Geoff Harris

Thank you very much for sending me news of Poynings. 

I was indeed saddened to read of the death of Geoff Harris whom I remember well from his smoked salmon days, in fact he was one of my first contacts in the salmon business in 1975. 
At the time I had left Poynings, settled in Paris and was a partner in a steel trading company.  One of our clients, from the trading Company Balfour Guthrie, in Vancouver asked for contacts with salmon smokers so I put them in contact with Geoff Harris. 
However, that year there was a lack of fish due to a fisherman’s strike, so Balfour didn’t contact him so he asked me to find him some salmon. That decided me to visit friends in Vancouver and whilst they were working I went out and met with the different fisheries with the result that one Company, Trans-Pacific Fish, gave me the agency for Europe.  This developed into many deep friendships and successful years of selling salmon. 

In the end I don’t think Geoff ever did buy salmon from me.

Please extend my sincere condolences to his family.

Thank you again
Best wishes
Eve Purdew
P.S. I was born and brought up in Toots Corner, Grange Farm Cottages and have many happy memories of Poynings


It’s interesting to see the turnover in a village over the years – when I was born in 1948 people had been living in Poynings for ever and I remember that  the people who owned the shop were referred to as the ‘newcomers’ – even though they had lived in the village for over twelve years at the time.   Everyone knew each other because of the close knit community, the cricket or the whist drives every Saturday in the original village hall.  We’re all spread out throughout the world now but our roots are still in Poynings. 
How many still live in the village from that time?

Best wishes
Eve Purdew

Safer in Sussex Community Fund

There’s still time to apply for the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Safer in Sussex Community Fund.

I was delighted to launch my Safer in Sussex Community Fund at the end of last year, which is a new initiative that will provide financial support to innovative local projects that aim to make our communities safer.

Applications will be considered on a quarterly basis and there’s still time to submit your bid before the first deadline on 31 March.

I welcome applications from all local groups and organisations that can demonstrate how they are tackling the issues in their area that support the priorities set out in my Police & Crime Plan. These include commissioning initiatives that tackle crime, reduce reoffending and address community priorities such as alcohol, drugs, anti-social behaviour, domestic abuse and road safety.

I want to help communities work together to come up with ways of tackling crime and disorder and I am keen to support projects that demonstrate strong partnership working. I will be working with local partners and agencies to ensure this support complements existing activity.

More information about the Fund and how to apply is available on my website:

I look forward to receiving your applications.

Best wishes,

Katy Bourne

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner

Parish Council Meeting

The next Poynings Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 11th March 2014 at 7pm in the Village Hall.



  1. Minutes


  2. Matters Arising
    1. Operation Watershed
    2. Trees on Cora’s Corner
    3. Footpath behind Pond Bey


  3. Expenditure for January and February


  4. Planning Applications


  1. Any Other Business


  2. Date of Next Meeting – AGM


Celtic traditional Folk

March 28th in Newtimber.

Concert of Celtic traditional folk, country, rock and gospel music by singer and songwriters Michael and Teenie Harcus from Westray in the Orkney Islands.

Held at St John the Evangelist Church, Church Lane, Newtimber, BN6 9BT on Friday 28 March at 7.30 pm.

Tickets include delicious Scottish themed canapes, drinks and other tempting delicacies.  Newtimber is well known for its warm welcome, good food, and now we have a toilet suitable for disabled use.

Adults £15 and under 18s £5.

All proceeds towards Church restoration.  Book now to ensure a seat.

Tickets from Shirley Murrell 01273 857353

or Lucy Dalrymple 01273 832009


I am available for baby sitting and pet sitting. I’m experienced in child care as I am currently in my 2nd and final year of college studying child development at a level 3 stage which has given me many opportunities to work with young children. I am experienced with animals as well as I have 6 six dogs and many chickens and 3 ducks. I have looked after cats before as well.

Mobile:    07794 544 390

Home:        01273 857 404

Email :

National Park Local Plan

Messsage from South Downs National Park

Following my email on 24/02/2014 I am writing with details of the National Park Local Plan Options Consultation Document and the Preliminary Draft Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule.  These two consultation documents will be out for public comment from Friday 28th February till Wednesday 30th April (23:59 hours). 

 The documents can be viewed online at: The link will take you to a screen where you will see both the local plan and the community infrastructure levy consultation documents. The webpage is quite self explanatory but there are basically three ways to comment:

 1.    You can view and comment online using our online consultation software.  PLEASE NOTE AN EMAIL WAS SENT TO ALL CLERKS ON FRIDAY 28TH FEBRUARY WITH LINKS TO THE ONLINE CONSULTATION SOFTWARE. THIS MAY APPEAR IN YOUR JUNK MAIL FILE, PLEASE CHECK, IF YOU HAVENT RECEIVED THIS LET ME KNOW AND I WILL ARRANGE FOR ANOTEHR EMAIL TO BE SENT. The link above will also take you to the same webpage where you can register by clicking register at the top of the page.

