the tens of thousands of new homes already being planned, which are already in addition to the thousands currently under construction or recently completed.
You can donate online today at or send a donation direct to the LAMBS NatWest bank account:
LAMBS: Sort Code 535039 Account number 55355846
Monthly direct debits can also be set up to this account or you can send a cheque made payable to LAMBS to:
Anthony Watts Williams
Suite 204
33 Queen Street
Horsham RH13 5AA
With best wishes and sincere thanks
Jul 01
The Downland Churches
Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton
St John the Evangelist, Newtimber
The Transfiguration, Pyecombe
July 2014
Sunday 6th July Trinity 3
10 am Family Service Poynings
followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion
11am Family Communion Edburton
Sunday 13th July Trinity 4
10 am Holy Communion Newtimber
6 pm Evening Service Pyecombe
the culmination of Village Weekend
Sunday 20th July Trinity 5
10 am Holy Communion Poynings
11 am Family Communion Edburton
Sunday 27th July Trinity 6
10 am Holy Communion Pyecombe
Morning and Evening Prayer each week
At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings
At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)
At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber
Evergreens (for the over 60’s)
Monday 7th July June, 3.30 – 5pm
at Rushfields, Poynings (with thanks to Colin and Kathy)
Sat, 11th July Jamie Fiveash and Mandi Keating Poynings
Special events and dates this month
Clergy contact details:
Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge
Tel 01273 857456
Revd Graham Jeffery (mainly Edburton) 01273 494559
Jul 01
The Poynings Parish Council Meeting has been moved from this evening to next Tuesday.
Jun 27
As the warm weather continues and we get further into summer, raves are more likely to take place. Sussex Police have already stopped several raves and will continue to do so when possible. Landowners and residents in rural areas can help by being vigilant in their area.
We ask you to let us know immediately if a rave is seen or heard to be taking place. The earlier the police are alerted, the greater the chance of preventing them becoming established.
Keep an eye on access points to land and make sure they are secure. Please report any locks which have been broken or removed. Report any vehicles driving off-road, groups of vehicles in rural areas, convoys of vehicles and loud music in remote locations.
Police will use powers to confiscate equipment being used at raves and will deal with any unlawful activity when they can. Raves by their very nature are spontaneous and unpredictable and we urge people to report any behaviour which is suspicious.
The police have powers to to close down an event and the decision to do so will be carefully assessed to balance the safety of those attending and the threat posed to the local community.
Contact us online or call 101 when it’s less urgent than 999.
Jun 25
Dear LAMBS supporters
Thank you all for an incredible turnout at Friday’s meeting. If you missed the action then please see our website for the story, pictures and full copies of LAMBS and Hands Off Henfield speeches and recordings.
The message was clear – no one wants Mayfield Market Towns!
However, these developers will not go away! They are clearly determined to fight. In Nicholas Soames’ words; “They will stop at literally nothing”! That is why we need more money!
With your help we can see this off for good – but we need you to dig deep to be sure of success.
The stronger our fighting fund the stronger the campaign!
Mayfields will be present at the Horsham District Council Planning Hearing in the Autumn and it is vital that LAMBS have a Barrister representing local residents at that meeting. To ensure we have the very best legal representation, planning consultants and environmental experts, we need to raise another £25,000.
Please do donate as much as you can to fight these developers who are determined to blight and ruin our beautiful part of West Sussex.
You can donate online today at or send a donation direct to the LAMBS NatWest bank account:
LAMBS: Sort Code 535039 Account number 55355846
Monthly direct debits can also be set up to this account or you can send a cheque made payable to LAMBS to:
Anthony Watts Williams
Suite 204
33 Queen Street
Horsham RH13 5AA
We so appreciate your support and will continue to be proactive in our campaign to defeat Mayfields but we cannot do it without you.
Jun 25
Click here to see -> open garden poster
Jun 25
Packed meeting condemns Mayfields
For those who did not get to the Public Meeting about the proposed new Market Town to be built in this area, you can find out what was said and listen to speeches online on the
LAMBS (Locals Against Mayfield Building Sprawl) website.
Nick Herbert spoke strongly against the development and was supported by Nicholas Soames. They want the Planning Inspectorate to stop over-turning local opinion.
The following link gives the details of the meeting and how you can help.
Mike Airey.
Jun 25
West Sussex County Council
(Newtimber and Poynings) (Saddlescombe Road and Devils Dyke Road) (Temporary Night Time Closure) Order 2014
NOTICE is hereby given that within not less than 21 days West Sussex County Council intends to make an Order under Section 16A and 16B of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended), the effect of which will be to temporarily close Saddlescombe Road and Devils Dyke Road in the parishes of Newtimber and Poynings.
The Order is needed to allow the 2014 Night Time London to Brighton Bike Ride to take place in safety. It will come into operation at 12.30am on 13 July 2014 and remain in force until 9.00am the same morning.
Access to adjacent properties will be maintained and alternative routes for other traffic will be signed on site.
Any queries about the effect of the Order on traffic using the highway should be directed to the West Sussex Council Contact Centre, telephone number (01243) 642105.
Dated this 19th day of June 2014.
Head of Law & Governance, County Hall, Chichester.