Volunteers Needed


Sussex Resilience Forum, Sussex Police, East and West Sussex Fire and Rescue services, South East Coast Ambulance, Local Authorities and other agencies are preparing an exercise to test the responding agencies to an incident in Sussex this year.  This will be a large exercise and we require a number of volunteers to help the emergency services, local authorities and partner agencies prepare to respond to emergencies and major incidents through Sussex.

Date 14th May 2014

Times (tbc) 12pm – 6.30pm approx

Location – Burgess Hill

Requirements – We are looking for a variety of role players to take part in this live exercise.  You will be given a specific role to play on the day and this may require you to simulate an injury, play a specific character or purely to be a person in the area that the exercise is in.  You should be aware that during this exercise we will have casualties with simulated injuries and therefore you may be in close proximity to these and those who would be uncomfortable with this are asked not to apply.  During the exercise there is a high likelihood of loud noises, disruption and a confusing scene to make this as realistic as possible again should you not feel comfortable at this time with this scenario then please do consider carefully if you wish to apply.

Previous Experience – We are looking for role players that have some acting ability or those who have taken part in similar exercises in the past and we do have a list of requirements we are looking to achieve for the exercise to be meaningful for the emergency services and others taking part, therefore we will look to match those that apply with these requirements.

Volunteering – You will be asked to make your own way and arrangements to attend a site in Burgess Hill and you will be provided transport to the exercise site following a safety briefing.  Once at the site you will be managed and directed by a team of emergency service personnel to play in the scenario and at an appropriate time you will be taken back to the site in Burgess Hill and processed and allowed to leave.  Light refreshments (tea/coffee etc) will be provided for you at the site in Burgess Hill, there will be no repayment of any expenses incurred to attend the site in Burgess Hill but parking will be made available for free.  There are public busses the serve the site in Burgess Hill should you wish to travel by Public Transport.

Exercise details – More detailed information regarding the exercise will be provided to you along with the exact location to meet in Burgess Hill if you are successful.

To register your interest to support this exercise please complete the form here or for more information please contact Dave Nelson dave.nelson@westsussex.gov.uk or call 01243 777917


Happy Hookers

Just to remind you – Happy Hookers will be meeting again at the Royal Oak Poynings, this Thursday, 27th Feb from 8pm!  Whether experienced or beginners, come along and join us for a relaxed, chatty, crafty evening. I will have some extra hooks and spare wool if you would like to give it a try.

If you have made/are making something, do please bring it to show off/work on, and if you feel crochet or knitting isn’t for you, bring along absolutely whatever you love to make! It is always lovely to see your creations, and to swap ideas.

If you would like any further details, please contact Helen on 857425. See you there!

Mayfields Market Town update

Read about the potential flood threat from Mayfields ‘Market Town’ on the LAMBS website:  http://lambs.org.uk/


Better Connected Broadband Website

Please be advised that there is now a new website to help promote the benefits of better, faster broadband and therefore giving people information about what is happening and where.

A key feature is the interactive map which details activity by exchange area. As the network is being developed,  we will update the map to show where work is being carried out and when new broadband services will become available. Initially the information that we can share on the map will be minimal but once we announce the roll out (before Easter) then it should become a useful visual tool for people to see progress in their area.

The website also has a short animation explaining the technology we will use as well as information about the benefits of better, faster broadband. Users can check the availability of broadband to their home or business and get in touch with suppliers to contract to buy services, in the usual way.

Please visit www.westsussex-betterconnected.org.uk for more information.

Sussex police Neighbourhood Watch

Burgess Hill Neighbourhood Policing Team

Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin

Where are your officers this week?

For your local officer’s contact details, information about local events and meetings and actions being taken regarding your priorities click on your ward below:

Keep even more up to date with what’s happening in your local area here:

Crime Update

If you have seen or heard anything related to these incidents please contact  Sussex Police here, email 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk, call 101 or contact Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.



1st – 10th February 2014









College Lane – Car broken into and handbag stolen whilst parked at the college.



Manor Road – several cars had their windows smashed.

Hassocks, Clayton & Keymer



Keymer Road – A garage was broken into by the padlock being removed and gas cylinders were stolen.



Underhill Lane – Fly tipping of household rubbish

Victoria Ward



Jane Murray Way – An industrial unit was broken into and a large amount of cash stolen.



Victoria Ave – A garage has had graffiti sprayed on it.