2.    You can download and read the consultation documents (local plan options and preliminary charging schedule) and make comment using our electronic comment form and email that back to us; or

3.    You can read the document and make your comments by writing to us in paper format

Once you click on either Local Plan Options Consultation or Community Infrastructure Levy you will be taken to the consultation page for that document, and will be presented with the three options above.

The SDNPA will also be running three Local Plan and CIL consultation workshops, where we will provide more background to this consultation programme and officers will also be available to answer any questions you have. At these workshops we will also be giving a simple presentation on how to use the online consultation software. There are still places left on all three workshops. You can book a place on one of the workshops below by contacting Please book places before 5pm Friday 7th March. The final agenda for each workshop will be circulated later this week.

Hampshire, 11th March 2014, East Meon Village Hall, 18.30 – 21.00

West Sussex, 12th March 2014, Leconfield Hall, Market Square, Petworth, 18.30 – 21.00

East Sussex, 21st March, Ditchling Village Hall, 12.30 – 3pm

If you are able to publish this important consultation on your parish webpage I would be very grateful. I have attached a copy of the public consultation poster which should provide all the text you require and you can use the link in this email so people can get straight to our webpage to make their comments.

Thanks again for all your support in assisting the South Downs National Park Authority in this important consultation. If you have any questions or need any assistance with providing feedback please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards


Chris Paterson

Strategy Lead – Communities

South Downs National Park Authority

Link to more details SDNPA Consultation

Volunteers Needed


Sussex Resilience Forum, Sussex Police, East and West Sussex Fire and Rescue services, South East Coast Ambulance, Local Authorities and other agencies are preparing an exercise to test the responding agencies to an incident in Sussex this year.  This will be a large exercise and we require a number of volunteers to help the emergency services, local authorities and partner agencies prepare to respond to emergencies and major incidents through Sussex.

Date 14th May 2014

Times (tbc) 12pm – 6.30pm approx

Location – Burgess Hill

Requirements – We are looking for a variety of role players to take part in this live exercise.  You will be given a specific role to play on the day and this may require you to simulate an injury, play a specific character or purely to be a person in the area that the exercise is in.  You should be aware that during this exercise we will have casualties with simulated injuries and therefore you may be in close proximity to these and those who would be uncomfortable with this are asked not to apply.  During the exercise there is a high likelihood of loud noises, disruption and a confusing scene to make this as realistic as possible again should you not feel comfortable at this time with this scenario then please do consider carefully if you wish to apply.

Previous Experience – We are looking for role players that have some acting ability or those who have taken part in similar exercises in the past and we do have a list of requirements we are looking to achieve for the exercise to be meaningful for the emergency services and others taking part, therefore we will look to match those that apply with these requirements.

Volunteering – You will be asked to make your own way and arrangements to attend a site in Burgess Hill and you will be provided transport to the exercise site following a safety briefing.  Once at the site you will be managed and directed by a team of emergency service personnel to play in the scenario and at an appropriate time you will be taken back to the site in Burgess Hill and processed and allowed to leave.  Light refreshments (tea/coffee etc) will be provided for you at the site in Burgess Hill, there will be no repayment of any expenses incurred to attend the site in Burgess Hill but parking will be made available for free.  There are public busses the serve the site in Burgess Hill should you wish to travel by Public Transport.

Exercise details – More detailed information regarding the exercise will be provided to you along with the exact location to meet in Burgess Hill if you are successful.

To register your interest to support this exercise please complete the form here or for more information please contact Dave Nelson or call 01243 777917


Happy Hookers

Just to remind you – Happy Hookers will be meeting again at the Royal Oak Poynings, this Thursday, 27th Feb from 8pm!  Whether experienced or beginners, come along and join us for a relaxed, chatty, crafty evening. I will have some extra hooks and spare wool if you would like to give it a try.

If you have made/are making something, do please bring it to show off/work on, and if you feel crochet or knitting isn’t for you, bring along absolutely whatever you love to make! It is always lovely to see your creations, and to swap ideas.

If you would like any further details, please contact Helen on 857425. See you there!

Mayfields Market Town update

Read about the potential flood threat from Mayfields ‘Market Town’ on the LAMBS website:


Better Connected Broadband Website

Please be advised that there is now a new website to help promote the benefits of better, faster broadband and therefore giving people information about what is happening and where.

A key feature is the interactive map which details activity by exchange area. As the network is being developed,  we will update the map to show where work is being carried out and when new broadband services will become available. Initially the information that we can share on the map will be minimal but once we announce the roll out (before Easter) then it should become a useful visual tool for people to see progress in their area.

The website also has a short animation explaining the technology we will use as well as information about the benefits of better, faster broadband. Users can check the availability of broadband to their home or business and get in touch with suppliers to contract to buy services, in the usual way.

Please visit for more information.

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