Dunstall Ward



Fairfield Gardens – An offender was disturbed stealing lead off a property and fled from the scene.


St Andrews Ward



Northway – several vehicles have been damaged whilst parked overnight.



Valebridge Drive – cable was stolen from a substation.

Meeds and Franklands Wards



Ferndale Road – A garage was entered and golf clubs and equipment stolen. Unknown how entry was gained.


Not sure how to find us online, want to comment on our updates or unsubscribe from this service? Email: burgesshill.npt@sussex.pnn.police.uk


This message was sent by PCSO Anika Clough, Public Engagement Officer Mid Sussex


Please do not reply to this email to report crimes or incidents…Contact us online or call101 when it’s less urgent than 999

Film Night

To be shown in Poynings Village Hall


21 February 2014


Free Admission

A new film – released on 7 December 2013

‘The Truth behind the Dash for Gas’

This is a documentary concerning oil and gas exploration which may have an impact on this area    

Presented by Mike Airey

Mayfield Market Town

PLANNING BLIGHT IS ‘A FACT OF LIFE’ according to Lee Newlyn, one of the directors of Mayfields Market Town. 

Please do buy the local papers this week to read the latest press – articles appear in The Mid Sussex Times, The County Times (South Downs Edition) and the West Sussex Gazette.

The website http://lambs.org.uk/ is being continually updated so log on whenever you can and we are delighted to be approaching 600 followers on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mayfieldprotest?ref=ts&fref=ts

We sincerely hope none of you are being affected by the flooding and can confirm we are keeping a log of rainfall and flooding in our area.   Look out for flooding news in next week’s press. 

Best wishes to you all


New Web Site

I have changed Poynings website as I was getting bored with the other one and it was difficult keeping it up to date.

Some of the older stuff has gone but hopefully it will be better. Any posts will automatically go out on an email so I should be able to send out requests a bit faster J

Hope it doesn’t crash!!!

Poynings Cricket Club Quiz night

Poynings Quiz Night, click on image to read.

Police Notice

A window alarm may ensure you come to no harm

Mid Sussex residents are being encouraged to make their homes more secure by picking up a low cost window alarm.

The Mid Sussex Community Safety Partnership and Sussex Police are keen to help residents protect their property and are giving local people the opportunity to purchase affordable window alarms as part of a New Year crime prevention campaign.

Residents are being offered the chance to purchase window alarms at a reduced rate of £2.00, which is £2 cheaper than the normal retail price of £4.00. This relatively inexpensive item will help residents to protect their homes and keep crime levels low in the District. The discounted window alarms are available to buy from Police stations in Burgess Hill, East Grinstead and Haywards Heath. Please see www.sussex.police.uk for opening times.

Residents are also being encouraged to take a few simple steps that will help to keep their home safe and secure;

Daily security

  • When leaving the house empty, close windows and doors – especially on the ground floor.
  • Keep all wallets, purses, credit cards and car keys out of sight and out of reach.
  • An intruder alarm can be an effective deterrent against burglars. Before choosing a system, seek advice to find the most suitable option.
  • Make it a habit to mark valuables using a postcode and house number or name. Some articles are unsuitable for marking so photograph them next to a ruler.
    After dark

  • When going out in the evening, always leave a light on – in a room that can’t be peered into from the road.
  • Fit security lighting – either dusk to dawn energy efficient lighting that will come on automatically as dusk sets in, or infrared activated lighting which draws attention to movement.

When on holiday or away from home

  • Use an automatic time switch on an indoor light, either in a room that cannot be peered into from the road or upstairs. Regularly change the timing on the switch.
  • Put a time switch on a radio that has been tuned to a chat station, giving the impression that the house is occupied. Again, regularly change the timing on the switch.

“Mid Sussex is a low crime area and if we all work together to prevent crime then we can help to ensure it stays that way,” said Councillor Christopher Snowling, Cabinet Member for Health and Community. “These low cost window alarms are a quick and easy way to add a little extra protection against thieves. Making life hard for opportunist crooks goes a long way towards keeping our crime levels low and making sure Mid Sussex continues to be one of the safest places in the country to live.” 

For more information about crime prevention in Mid Sussex, contact the Mid Sussex District Council Community Safety team on 01444 477550 or email communitysafety@midsussex.gov.uk. You can also contact your Neighbourhood Policing Team on 101 or via the website at www.sussex.police.uk/your-neighbourhood

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